Official meeting

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3rd POV
Everyone was in the living room. Carlisle and Esme were standing at the foot of the stairs next to the kitchen. A little ways past them was Jasper, Jacob, and Alice who was holding Renesmee in her arms as she awaited her adoptive brother and her sister-in-law/best friend.

Meanwhile Rosalie and Emmett were sitting on the couch with their daughters laying in Rosalie's arms. Alice had somehow managed to convince Rosalie to dress the girls in matching rompers.

Eira wore the pink one, Seren wore the green one, and Renesmee wore the cream colored one

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Eira wore the pink one, Seren wore the green one, and Renesmee wore the cream colored one. Rosalie and given her daughters little matching headbands and socks, while Alice gave Renesmee a white sweater with white socks.

Although Renesmee was eager and excited to see her mother she was concerned about the twins safety. She was the oldest after all, and her little cousins were so delicate and fragile right now. Her mother had just turned into a vampire! What if she tried to eat the twins? What if she was upset like daddy about their 'imprinting' on Auntie Rose and Uncle 'Em?

Renesmee had long ago accepted this in the womb, but clearly her father couldn't accept this, so how could her mother? While Renesmee never viewed them as her sisters she viewed them as family.

It was obvious that she was troubled by her thoughts so Jacob asked "Hey, what's wrong Nessie?" Renesmee looked up and smiled at her Jakey with a toothy grin before reaching up to touch his cheek with her hand. Images of the twins and an angry newborn Bella flashed through his head.

Jacob frowned at viewing his best friend and ex-crush in that way, but understood were Nessie was coming from. The twins were fully human despite having vampire venom lingering in their blood cells, and Bella was a newborn vampire. Which made her unpredictable and a threat until further notice, not just to the twins, but also Nessie who was half human.

Jacob suddenly heard the couples approach towards the house and watched as everyone especially Rosalie and Emmett tense up. Alice and Rose not so subtly pulled the babies closer to their chest protectively. Alice was clearly looking through all the future scenarios to figure out what the next move should be.

Jacob then whispered to his darling imprint "Would it make you feel better if I checked your mom out first before allowing her inside?" Renesmee once again placed her hand on his cheek and sent in feelings of relief. Jacob smiled and nodded, after placing a brotherly kiss on her forehead he jogged outside to see his best friend and her husband.


Bella sees Jacob walking out of the house and coming towards them and Bella smiles before saying "You're still here" Jake replies  "So are you! I didn't expect you to seem" Bella smiles beams at him "Except for the creepy eyes" Jake jokes as he starts getting closer.

Bella suddenly frowns and warns "I would keep my distance for now" Jacob shrugged "It's safer for the baby to see how you do with me first" "Babies actually, and since when do you care about them?" Bella corrected and asked her best friend suspiciously.

Jake looked at Bella surprise that she remembered Eira and Seren. Jake exchanges nervous looks with Edward but ignores her questions not wanting to overwhelm or upset the strong newborn.

"All right. Take a whiff!" Bella steps closer and takes a sniff before saying "Well, I can see what everyone's been talking about" Jacob smiles at her in amusement "Jake, you really do stink!" Edward, Jacob, and Bella share laugh "You guys really look great together" Jake says making Edward bean with pride, but Bella smiles in confusion.

What is wrong with Jake? He should be madly in love with her, and all over her! Was is because she was a vampire now? Is he rejecting her because of that? That wasn't fair! She had the fairytale love triangle that anyone would die for!

Edward suddenly snapped Bella out of her thoughts by saying "Want to come meet our daughter?" Jacob quickly runs ahead into the house as Bella and Edward eagerly follow behind.

Jake rushes back to Alice's side and bends down slightly to be at eye level with Renesmee "All clear! Ready to see Bella?" He says to to and she happily claps her hands. Bella and Edward enter the room, and are happily greeted by the still slightly tense family.

"Welcome to the family!" Esme says warmly "You look amazing, Bella!" Alice called over her shoulder "Someone's been waiting to meet you" Carlisle said with a smile. Once they pass by everyone and stood behind Alice's back Edward called out to his adoptive sister "Alice?"

Alice turns to face them, Bella finally sees Renesmee, who looks a few months old, Alice hands over Renesmee to Bella and Renesmee tenderly touches Bella's face, Bella starts seeing image of herself when she gave birth to Renesmee "What was that?" Bella asked startled.

Edward answered after reading Renesmee's mind "She showed you the first memory she has of you" Confused Bella asked " 'Showed me'? Showed me how?" Edward chuckled before answering "How do I hear thoughts? How does Alice see the future? She's gifted" Bella smiles with pride before noticing how much older Renesmee looks for a new born baby.

"I've only been out for two days?" She asks and Carlisle answers her this time "Her growth rate is unprecedented" Bella then starts looking around "Where's Emmalie and Rosalice? Do they grow fast too?" The whole family tenses up except for Edward who smirks. It's all going according to plan.

"They're on the couch with Rosalie and Emmett" Edward answers earning warning looks from the rest of his family. Bella snaps her eyes to see her 'other daughters' Sitting in Rosalie's arms with Emmett next to her, his arms were wrapped protectively around her shoulders.

Bella's eyes narrowed in confusion. Why were they smaller than Renesmee? Why did no one tell Rose to hand over her daughters? Did they think her hands were too full with Renesmee? Or did they not trust her with her own daughters. As tension began rising once again in the room Rosalie pulled her daughters closer to her chest, and Emmett hugged his mate and daughters a little bit tighter.

Jake starts to feel uncomfortable so he says "All right! That's enough experimenting for one day and tries to take Nessie out of Bella's arms. "Jacob. She's doing great" Edward protests "Yeah, but let's not push it though" Bella pulls away from Jake "What's your problem?" Rosalie smirks and coyly says "Ohh, do tell her, Jacob" Emmett smirks as well "This should be good."

Edward now decides that Renesmee isn't safe in Bella's arms "Hold on a second" Edward takes Renesmee from her. Jacob says nervously "Bella, look, it's a wolf thing" Bella's eyes narrow as she demands "What's a wolf thing?" Jacob gulps and says "Um... You know we have no control over it. We can't choose who it happens with. And it doesn't mean what you think, Bella. I promise."

Bella's eyes widened in realization "Take the girls out of the room" Rosalie gets up and walks out with her daughters as Alice grabs Renesmee and they both take the girls to the nursery. Bella starts to look angry, Edwards comes up behind her and touches her shoulder "Edward, don't touch me right now. I don't want to hurt you" Bella flinches away and Edward takes his hand away.

Bella suddenly grabs hold of him and throws him out of the house.

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