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Rosalice(Alexis) POV

I woke up from being curled up in a ball with Jamie. I looked around to see that we were in a hanging bassinet. Upon further inspection I saw momma holding Renesmee. I felt jealousy well up in me, but reminded myself that I couldn't hog her. So I patiently waited for her to notice that I was awake.

After about ten minutes she peered up and saw me awake. I gave her a gummy smile and cooed at her. She smiled back, before remembering something then frowning and turning away. I frowned as well I started making little 'Ah, ahs!' At her but I was ignored.

Aunt Alice zipped over and picked me up. I don't know what happened, but it felt like she was burning me so I let out a pain filled scream waking up Jamie and making her cry. Aunt Alice dropped me back into the bassinet as everyone sped into the room.

"Alice?! What happened?!" Edward demanded, while  Alice explained Jamie and I cried into each other. Momma was comforting a fussy Renesmee who had been startled by my outburst. We suddenly sobbed harder as we wanted our parents comfort.

This time Grandpa and Edward tried to pick us up, but just like before there was a burning sensation and we screamed. The two males quickly dropped us back in the bassinet. Momma immediately handed Renesmee to Grandma, and rushed to comfort us.

She scooped us up and held us close to her chest. We snuggled into her as she cooed at us. Everyone seemed confused "Rosalie, doesn't it burn?" Asked Grandpa, momma shook her head "No, of course not why?" Grandpa frowned "Rosalie take care of the girls then bring them to my study, Edward come with me."

Everyone dispersed and momma took us to her room with daddy following behind with bottles of milk that he was bringing before anyway. Mommy quickly changed our bums, daddy felt weird about it but picked out our outfits.



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They held us and began feeding us when we were done they burped us then brought the bottles to the kitchen where grandma washed them

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They held us and began feeding us when we were done they burped us then brought the bottles to the kitchen where grandma washed them.

"Are they okay now?" She asked worriedly, momma sighed "I don't know. They seem fine with me and Emmett, but as soon as someone else touches them they act as if someone poured boiling water on them. I just don't understand, what's wrong with the twins?"

Grandma blinked "Twins?" "Hmm?" "You referred to them as 'twins' they're Renesmee's triplet" momma looked surprised, but quickly tried to cover it up "Renesmee already looks three months old while the girls look like they're only a day. It's hard not to see them as twins" grandma didn't look convinced, but nodded anyway.

"You should go see your father. He's waiting with Edward in the study" momma and daddy nodded, before walking off. We entered a library like room with a desk and the portrait of the Volturi kings and grandpa hanging over a fireplace. Grandpa and Edward sat at a desk talking.

Grandpa stood up and told momma who held both of us cuddled to her to sit down in the other chair next to Edward who was glaring at her. She obeyed and sat down with daddy standing behind her, he rested his hands on the back of the chair.

Grandpa sat down and cleared his throat nervously "Rosalie, are you familiar with the term 'imprinting'?" He asked, as he folded his arms on top of the desk with a large book of myths in front of him. Momma raised a brow "Like with the mutts? Sure" grandpa shook his head "No, more like, with animals?"

Momma tilted her head and said "I mean, yeah it's been taught in schools for the last decade, why?" Grandpa sighed and said "I have reason to believe that Rosalice and Emmalie imprinted on you, and that's why they reacted that way before. They felt like you were rejecting the bond" Edward scowled at momma's surprised, but delighted face.

"They're not your children! They will never be your children! So stop brainwashing them! Just because you can't have kids doesn't mean you get to steal mine and Bella's! Are you really that selfish that you would steal someone else's child just to make yourself happy?" Edward snapped, making momma deflate and an insecure look appear on her face. Jaime and I glared at him, but what Jaime did next surprised everyone, including herself.

Emmalie(Jaime) POV

After hearing him say those awful things to momma, and seeing her sad expression, I felt a surge of anger and power flow through me. The sky darkened and thundered. I raised my tiny chubby arms and vines burst through the window and tightly grab Edward and throw him against the wall.

His face cracked and he let out a cry of pain. The rest of the family including Jacob and Renesmee burst into the room and looked shocked by the scene before them. Uncle Jasper was the first to snap out of it "Edward, you have to apologize" "What?! But I did nothing wrong!" He groaned as the vines tightened around him and made his face cracked more.

"You said something and it upset Emmalie, so apologize before you make things worst" Edward was about to argue more but I made the vines act as if the were going to pull him apart "Okay! Okay, I'm sorry Rosalie!" I dropped him before turning around to face momma.

A raven suddenly flew inside and landed on the desk next to momma "It's what you get for disrespecting my momma!" It said, startling me because that's what I was thinking! Momma looked shocked "I'm sorry, 'momma'?!"

The raven faced momma and said "That's what, Emmalie said. You're Rosalice and Emmalie's momma!" It turned to Emmett and said "and you're their daddy!" They looked stunned before daddy said "Is this raven seriously talking to us?!"

Grandpa was the first to speak "Emmalie can't speak for herself, so the raven is acting as her translator. Emmalie is gifted!"

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