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3rd POV

Back at the Cullens house, the witnesses are saying goodbye and leaving, Jasper and Jacob watch Cynthia as she speaks to Zafrina and Senna. She was saying farewell to some of her new friends.

"You have a beautiful family. She's gonna be around for a long time, isn't she?" Jacob says "A very long time. I'm glad she has you" Jasper glances at Jake with a smile. Jacob suddenly smirks "So should I start calling you "Dad"?" Jake teases Jasper frowns before deadpanning saying "No" Jacob laughs, then Cynthia runs into Jasper's arms and Alice joins them "Hey!"

Alice says cheerfully before she takes Cynthia's hand and puts it on her cheek to listen to Cynthia's thoughts. Alice smiles then says "Yeah. We're all gonna be together now" As Cynthia hugs Alice, Bellawatches them in the distance, she has an envious look on her face.

Alice suddenly has a vision she sees an adult Cynthia with Jacob and they are happy together and she also sees Jasper and herself in the vision as they join Cynthia, then Alice looks at Jasper and he smiles at her as he senses her positive vision of Cynthia.

Edward and Bella are back in their meadow "I wanna get our daughters back" Bella says, and Edward nods "But how?" Bella lifts her shield and shows Edward her thoughts and ideas about how to win them back.

Edward reads her mind and thinks for a moment "I don't know Bella, the Volturi's involvement will only be disasterous" Bella shakes her head and says "Jane and Alec know that Emmalie is their mate! If they hear through the grapevine that she's being abused and brainwashed by Rosalie and Emmett, they'll have no choice, but to 'save' her!"

Edward thought for a moment, but nodded "You're right. We just need to find a way to inform them without involving Aro" Bella thought for a moment before saying "I have an idea for that" Edward smiles "Of course you do."

Bella returns his smile "We're gonna have lotta time with our daughters"  "Forever" Edward nods "Forever" Bella agrees, Bella and Edward kiss.

Meanwhile back at the Cullen residence. The Denali's are still there conversing with their cousins. Rosalie and Tanya asked Alice to see into the twins future. Alice complied and smiled when she saw the twins all grown up surrounded by their mates, imprints, and family.

But suddenly the vision changes. The Volturi is back with Jane and Alec accusing Rosalie and Emmett of abusing their mate! Aro goes around asking for the family's hand as he collects evidence. Seth and Leah are holding their terrified imprints. Aro suddenly spins around on his heel and asks for Edward's hand. Edward refuses.

Demetri and Felix force Edward to kneel down and give Aro his hand. Bella is held back by Santiago and Afton. Bella tried to use her shield to protect Edward's thoughts, but she's too weak. Aro sees what Edward has done and snarls.

Aro declares Edward and Bella guilty of tampering with sacred soul bonds and sentences them to death. Jane and Alec look remorseful for their accusations. Edward and Bella are then torn apart and set on fire.

Alice suddenly snaps out of her vision to see Jasper and Cynthia looking worriedly at her. Alice looks at her frightened family and says "The Volturi are going to kill Edward and Bella..."

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