Chapter 13

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So first off Happy Easter, here is my present to you guys.

So there's a couple things I need to tell you and then we can get to the story. So first off, in the last chapter I said I was going to convert this story into third person so I did that. I also added a few more details to some chapters so if you want to read that you can. Secondly I started a hockey au, it's called 'when we live such fragile lives' and I'm so excited for it. Lashton and hockey are two of my favourite things. So it would mean a lot to me if you checked it out. And finally, I got an ao3, it's the same as my name on here. I think I might've told you that already though. If not then surprise! I'll still be posting on here bc I love you guys but I figured it would be good to have both as both websites have their perks.


It's now been two days since Ashton first had his concussion and he doesn't have to have anyone stay with him anymore. Which he's glad for because it's not like Luke could stay with him and Ashton would rather have to deal with his pounding headache alone than be alone with Harry.

Ashton's now on his phone, boredly scrolling through his twitter feed. It's about 5:30 am and Ashton is wide awake due to the fact he went to bed so early the past couple of nights. Luke is asleep right beside Ashton, his thin arms snaked around Ashton's waist.

Ashton knows he could get up and actually do something to cure his boredom but a, he doesn't want to wake Luke, he's been so stressed over Ashton these past couple days and Ashton knows he hasn't gotten much sleep because of it and b, it's 5:30, it's not like there's much he could do except maybe move to the couch and awkwardly sit in a living room that isn't his.

Ashton's not used to being the little spoon, unless it was with Michael and Calum when he was upset, and he kind of likes it. Ashton prefers being the big spoon, especially with Luke, because he thinks it's kind of adorable the way Luke curls in on himself to make himself small enough to be the little spoon. Plus Ashton also feels like he can be more protective over Luke in that position, and maybe there's no threat in the apartment, but Luke obviously has people who are looking to hurt him, the mall was a perfect example of that, but it's also nice to be the little spoon for a change. It actually makes Ashton feel cared for, and while of course he knew Michael and Calum cared it's just different with Luke.

Ashton feels Luke shift behind him and he turns his head to see Luke slowly waking up.

"Ash?" Luke asks groggily rubbing at his eyes "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine" Ashton reassures turning over so he can properly see Luke and seeing the concern etched across the younger boy's face "really, I actually feel great today"

"Oh, well that's good I'm glad you're feeling better" Luke says relived, the concern disappearing from his face and it's replaced with exhaustion "I was just worried because you're up and it's like- what time is it?"

"Five-thirty and I'm fine, I guess I'm just not tired because I've been sleeping so early and it probably also has to do with the time zones. You can go back to sleep now, I know you need it. How much sleep have you even gotten these past couple nights?" Ashton asks.

"Not much" Luke admits "I was worried about you and everytime I did fall asleep I had nightmares that- that- you weren't saved in time or never woke up, but-" Luke starts but Ashton cuts him off.

"Why didn't you wake me?" Ashton asks.

"Because I knew how hard it was for you to fall asleep with your headache and I knew you couldn't feel it when you were asleep and I didn't want you to be in any more pain than you had to. Besides, it's not like it's that big of a deal, I've been having nightmares for years, I know now to deal with them on my own and I was fine when I woke up and realized you were right next to me" Luke replies.

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