chapter twelve !

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And find out they did. 

As soon as they were cleared for her room, they all rushed in at once.. minus Jack. Unfortunately the trio had failed to mention that his sister had woken up and was ready for visitors. 

He'd stepped outside for some air, searching the area for something to drink, a slurpee preferably. Just anything to get his mind off the situation. 

Finn, on the other hand, remained hanging over the side of [Y/N]'s hospital bed, eagerly awaiting some kind of response. 

The girl just groaned, her head turning away from the light as she took a good look at the figures in front of her. Something must've not added up, especially with the very little time she'd actually looked at all of her friends. 

Facial features were unrecognizable, and as for their voices? It was just like ringing in her ears. All the "[Y/N]. [Y/N], are you okay?" Coming from Finn was mush to her. 

"Does she look okay? She wouldn't be in the hospital if she was okay." Ayla had quipped to the boy. It had only earned a glare in return. 

"I'm trying to ease into it, okay? I'm not just gonna immediately drop the 'do you still love me' when she's just waking up." 

"Who loves who?" [Y/N] had asked, her face contorted in confusion as she looked in between the two. "Jack?" The girl had then asked, swallowing as she tried to rid the ringing in her ears. 

"Dude she totally just brother-zoned you." Malcolm had perked up, trying to bring some light to the situation. But this wasn't so funny to the other two. 

"She got hit by a car and you two are making jokes. This is why I keep saying she needs to dump you all for me." 

"Since when have you ever said that?" Finn had asked. 

"Since now." ( ayla x reader era ) 

"Where's Jack?" [Y/N] had asked again, "His friends? Are you them?" That was an odd question to ask. 

"Shit. We gotta go get him, you two run off and have your fun little reunion and I'll stay here with her." Ayla offers, shooing the two boys out of the room despite their protests. 

"He'll be back in here soon. I don't know if you really remember what happened, but Finn was trying to be all romantic and well uh.. you ending up getting hit by a car."

"Finn hit me with a car?" 

"No, god no, well, Jack acts like he did. He might as well have, really, he's on thin ice with us all." The taller girl explained. "How're you feeling?" 

"Mm.. like I got hit by a car?" [Y/N] quickly answers. 

While Ayla began to woo [Y/N], Malcolm and Finn began their adventure to find [Y/N]'s brother. Upon noticing he was nowhere to be found in the hospital lobby, they began to text, call, and quite literally harass their friend in an attempt to find him. 

It hadn't been much use until they mentioned that his sister was awake, and they'd been led to a very sketchy gas station where Jack had been drinking his sorrows away via slushee. 

"So she woke up and you waited to tell me?" 

"Well when you put it like that it just sounds bad."

"That's because it is bad." Jack had responded, "Ayla is with her, right? You left someone with her?"

The two of them nodded, and that had allowed Jack to actually breathe for once in his life. He sighed, picking himself off his seat to follow the two back to the hospital. 

"Don't make me mad, I still hate you right now." He'd grumbled to Finn on the way out, but could he really argue with that? He looked pretty pissed. 

Finn minded his own business. 

When they returned to the hospital to find Ayla in the room with [Y/N], though, the last thing they expected was to see Ayla bent over the hospital bed with her lips pressed up against [Y/N]'s. 



word count — 673

so basically im the author and i do what i want

and what i want is lesbians 

so yes i clickbaited all of u this is an ayla x reader if u have a problem with that u must hate lesbians 

shes hot what can i say

anyways this isnt the end i have 1 more chapter but u know me itll probably be like a year before i release it 

BYEEEEE <33333

stream formula of love

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2022 ⏰

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