chapter eight !

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One week later..

"Hey have you seen the article yet?" Malcolm spoke, and caught Finn's attention, who at the time was painting [Y/N]'s nails a pretty, light yellow color.

"What article?" He asked, and [Y/N] perked up too.

"Was it about Finn dropping his guitar during the Wednesday show?" She asked with a cheerful tone.

He glared at her, but she couldn't tell him off for it since she couldn't see it.

"No, it's about two little kids getting real close to each other." Malcolm hinted.

Jack walked into the room with a bag of popcorn in his hand. "I saw it too, not gonna lie I think I'm gonna have to jump on the [Y/S/N] bandwagon." He said.

Finn turned bright red. "What's [Y/S/N]?" [Y/N] then asked.

"It's your and Finn's ship name." Malcolm said.

"WHICH I AM LIVING FOR!" Ayla screamed out, putting her hands up. "But seriously Finn can you hurry up I'm ready to go to the mall." She told Finn, putting on her sunglasses.

"Yeah, just a second I have two more to do." He said, turning his attention back to
[Y/N]'s nails.

Finn and [Y/N] had gotten super close in the one week they had known each other, and Jack was actually warming up to the idea of Finn crushing on his sister.

Of course he had to convince himself that it was all going to go perfectly fine, but Finn had been taking care of her 24/7, which tossed all his worries aside.

Jack was thankful his little sister now didn't have to spend so much time with him that she grew sick.

"How'd you even learn to paint nails?" Malcolm asked.

"Nick's old girlfriend taught me, I wanted to paint mine black." Malcolm nodded.

"You fucking emo." Jack joked under his breath and Malcolm and Ayla laughed.

When Finn was done, he blew on [Y/N]'s nails. She was already dressed so she didn't have to shimmy her hands into her clothes to prevent them from smearing.

Once they were pretty much dry, Ayla lead [Y/N] out of the tour bus, and the boys followed.

They were walking to the mall, since it was only three minutes away from where they were. Ayla was holding [Y/N]'s hand so they could have some crucial, "girl time."

Ayla made sure to speed them up a little so the other wouldn't hear their conversation.

"Boy [Y/N], do I have the tea for you." Ayla started.

"About what?" [Y/N] asked.

"Hmm, his names starts with an F—"


"Bingo." Ayla answered. "So a little birdy told me he liked you~." She sang with a smile.

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