chapter eleven !

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Jack paced around the room, refusing to sit still as his friends sat tight for him to say something, anything. They didn't have to wait long.

"I can't fucking believe you."

"I didn't—"

"Just shut up!" Jack practically screamed, "You were watching her, you said you had it under control, that you didn't need my help." He fumes. "And I trusted you, I did, I believed that she'd be fine, and you let me down, Finn."

Jack stops pacing and finally takes a seat next to Malcolm, who just puts a comforting arm around him. With his head in his hands he pushes his hands through his hair with frustration.

"What the hell were you even thinking?" He then asks, sitting up to look him in the eye.

Finn merely shakes his head, shrugging with his hands forced into his pockets. "I dunno." He says quietly.

"You don't know? You don't know what you were thinking when you figured she'd be fine to run along while she was still recovering?"

"Jack I didn't want her to get hurt—"

"Then why didn't you do anything?" He says through a clenched jaw. "You did nothing to stop her from getting hit."

Finn shakes his head and sighs, stepping out of the room, and with the click of the door, Ayla speaks.

"I'm sure he didn't mean anything—"

"I just can't deal with him right now." Jack interrupts. "I just love her, she's the closest to me out of our entire family and I don't know what I'm supposed to do now." He chokes out, his head dropping back into his hands.

"She'll be okay.. and I'll tell him to back off, if you'd like me to."

"Please." Jack merely mumbles, "I'll probably do something stupid if he doesn't."

"What do you think I should do?"

"I don't know, he seemed pissed, I mean I would be too." Malcolm mutters, "I just think maybe you should stay away for a while."

"But what if he doesn't let me see her again?" Finn worries.

Ayla looks up at him from his bed, "Thats your mistake, don't put that on him."

"But you're all blaming me!"

"Because you were the only one taking care of her!" Ayla shoots back, "We know she's not a child but she was recovering Finn, she wasn't used to everything yet, and you took her out anyways."

"So I'm just supposed to sit here and never talk to the two of them ever again? What about the band? Am I just out?"

Malcolm shakes his head, "We'll worry about that later.. after she's better. Just, take it easy on Jack, he'll probably try to make up for it later."

"And what if he doesn't?"

"You sound like you're in kindergarten, Finn, grow up." She blurts out, "Let them heal, and then it can be about you. She got hit by a car for fucks sake."

"I just.. I like her a lot.. and I feel guilty, I do, trust me, I'm just scared I screwed everything up, I mean what if she doesn't even remember me?" Ayla shrugs.

"Life sucks, 90 percent of the time, but when the time comes we'll help you."

"I think."

"Malcolm!" Finn scolds.

"I'm just saying! If she changes her mind that's on her!"

"She totally liked him."

"She did?" Malcolm and Finn ask in unison.

"Duh? What are you guys blind? ( haha funny ) She always cling to Finn, that's why Jack trusted him so much. I mean, think about it for a second, jeez."

( can i make this into an ayla x reader pls )

"She— okay, maybe you're right, okay.. So maybe nothing will change? When I'm allowed to see her.. she'll feel the same?"

"I guess there's only one way to find out."

( A / N ) —

hi guyz i don't like writing this book ❤️

i mean i kinda do but like i'm just way too lazy


but like u should follow me so i can get to 600 and maybe i'll be more motivated 👉👈

ok see ya

this isn't edited btw

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