chapter seven !

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I knew he was in front of me, because he was breathing so hard.

I thought he was like, Michael Myers or something. ( hey remember that halloween applyfic i abandoned? yeah i'll write it again at some point but um not right now teehee )

I reached out for him and tapped him on the arm. His breath hitched.

"Lay with me?" I asked him. "I know you're tired." I told him and felt him climb on top of the bed.

"I hope you don't mind but I'm getting under these blankets." I giggled.

"I'm freezing cold, you better not take them all." I told him and he laughed.

I sat on my pillows and tucked my lower body underneath the blanket. Once I was comfortable I jerked the comforter over the top half of my body.

I felt him shift around until his hand was draped over my waist.

"I— oh um, sorry." He apologized, and like a rubber band his arm snapped right back to his side.

I giggled, no longer feeling it on my waist. "It's fine, I don't really care. I cuddle with Sadie all the time."

( sis really out there friend-zoning u big oof finn, big oof. )

"Yeah, but you're both girls."

"And? What if I'm a lesbian, huh?" I giggled.

"Oh right, my bad." He said, and I felt his arm snake back around my waist. I smiled to myself and snuggled my head into the pillow. "What color are your eyes?" He asked me out of nowhere.

( i almost put green but then i remembered u guys aren't special smh )

( i'm kidding u guys are special i love u — y/e/c means your eye color )

"[Y/E/C]." I told him.

"I saw you open them during the concert, and I love them." He told me.

"Really? I think they're ugly."

"I can't agree with you." He told me, scooting closer. "Sure, they're not like normal eyes but they're so captivating. I wish you'd keep them open more."

"You really think so?"

"Of course." He responded. I opened up my eyes to try and look at him, but I could only notice a little change in his features. He was smiling. "Absolutely stunning." He told me, and this time it was my turn to smile.

I must've been a blushing mess, because he chuckled at me and said, "You're cute when you're flustered." He paused, and ran his fingers through my hair, pushing it back from my face. "Can you figure out what I look like?" He asked me.

"I don't really know, I mean I could try but I'd be way too close to your face, plus I'd have to tou—" I said all too quickly, he laughed.

"Do you want to try? I'll let you touch my face and stuff." I nodded and brushed his cheek.

"You have really smooth skin." I told him and felt his cheek jerk, there he was smiling again. I ran my hand all across his face, his lips, his eyebrows, cheeks, his jaw ( which was sharp might I add ) and tried to think of what he would look like.

Of course I couldn't put the puzzle together, but at least I could picture he pieces.

I had a feel for what his features looked like on their own, but I'd have to figure out something else.

"So, can you tell anything?" He asked me.

"Not really, but I bet you're attractive."

( sis b right )

Finn laughed, something that soothed my ears completely. I touched his cheek again and that's when I heard the door freak open.


I laughed out loud and heard Jack from the other room shout, "DON'T MAKE ME BEAT YOUR ASS WOLFHARD!"

I laughed. "He'll fuck you up Finn, you're a twig."

"Hey, you've never even seen me!"

"Ok, fair enough, but like your arms are so skinny he'd barely feel it if you punched him." He rolled his eyes and Ayla laughed.

"Okay whatever, guess you're not holding onto my arm anymore." He pouted. Ayla came over and crawled on the bed, she sat at Finn's feet.

"I'm here to make sure you guys are keeping it PG, Jack hired me." She announced.

"He really sent you in here for that?" I asked and she responded with a simple 'yes.' "Wow." I said, unamused. "He really doesn't trust me," I laughed.

"No, I don't think he trusts Finn." Ayla interjected.

"True." Finn responded. "I don't think anyone really trusts me, but to be fair I do give them a reason not to." Ayla and me giggled.

"Well I'll let you two snuggle, I'll chill in this other bed." She said, and hopped off the bed we were laying in. She got comfortable with her phone on the other side of the room and I nestled my head against Finn's chest.

"Do you mind this? Or is it weird?"

"No, it's nice. You're keeping me warm." I smiled, he pulled me closer and rested his head on the top of mine.

"Great, because I'm never letting go."


i'LL nEveR lEt gO jAck

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