chapter three !

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Sadie laughed as Finn left the room with Jack to go practice before their show tonight. She took a seat beside [Y/N].

"So, am I invited to this concert?" She asked, and [Y/N] bit her lip.

"I didn't exactly ask, um.."

"Ican'tbelieveyouwouldjustleavemeoutlikethatohmygod—" Sadie said in a high-pitched voice, pretending to wipe tears from her eyes.

"You can come Sads."

"I'm teasing you, I actually can't. I have a date tonight." Sadie said confidently, crossing her arms as she flashed a charming smile.

"Wish I could relate." [Y/N] said. "I've never been on a date before." She pouted, sticking out her bottom lip.

"Oh come on yes you have, remember when I took you to the Italian place down the street for your birthday?" [Y/N] laughed.

"Sadie that was not a date, you're my best friend, and you literally spilled your spaghetti all over me!"

"[Y/N] you know that it was because I wanted to say 'sOmeBoDy tOucHa mY sPagHet!'" Unamused, [Y/N] decided to go along with it.

"Okay whatever, I've been on one date." She paused for a second. "But I wouldn't be a good friend if I didn't ask who it was with?"

Sadie smiled to herself. "So she's blonde."

"Sadie I've never seen her, or you, or myself, or Jack how am I supposed to know—"

"Hey, no, you're lying! You have seen Jack and me."

"That doesn't count, okay, I can barely see you guys anyways."

"Okay but you still know I have red hair—"

"Who is itttt?" [Y/N] whined. Sadie waited a minute before responding.

"You know the girl I've been talking to?"


"Yep, she's coming to town today and we're meeting up for dinner." Sadie was beaming talking about her. "I hope it goes well, I love her so much."

"Don't spill spaghetti on her." [Y/N] teased.

"[Y/N] it was for the meme!" Sadie exclaimed.

"Oh whatever."

The two girls continued talking and laughing about different things until it was finally time to stop practicing. Sadie left to go and seek out her date and [Y/N] remained backstage with her brother as she waited for Nick to get there.

She hoped he already knew about her eyes, she didn't want to have to explain. [Y/N] figured she could jut get Finn to tell him, he was his brother of course.

[Y/N] turned to Jack. "I'm excited to hear you guys play." She told him and he smiled at her.

"I'm glad you are, [Y/N]. Where are you and Nick gonna stand?"

"As close up as we can, I want to hear everything as well as I can."

"The speakers are loud [Y/N], don't blow your eardrums out." She giggled and Finn came off the stage.

"Okay, they're coming in now. Nick just texted me and told me he was coming in through the back in a minute." [Y/N] liked to listen to Finn's voice, she was excited to hear him sing. She thought it was going to sound heavenly.

"That's cool, we'll have you guys get introduced before we actually start playing." Jack told her, and she nodded to make sure they knew she understood.

"He's pretty cool, a lot more chill than me." Finn explained. "I'm sure you'll like him."

"I'm excited." [Y/N] repeated, and she felt Jack give her a hug from the side. "I can't wait I think I'm going to go crazy."

Ayla walked into the room with Nick and Malcolm. Malcolm shook his hands and jumped up and down. "Oh my god I'm nervous." He said.

"Guys don't worry, we're gonna do great." Ayla said. Nick stepped out in front of [Y/N].

"So is this the famous [Y/N]?" He asked, "It's a pleasure to meet you little miss."

"I'm not two." She giggled. Finn bit his bottom lip.

"Right, but I'm an adult and you're not." He told her and [Y/N] just smiled. "I'm Nick." He said and she nodded.

"So, you guys ready? Let's give [Y/N] the best concert of her life!" Ayla pumped them up. She put her hand out in front of her.

Finn and Malcolm put their hands on top of Ayla's with an excited grin. Jack got up from [Y/N]'s side and put his hand in.

Finn spoke before Ayla could, "To [Y/N]!" He said, looking right at Jack's sister.

"To [Y/N]!" They all yelled before giving [Y/N] a hug.

"See you after." Jack told her and Nick helped her up so she could listen.

The band ran out onto the stage to begin playing.



i would've made this longer but i need to switch point of views

i'm thinking of a double update today 🌚

i love this book like a lot and since i'm getting good feedback i'm gonna continue writing because like, why not?

yee yee

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