chapter one !

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Jack clicked his phone off before grabbing his little sister's arm. "Hey stop." He told her, and she listened to him, wiping her eyes.

"Why do we have to be out so early?" She asked him.

"Because, my band has to practice and I'm not leaving you home by yourself." He told her, guiding her across the street as he looked for cars coming.

"You act like I can't take care of myself."

"Because you can't." He retorted. "You could fall or something and what if someone isn't there to help you? It's better for you to just grin and bear it."

[Y/N] nodded, he was right.

He pulled her along the sidewalk before opening up the cafe door for her. As he nudged her inside, she stood right in front of him.

Unsure of where to go, she waited until he guided her to the nearest table and sat her down. "I'm gonna order, I told the rest of the band we were here though, so if someone named Ayla, Finn, or Malcolm comes up to you don't be afraid to talk."

"Do they know about my eyes?" She asked him. He bit his lip.

"Uh, no. I haven't told them yet. You can keep your eyes closed though, I can explain to them." [Y/N] nodded, thankful she wouldn't have to open up her eyes.

It gave her a headache trying to make out all the blurry figures out in front of her. She preferred keeping them closed to prevent such a pain. Of course, it helped her avoid questions about her eyes too.

"Do you want the usual, or something else?"

"Actually could you just get me a soda? I'm not that hungry."

"Yep, I'll be right back." [Y/N] sat there by herself, continuously tapping her nails against the table.

She waited for Jack to get back to their table so they could hurry up and get somewhere that wasn't in the public eye.

She hung her legs beside the booth, and before she knew it someone tripped over them.

The person let out a loud 'OOF' and fell right onto their face. [Y/N] gasped and she heard the laughter of two other people.

"Finn! You clutz!" A boy yelled out.

Finn. That was a name Jack told her to look out for, these were probably his band mates.

"Finn?" [Y/N] asked. Finn perked up and got off the floor.

"Yeah?" He responded.

"Oh I um, I was just wondering if you were in a band with my brother." She said shyly.

"Uh yeah, I am, and this is Ayla and Malcolm." He introduced. Finn was the first to notice she wasn't opening up her eyes.

He decided not to question it and she heard him sit down in front of her. The other two took a seat beside him.

"Your name is [Y/N], right?" Finn spoke. [Y/N] found his voice soothing, and almost forgot to answer him.

"Yes." She told him and he smiled in response.

"Here's your drink." Jack told [Y/N] and she smiled, reaching out for him to hand it to her.

Once she got a hold of it, she set it down and twisted off the top. Jack slid into the booth beside her.

She took a drink of the soda and Jack started the conversation so she wouldn't have to. "So, you guys gonna order or do you wanna head to the venue?"

"We should probably get going if we want to do a couple run-throughs." The girl said.

Jack grabbed his sister's hand and tugged on it. She slid out of the booth right after he had and he grabbed her drink for her.

"So I was thinking since [Y/N] got up so well this morning, she could watch the show from behind stage?" Jack said. [Y/N] smiled as he guided her out of the cafe alongside the others.

"I don't see why she shouldn't be able to." Malcolm said. Ayla agreed with him.

"Yeah, she's your little sister." Jack was happy his little sister would finally get to be there and see him, or well, hear him play.

[Y/N] was excited too, she was never allowed to go to concerts or festivals because of her sight. Jack always tried to convince their parents to let her go alongside him but they were just as protective of her as he was.

Why wasn't she allowed to go out without Jack?

[Y/N] had horrible sight as a child and soon developed cataracts in both her eyes. She was around 6 years old when she first started to realize her glasses weren't helping her.

As her vision began to blur more and more, her parents realized they would have to do something else to help her.

The only problem was they weren't prepared to pay for surgery, or put in the time for her two recoveries.

That was the reason Jack was so eager to join Calpurnia, because he knew it would help him slowly begin to raise money for [Y/N]'s surgery.

Soon, he'd be able to pay for it, and help her recover himself.

"Can we get someone to stay with her behind stage?" Jack asked.

"Yeah, uh Nick and Quincy are coming to the show here, they could watch her?"

"I don't need a babysitter." [Y/N] interrupted.

"Mhm, you say that and then you'll somehow fall off the stage." Jack responded, earning a giggle from [Y/N]. "But yeah, ask them if they can make sure she doesn't get hurt or anything." Finn nodded and the group crossed the road.

Finn opened up the door for all of them and Jack pulled [Y/N] up the stairs within the venue. He guided her towards the stage and sat her down.

"We're gonna go figure out where the truck with our instruments is, Ayla's staying with you." Jack told [Y/N]. She nodded with a small smile and Ayla sat down beside her.

"So, is Jack a handful of a brother?" Ayla asked [Y/N].

"You bet he is."

"Does he really have a White Castle addiction?" Ayla then followed up.

"Yep, 100 percent. He never gets tired of eating there." Ayla giggled and so did [Y/N].

"So, Jack's played some of our music for you, right?"

"Yes, but not all of it. He said he was waiting until the right time for me to come to a concert and hear it all, but I guess that's today." [Y/N] giggled. "I liked the songs I heard though, whoever's singing has a really unique and soothing voice." She said.

"Finn's our lead singer, but did Jack play waves for you?" [Y/N] furrowed her brows, scrunching up her eyes.

"Waves?" She asked. "I don't think so."

"Mm, I'm going to have to get onto him then. I sing in that song." She told [Y/N].

"I bet you have a great voice." [Y/N] told her.

"Thank you, [Y/N]." Ayla said.

"No problem."

"Hey [Y/N], we're gonna start practicing now so do you want to call over Sadie?" [Y/N] nodded in response to Jack's question.




so not much happened in this chapter but oh well

mac demarco slaps


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