chapter five !

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I screamed alongside Finn as the concert came to a conclusion. Finn held me close to him as we exited the stage and Nick hugged him and me.

Ayla, Jack, and Malcolm came over and joined the hug, and I was squished between all of them. As we all split apart, I grabbed onto Finn, who then remembered someone needed to hold onto me.

He grabbed my hand and sat back down where we were before.

"Did you enjoy the show?" He asked me, and I nodded.

"It was amazing, I don't think I've ever felt that exhilarated before." Finn laughed at me.

"I'm glad you had fun, you're welcome to come to more shows if you want."

"I'm planning on it, I have to go everywhere with Jack anyways." He nodded with a smile, happy I wanted to attend another show. "How did you know I liked Weezer?"

"Jack told me about it, he said you laughed really hard at a video you heard. It was at one of our shows when I shouted out 'El Fucking Scorcho' before we started singing." He chuckled at the memory. "He told me that you loved that song with all your heart, so I thought, why not play it?" I leaned into Finn, and he wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me in closer.

I felt calm and content, I could probably fall asleep.

"Hey, ready to go back to the hotel?" I heard Malcolm ask, he was quiet and reserved, but I knew he was an awesome person.

Jack and him were really close, even though they haven't known each other for too long.

( hi welcome to another episode of i low key ship jack and malcolm together )

"Yeah, is [Y/N] coming with us?" Finn asked.

"I'm not sure, let me check with Jack." Finn nodded and then rested his chin on the top of my head.

"I'll take the couch if you spend the night with us." He told me, and I smiled.

"What a gentleman." He rolled his eyes and I snuggled into him. "You're sweaty." I told him.

"That's what showbiz does to you." Finn joked.

"[Y/N] is spending the night with us." Malcolm said as he walked back to us, and Finn nodded.

"Looks like you're sleeping on the couch." I laughed, and Finn groaned. "Hey, no complaining, you offered."

Finn huffed and helped me up. We walked through the backstage area to the doors, where Finn helped me to the bus.

When I got on, Finn took me to sit on his bed so I would be comfortable. "Just stay here, I'll be back in a second and then we'll leave for the hotel."

I nodded.

I heard Finn leave the room, and while I was thinking I realized I couldn't get 'Cell' out of my head. It hadn't heard it before, but it was music to my ears, quite literally.

I had to think for a minute, how it started off. ( Seeing as I was humming the chorus over and over again )

"Hey man?" I sung out in a question. "Looks like you've crossed my mind.."

I laughed to myself. It was silly to be singing to myself, alone, in a trailer.

But I kept going, who was it going to bother?

When I got to the chorus I smiled a little, swaying back and forth to the familiar, up-beat tune.

I heard a floorboard creek, and I stopped singing.

"Sorry, my bad." I heard Finn, he was back quicker than I anticipated.

"Sorry, I didn't know you were there." I apologized, hoping he wasn't weirded out by the singing.

"Oh no, it's fine. I actually thought it sounded pretty good. Not pretty good— really good." I blushed at the compliment, and brushed my hair behind my ears.

( rom-coms have requested to join the chat )

"Um, thank you." He smiled.

"No problem, I like telling people what they're good at."

( that's a big phat moon emoji right there 🌚 )

I giggled at him and he sat down beside me. I felt his arm touch my back, and then hang around my shoulders.

I leaned into him, and rested my head on his side.

"Jack never told me his little sister was cute."

"I'm sorry?" I blushed, hiding my face in his side.

"You're absolutely adorable."

"I'm not, but thank you I guess."

"Yes you are, especially when you hide your face like that." He chuckled and his whole body moved. I just latched my hands to his shoulder.

"Hey yo, we're going back to the hotel now." Malcolm announced, barging into the room.

"I'm fucking eXhAUSTED." Ayla cracked, flopping onto her bed.

"Dude same, hey—" Jack started, getting a look at Finn and me. "Get off my little sister, bro." He chuckled and pushed playfully. Finn pushed him back and Jack ruffled his hair.

"Is Nick coming?" I heard him ask.

"Yeah, but he's driving his car so he doesn't have to walk." Finn nodded.

"Well, what're we waiting for? Let's get back to the hotel." Malcolm suggested.

"Honestly, c'mon. Tell the driver we gotta gO." Ayla said.



there were a lot of little notes in this one


yee yee

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