𝟎𝟏. 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑. 𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐩 𝐦𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐚𝐥𝐥

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Historical inaccuracy so that I better fit my story timeline. Easy Company participated in a 115-mile march from Camp Toccoa to Atlanta, Georgia on the dates of December 1-3, 1942. However, I have altered this to be on January 9-11, 1943. After this March they traveled by truck to Fort Benning, Georgia for jump training. Shortly after they then traveled to The last chapter occurred on the 4th of January for reference.

It had been five days since Dorothy had her night of fun, five days since she last had any peace away from Sobel. However unfortunate, it came across that the First Lieutenant Sobel had a desire to wedge himself in between her and her comrades. A desire to ruin any friendships she may have, and he had succeeded in some. Guarnere, Diel, and Toye had an incredibly rocky relationship with her after the fifth of the month. That day, anything that Sobel could point out, he would punish her and them.

Not only was Sobel making it personal, but her friendships with the men had begun into a recession. Many of her relationships had placed her in the perfect zone of acquaintance, most displeasure of having a woman in the army had glossed over E company. There were still sly, sexist comments that came from them every once in a while. But overall she had the mutual respect that was needed for a combat medic. She had come to ignore any feelings towards the brown-eyed private that she shared a dance with that one evening. Dorothy had kept herself close with Liebgott, Roe, Skip, and Luz. All other men she'd say her hello to or they just simply weren't around her much to have any friendships with her. Except for Floyd Talbert, who used her as a flirt test subject any chance he got.

At 09:55 on the day of Thursday, January 7, 1943, all paratroopers were sporting their gear. They were grouped by companies in alphabetical order and within those companies, the platoons were in numerical order. Dorothy had been put in line beside Grant and Liebgott, the three were four rows away from Luz, Perco, and Talbert. Sobel had announced to them the day prior, whilst while punishing the three men due to Dorothy's lack of drive, that Easy Company was set out to march 118 miles to Atlanta. And not a single one of them was excited.

The company marched for two and a half days, reaching their final destination in Atlanta where trucks were lined and waiting. At the final mile, the paratroopers cheered with glee. The excitement carried them the rest of the way, dying the moment they reached their destination. No one sat down, eager to get inside the trucks and use the restrooms, they placed their heavy bags onto the ground with thumps. They stuck with their groups, allowing for a swift transition. Dread filled in her when she realized she'd have to share a truck with Diel. The two simply didn't get along and would throw insults when they had to interact, ultimately they avoided one another like the plague.

Once more that day, soldiers waited for their truck assignments. At a large number of GMC CCKW 353 Cargo Trucks, there were ten persons per cabin. If she counted the platoons correctly based solely on where they were during the march, she would be with all her barrack mates except for Cunningham and Smith.

Currently, Allen Vest was handing out mail beside Sobel, who assigned paratroopers to their placements. A sense of hope raised inside of her, she had yet to receive a letter from her brother in nearly five months. In an effort to prove herself in her own life and the army, she tried to think the best for her sake. That perhaps he had no pencil where he was, or he plainly had no mail services available to him. The only person in the army with any knowledge of her brother was Donald Malarkey, and he certainly had not said a thing to anyone.

Standing just before Private Vest, he shuffled through letters in a panicked state as Sobel announced her Grant and Liebgott would be on truck 324. "Dorothy," He announced, a little unsure, handing her a stack of five letters. It was reasonable for him to be confused with her sudden amount of mail, her parents had yet to write her, Joe and Katie had written her letters before but with Joe at University and Katie traveling across the States, there wasn't enough time for writing. Her last letter from either of them was the month prior, and with Sobel incredibly hot on her tail she had no time to write letters.

𝙱𝙰𝙽𝙳𝙰𝙶𝙴𝚂, 𝘣𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘣𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘴Where stories live. Discover now