𝟎𝟏. 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐄. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠

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note: Some of this is created by me to fill in some spaces that weren't talked about such as where the soldiers got their rest while waiting. As well, this chapter may be entirely boring but it is meant to be as this was no doubtedly an anxious time for these men that made every minute of that 24-hour standdown longer than it was.

Also, I changed plane arragements that go against Lieutenant Winters telling second platoon to listen up.

Dorothy was laying on the concrete, her eyes staring mindlessly at the cloudy sky. It had only been ten minutes since the delayed departure had been announced and they didn't have anything to do. All personal items that were unable to go on the jump with them had been sent home, meaning the only books available were ones on military tactics, radio wiring, first aid, and generic nutrition. None of which were speaking to any of the soldiers.

The soldiers that work behind the scenes and would be working from home, were hurriedly setting up large tents for the companies in preparation for rain. It was decided that there would be a large tent for movies and one for food. Other soldiers that would deploy to France were lazily laying on the runways with their equipment stacked together neatly and separate from other comrade's items. All of their face paint had been wiped clean off their face, or at least for those who could get it all off.

Annoyance had kicked in for some, those few were aggressively playing with their knives or some rocks they had found on the runway. Others were chattering, and some were too zoned out to speak.

Liebgott was sitting beside Dorothy, his back against his equipment, and his knees were drawn up to his chest. He was carving into a stick with his knife, his brows drawn together in concentration. George Luz was on the other side of Dorothy, laying on his back but his shoulders were upright against his bags. Across from Liebgott was Malarkey, he was staring at the sky the same way Dorothy was. Skip was across from her, laying on his stomach with his cheek resting on his arm and his eyes closed. Penkala was sitting with Perco, Toye, Compton, Bain, and Talbert playing some made-up game with cards.

"Attention soldiers, before we lose light you all need to meet with your squads and set up your tents. A movie will be playing at 23:00," Lieutenant Meehan announced once more, not standing on the car this time around. Many soldiers groaned as the sun was beginning to set and they had all settled into their spots.

Dorothy groaned, sitting up with her head lazily tilted back before throwing it forward. Reluctantly, she got up. Her squad consisted of both Skip and Penkala, with Mercier and Lynch that were nowhere to be seen. Liebgott had already left with Malarkey, and the group of card players disbanded quickly. Penkala had stood up with her and beside her as the two of them looked down at a sleeping Skip.

"We have to wake him," Dorothy said, "Skip?" She tapped his head awkwardly, causing Penkala to snort. Dorothy looked back at him and shrugged, catching Luz's amused gaze as he got prepared to meet his squad.

Penkala decided to speak on her pathetic attempt to wake him up, "Just smack him."

She had woken plenty of the guys up before, sometimes she used the most annoying and worst methods on them. But, with the jump occurring in only a day, she didn't want to be mean. "I am not going to smack him, Penk, what if I just kicked his shoe?" She suggested with her brows raised, Penkala's mouth twisted as he nodded his head. Moving towards his feet, Dorothy kicked the sole of his shoe harder than she meant to.

Muck jumped up, "Ow, Dorothy, Ow." The medic couldn't help but chuckle as Warren Muck sat with his foot in hand.

"We have to meet up with Mercier and Lynch," Penkala spoke up, bending down and picking up a bag that belonged to Muck, "Get your gear." He threw the canvas at the man, turning east to see Lynch and Mercier already trying to build the tent.

𝙱𝙰𝙽𝙳𝙰𝙶𝙴𝚂, 𝘣𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘣𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘴Where stories live. Discover now