Chapter 1

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Legolas POV

"Legolas! Get back!" Thranduil's sharp voice cut through the air as he parried a blow from the colossal spider. It was the biggest and presumably the leader of the several thousand others.

"I like to think I have enough self confidence to defend my self against an overgrown insect!" Legolas said icily- he hated being told off like that.

"Go fight with the silvian elves." Thranduil's tone was commanding and cold.


Legolas ran over to a she-elf with firery red hair. "Tauriel," he breathed.

"My lord Legolas! They are getting stronger! We cannot win this." She said worriedly then added, "half the elves are wounded."

"Are you part of that half?" Legolas asked. He harbored deep affections towards the silvan elf and did not want to see her hurt.

"Nay my lord."

Legolas moved quickly, his thin hand flew to his quiver and back, knocking and firing an arrow. It struck a spider, climbing down the trees. It did little though, he thought, more keep coming.

Tauriel copied the movement, shooting one above Thranduil and the leader spider. She turned to avoid a blow from one of the beasts and stabbed it with her knife.

"They are so strong now..and daring!" Legolas gasped as a leg from a falling one caught him in the side.

"Are you alright?" Tauriel asked instantly.


Four elves had fallen under fang of the spiders but they all were stunned it seemed, not dead or fatally wounded in any way.

Spiders swung from the tops of trees and emerged from gaps in the glade. The elves were nightmarishly out numbered.

The only hope was to kill the leader.

Tauriel cried out as the sharp end of the leg bit into her skin on her shoulder and she stumbled. Legolas grabbed her, supporting her until she regained balance.

Another elf fell to a spider but he rose and continued fighting,

A ghastly screech drew all eyes, elf or beast, to the source: the great spiders body was convulsing and bleeding. Thranduil's sword was burried deep in its heart. He pulled it out and looked at the blood staining the white blade in distain.

Legolas approached the still body and kicked it. It twitched slightly. If it is not dead now, thought Legolas, it shall be soon.

He turned away from it, looking around at the elves around him, all bleeding or exhausted. He felt pity for them. There was still a sort of long walk back to Mirkwood.

Something moved behind him. The spider, in a last desperate attempt at murder or revenge, had thrown itself at the nearest target- Legolas.

Legolas screwed up his eyes, waiting for the blow that was coming too quick to avoid, waiting for the inevitable. It was to fast for him to move or defend himself. This is it, he thought, the end.

Someone moved faster though and the blow for Legolas never came. He opened his eyes. Thranduil was standing his back to his son, bent over slightly, his shoulders heaving with deep breaths. "My lord?" Legolas asked.

Thranduil turned to face him. The spider, now lying dead, had plunged its fang deep into Thranduil's chest. Pain crossed his fair face as the great king sank to his knees.

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