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Hermione withheld a growl as Madam Pomfrey pulled back the curtain around her bed and offered her a hand mirror.

For a spell so hastily castㅡ and one that had taken effect so fastㅡ it was taking so long to remedy. Hermione had had to stay overnight in the Hospital Wing, woken by Madam Pomfrey every hour to check the progress of her front teeth and take another dose of potion to reverse the hex.

They were slowly retracting and Madam Pomfrey was making her check in the hand mirror to indicate how close they were to their original state.

It had been the worst night's sleep Hermione had ever had. Even in between being woken up, she had been in excruciating discomfort. She would not recommend anyone having their teeth shrunk.

Around 6:00 am though, had come a silver lining. Hermione had checked on her teeth and they were finally back to normal, regular old buck teeth. She had realised then that if she waited a little longer, she would end up with the front teeth she had always wanted.

So as she looked in the hand mirror a final time, she smiled.

“Looking about right?” Madam Pomfrey asked her.

“Looking perfect. Hermione replied.

“Okay, well, we're all done now. Madam Pomfrey said, clucking her tongue, “Stay out of trouble.

Hermione frowned at that, but was too exhausted to argue the point. Instead she thanked the healer and went on her way.

Hermione only had time for the quickest of showers and outfit changes before making it to the Great Hall to have some breakfast. To her disappointment, Harry was already gone.

“He got called out with the other Champions about ten minutes ago. Ginny said, standing up and downing her pumpkin juice in one go, “In fact, we'd better head off if we want to get seats. Where have you been? I didn't see you around the girls' dormitories at all last night or this morning.

Slytherins. Hermione replied darkly, “I'll tell you later. I need to check in with Harry before the Task starts.

She snatched an apple, racing off.

“You'd better hurry if you want to catch him! Ginny bellowed after her.

Hermione ran as fast as she could across the vast grounds of Hogwarts. The arena and tents were near the edge of the lawn, close to the pathways that led to Hogsmeade.

Her lungs were beginning to burn as she reached the tents.

Hermione doubled over, trying to catch her breath as she looked at the tents. Three of them. The largest one in the centre was clearly for healers, or waiting for the task, or both. The other two must be changing tents.

A blush unrelated to her mad sprint across the lawn broke out as Hermione noted that Fleur was possibly in one of the tents. Possibly in a state of undress.

Right, well, just because I've realised I'm into women doesn't mean I'm going to think about them instead of checking on my best friend, Hermione thought bossily to herself.

Her lips tightened into a thin line as she walked over to the middle tent. She found a loose edge, pulling it up and ducking under it.

Sure enough, she emerged just behind the four champions. They were standing in a line, apparently waiting for Ludo Bagman and Barty Crouch to get organised.

Cedric Diggory was clad in his Hufflepuff sports uniform: a yellow and black striped singlet and black shorts. Whether he was shivering from cold or nerves, Hermione couldn't tell.

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