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Hermione leaned on her desk, her head propped up on one hand. Her eyes were rapidly scanning a large tome in front of her, pausing occasionally to flip the page. Her hair was more voluminous than usual, her tie loose and askew. The ink-speckled fingers of her spare hand drummed the desk restlessly. Her nails were bitten down short (a terrible nervous habit she'd thought she'd shaken years ago).

A core part of Hermione's identity was that she considered herself as the person that had knowledge. The person that could always find the answers. It was shaking her that she had still not found a solution to Harry's underwater breathing issue.

She spent most of her time in the library when not in class. Harry joined her as much as he could, though was hampered by his press commitments for the Tournament as well as his tendency to score detentions from Snape. He was also very behind in almost all of his classes, likely a result of the pressure he was buckling under.

No, Hermione could find the answer.

She always found the answer.

Hermione paused, scrunching her nose up and rubbing her forehead with the heel of her hand.

She sighed lightly, puffing a lock of curly hair off her face.

A chair scraped nearby and she looked up from her book to see Gabrielle Delacour hopping into a chair at the same library table.

Hermione blinked, sitting up in her seat. She had a slight headache and her eyes felt tired from staring at faded texts all day.

“Hello, Gabrielle.” Hermione greeted, stifling a yawn.

“You look sleepy. Gabrielle commented, pulling out her copy of Hogwarts: A History.

“I am a bit. Hermione admitted, “How are you?

“Bien! Gabrielle chirped, “I am on to my second read of zis book!

Hermione smiled warmly. Gabrielle really did remind her of a young Hermione Granger at times. She hadn't met anyone else who had ever read Hogwarts: A History all the way through before, let alone more than once.

“It only gets better with each read, I promise. Hermione encouraged. Gabrielle grinned, before pouting adorably.

“I feel like I 'aven't seen you for ages. Gabrielle told the bright witch, “You only ever see Fleur.

Hermione felt her face get a little warm at that. Her crush for Fleur was still very much in full swing, she just conveniently pushed it to the back of her mind most of the time.

“Well… er… Gabrielle, that is because I'm helping Fleur with her English. Hermione replied evenly, glancing down at her book.

“I know.” Gabrielle groaned, “She is so insistent on not being interrupted when she practises. I walked in on 'er practising saying your name properly and she got so mad!

Hermione's eyebrows shot up and the heat in her face bloomed warmer.

Gabrielle giggled.

“Zat is exactly 'ow she looked when I walked in on 'er doing it! Gabrielle exclaimed, clapping her hands together in amusement.

Hermione laughed awkwardly, her mind beginning to twist and turn at this new information.

Hermione's laughter trailed off as her gaze roamed from Gabrielle's face to the bookshelf behind her. An emerald green tie. A uniform-clad Slytherin skulking around the shelves.

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