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Hermione ran her hand through her curls as she made her way to class after breakfast. She had enjoyed a cup of tea and a chat with Ginny about outfits for the Yule Ball. Ginny was still quietly holding out hope that someone would ask her to the ball, but in the meantime, she had shared a great magazine with Hermione where she could order some formal wear. 

Hermione wondered what Fleur would be wearing… She should probably get something that wouldn’t clash terribly. 

Hermione checked her watch. She still had ample time to get to her Charms class, but wouldn’t mind getting there early so she could read up on the relevant chapter before the lesson. With Harry dramas, Fleur, and stressing about the sabotage in the tournament, Hermione was beginning to fall a little behind in classes. Of course, for Hermione, this meant not being several chapters in advance of the class. But still! She had standards to maintain. 

Hermione decided to take a shortcut to Charms, turning right after the library and pulling back a tapestry just past a set of knight’s armour.

Hermione had no sooner entered the tunnel behind the tapestry when she was suddenly joined by a flawless looking Fleur Delacour.

“Fleur?!” Hermione managed to gasp, before the blonde pressed her against the cool stone wall. 

Fleur made no greeting, instead kissing Hermione eagerly. Hermione’s surprise melted into affection as she wrapped her arms around the petite blonde. She was sure she would never get used to the thrill of kissing Fleur. 

Hermione and Fleur grinned at each other like fools after the kiss broke. 

“Keeping it a bit more low-key today, huh?” Hermione teased lightly. 

“I don’t think I heard a complaint,” Fleur countered teasingly. 

The students jostling and loudly talking in the hallway on the other side of the tapestry almost drowned out Fleur’s soft voice. 

“I’m glad you’re here anyway,” Hermione replied with a smile, “I need to know what you’re wearing to the ball.” 

“A dress,” Fleur replied simply, before leaning in to nuzzle her face in the crook of Hermione’s neck. Hermione suppressed the urge to shiver at the pleasantness. 

“I need more details than that,” Hermione insisted, trying to ignore the sensation of Fleur’s hot breath on her neck. 

“A dark blue dress,” Fleur clarified, before kissing gently at Hermione’s neck. 

“R-right,” Hermione replied in a strangled tone, “A-and the whole dress is dark blue? O-or—“ 

Fleur nipped playfully at Hermione’s neck before kissing softly again. Hermione was sure she was about to spontaneously combust. 

“Oui,” Fleur replied, a slight smirk in her voice. The brat. 

Hermione cleared her throat, sure she had meant to talk to Fleur about something else. But then Fleur gently sucked on her pulse point and all rational thought left the mind of the Brightest Witch of her Age. 

“Harry,” Hermione said breathlessly, arriving to Charms seconds before it started and throwing herself into the empty seat beside the Boy Who Lived. 

“You have a hickey,” Harry informed her flatly, before getting up and moving to a seat further across the room. Hermione clapped her hand to her neck, inwardly cursing part-Veela who had the nerve to distract her before a class. 

“‘Mione,” Ron hissed from the other side of the seat Harry had just vacated. 

Hermione rolled her eyes, expecting an interrogation about how exactly she had got the hickey. Professor Flitwick was already opening his textbook and leafing to the page for the lesson. 

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