Página Diecinueve

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Saturday was a tense day.

All anyone could talk about was the Skeeter article exposing the second task.

Hermione hated that she'd had to hand that smug cow Skeeter such a lucrative scoop, but looking across the table at Harry, she felt it was worth it. He already had a little more colour to his face, hopeful that the task would be postponed at the least.

It was dinnertime and everyone was expecting an announcement about the tournament. The Weasley twins were stirring up trouble along the Gryffindor table, trying to take bets on what the outcome would be for the tournament.

The sky above the students was dark and stormy, seeming to reflect the roiling uncertainty beneath it.

The food was yet to appear on the tables and Ron was getting restless, poking around at the centrepiece on the table.

"Ron, please." Hermione groaned, slapping Ron's hand. Ginny, sitting on the other side of Hermione, smirked.

Dumbledore cleared his throat, standing at the head table. The students quickly fell silent.

"Students," Dumbledore announced in his grand tone, "and staff. Mr. Bagman from the Ministry would like to make an announcement regarding the Triwizard Tournament's second task. I implore you to listen carefully and respect his decision."

Hermione swallowed, her stomach in knots.

Dumbledore sat down and Ludo Bagman stood, bowing theatrically.

"Greetings all." Bagman began, "As many of you will have seen, the second task has been published in today's Daily Prophet. Never in the history of the Triwizard Tournament has a task been postponed or cancelled."

Harry paled across the table from Hermione.

"However, the detailed nature of the 'tips' and 'advice' in the article, as well as the fact that solving the puzzle was a crucial part of the task, means we have had to re-evaluate. The magic covenant of the tournament means all participants are bound to compete so long as they are alive. It also means that there must be three tasks held…"

Hermione glanced across to the Ravenclaw table. Fleur was leaning forward in her seat, listening intently.

"…After numerous discussions, we have decided that the second task will be postponed, to be replaced with an entirely new task, in the new year."

Hermione could practically see the relief wash over Fleur as Bagman announced it.

"Part of our decision was based on the fact that we will now be sourcing a new judge as Mr. Crouch appears to have gone AWOL on us. But never fear!" Bagman gave a boyish grin, "To make up for all the fuss, we are planning a Yule Ball for the festive season! Held on Christmas Eve, all Champions will be in attendance with partners. We will all be treated to an evening of fine food and dancing. Details will be distributed in the morning."

Bagman raised his hands as students applauded. After basking in the attention for an appropriate amount of time, Bagman nodded politely at Dumbledore and took a seat.

Dumbledore stood slowly again, clearing his throat and stretching out his arms.

"Let’s eat."

Ron was practically a blur as the food finally appeared.

"So, that was good news." Ginny commented, trying to duck one of Ron’s aggressive hands reaching for the chicken leg in her hand.

"Really good news." Harry agreed, his green eyes moving to settle on Hermione across the table, "You didn't have anything to do with this, did you 'Mione?"

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