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Map bot's job is simple. Hand out maps, make sure people don't get lost. Easy enough. Even if most people... don't exactly consider him to be a major part of the plex. Even the staff tend to disregard him, really. But that doesn't mean he doesn't try! Although... not knowing if any of the other staff bots got the same 'sentience' thing doesn't help in feeling... alone.

The day has overall been the same as always. Unintentionally showing up out of nowhere when he just wants to provide help, not being able to go to certain areas because wheels sort of suck, the usual. It's pretty boring. But, at least the day is almost over and he can go join the giant cuddle pile of various staff bots. After all, heat conservation is still a must for robots- and the staff weren't exactly built with a full heating system like the animatronics. But his sensors did pick up on a person approaching- so he rolled over to do his thing.

Interesting. A young child? What's this kid doing out of the daycare? Perhaps he can help get them back to that area if the parents don't follow. For now, his primary programming took over- as he leaned down to offer a map. Maybe too far. Another reason he doesn't really like the wheels- not a great center of balance. And this kid was small enough he had to offset it- falling forward entirely with a loud crash.

The kid backed away in fear, just staring at the robot that was now trying to get upright again. But with how those wheels work... it kept failing. He eventually gave up, lying there on his chest and looking up at the scared toddler.

"Apologies." He was able to override his programming for a moment to say that, but the kid ran off after. He did see them unite with their parents a ways away, and head towards the exit. A familiar ding went off in his head. Closing time. Now he really is alone. And stuck.

Now that the primary programming isn't in use, his full personality shows through- being scared now. It's getting colder as the heat systems in the plex turn off due to a lack of customers, and his dinky little setup isn't enough for it. He would crawl for help, but scratches may end with him scrapped. If the damage from falling didn't count enough.

"Hello? Anyone?" He called out. If he could cry, he probably would be. His systems aren't made to handle this chill. And he can't right himself either. Not without help. He didn't even get a response, so he wrapped his arms around his torso for maybe some semblance of heat maintenance. Other than that, he simply laid down and expected to probably shut down before he was even found in the morning.

"Please... anyone..." a final cry for aid. He can't go anywhere. Can't stay warm. He can already tell it's a colder night. He closed his eyes, ready to just accept that he may not stay unharmed through the night. Be stuck here... alone...

Not even a minute passed when a large pair of hands grabbed on and lifted him upright again- startling the smaller robot quite a bit. The animatronics don't usually come up here. Then again, things have been odd the last few nights. But he was still silent as he looked over at the large bear that had showed up.

"You okay buddy?" Freddy asked, somehow looking worried even through his limited expressions. Guess it's a good thing he decided to wander, never would have heard this bot otherwise.

"Y-yes." A sort of glitch recreated a stutter, proving that the cold was starting to catch up. He looked a bit embarrassed for a moment before just cramming up to the bear- knowing the heat given off should help. And it was. "Apologies." Still felt inclined to apologize for the awkward situation this had become.

"No problem. Should get you back where you should be, may help with the cold. Even I admit it's a tad frigid." Freddy responded, guiding Map bot to where he knew one cluster of staff bots tended to gather. Also made sure the guy didn't lose his hat through this whole escapade.

"Everyone is a superstar in my eyes. Even you bunch. Can't just leave ya there." He continued, giving the animatronic equivalent to a smile. "You're not alone in this place. Even if I'm not supposed to be walking about, I want everyone here to know they're important!"

Map bot nodded, still clinging onto Freddy. The warmth feels great after all that. And although he can't smile, he did close his eyes in a happy manner and bring a hand up to his chin in a loose fist. Usually it's both, but the other is being used to ensure he didn't drift away.

The two reached the pile of heat sharing staff bots after a bit, and Freddy moved the unique fella in front of him with a smile. "There ya go. Can't stay long, security will get on me for that. But with a cold night like this, I didn't want you to possibly break traveling alone." He gave the smaller bot a gentle pat on the shoulder. "See ya tomorrow maybe. If you come around the stage area, anyway."

Even as the bear headed back to his own part of the plex, Map bot couldn't help but be happy. For being helped, guided- he's used to being the one doing that, not the other way around- just. Being acknowledged. And knowing that even at night, he's not alone. Not truly, anyway.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2022 ⏰

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