Chapter 1

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Just a little background information:  
- Y/n is your name, y/n/n is your nickname, y/m/n is your middle name, y/l/n is your last name. Your around 28 years old. Chris Evans is your celebrity crush (ofc). You work at the McDonald's.
- Your mom is called Amy, your dad left your family a few years ago, your sister Julie (Jules) and your best bisexual friend Sophia (Soph).
- You broke up with a guy named Matt two moths ago. You lived together and dated for over 6 years. He cheated on you. You live with your parents and little sister.cccccc

Have fun reading my fellow simps! <3

12 November

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear y/n. Happy birthday to you." My mom and sister walked into my room.

"Guys please, it's too early. And my birthday is not until next week."

"We know but we wanted to give you an early birthday present." Julie walked to me with an envelope. "Mom, you filming?" I see my mother take her phone out. She nodds. "Come on open it y/n/n!" 

I rub the sleep out of my eyes before taking the envelope from Jules. I carefully open it and when I see what it says I scream. "Oh my god! Guys, thank you so much!" There are three tickets for Comic Con Boston in the envelope.

"We know how much you want to go there. And even though I am not the biggest fan of Marvel, you, Jules and Soph are. So next week on your birthday you may go with them. I will make preparations for the party the next day." I get out of bed and hug them. "Now text Soph, take a shower and then come downstairs for breakfast."

"I will thank you so much guys!" I kiss my family on the cheeks and grab my phone.

'OMG Soph you are not gonna believe what just happened!'
'My family gave me three tickets for Comic Con next week on my b-day! And YOU CAN COME!'
'URGHHAHAH YESSSS!!! I like your family even more! Give them a hug from me!'
'I will luv ya <3'
'Luv ya 2 y/n/n'

I take a colder shower than normal to cool down my nerves. I'm so excited! I've always wanted to go, but I never could. First it was the money, then school and then Matt. He didn't like Marvel! To be honest I don't really know why I dated him for so long.

When I get downstairs they are already at the table on their phones. I hug them from behind. "Hugs from Soph!"

Jules plays with her hair. "That's really sweet of her. She doesn't mind that I'll be there too, right?"

"No she only likes it. I'm glad you two get along." I say while I still stand behing her. I give a wink to mom. We think Jules is gay and likes Soph. And I think Soph likes her too. It would be fun if they get together, because that would mean that if they eventually get married, Soph and I will be family and will never loose contact. And this thing that they have going on when they flirt, but then make it awkward, will finally stop.

19 November

We have had an amazing day so far. Sophie bought a 'birthday girl' headband for me. I wore it all day. Now we're sitting in the public and Chris Evans could walk on stage any moment now. First Tom Hiddleston, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson and Robert Downey Jr were announced. "And please put your hands together for no one other than Chris Evans!" I couldn't believe my eyes. The Chris Evans. There. 30ft away from me. They talk a bit about the new movie. Eventually the fans get to ask questions. When I look at Chris we lock eyes. I get butterflies. He gives me a warm smile and then looks at the fan asking the question. 

"Oh my god, y/n! he looked at you!" Jules whisper-yelled.

"Yeah I know. And so does my stomach." When I look back at Chris I catch him staring at me. "Shit! Do I have something on my face?"

"No, I'm sure he looks at you because you look gorgeous, sis."

"Yoohoo Chris! You there?" 

"Mmh? Yeah sorry, Robert. I was... distracted." He's quiet for a short moment. Robert whispers something in his ear and he whispers something back.

"Oehhh... My apologies for Chris here. He saw a girl that got his attention. If you know what I'm saying." He wiggles his eyebrows. Chris laughs awkwardly and looks at me. I started blushing.

"Can we just go back to the question please."

The fan asks his question again. "Well I was wondering, since most of the cast is married or even has kids, if you have a girlfriend?"

"I don-" He gets cut off by Robert. He takes a sip of his water.

"He doesn't, but I'm sure that girl in the audience is open for a relationship with you." He almost chokes on his water. 

"Hold on, I've got this." Chris H walks over to Chris E's chair and hits him on his back. 

"Next question please." Chris eventually manages to get out.

We lock eyes a few times before it ended. "I have to go to the toilet." Jules says. 

"I'm coming with you. Do you need to go Mrs Evans?"

I laugh. "No I'll wait here." I walk around a bit. There was a horde of people pushing me to somewhere I don't think I'm supposed to be. "Shit." Someone walks into me and a pair of sunglasses fall on the ground. "I'm so sorry." I grab the sunglasses.

"Don't be it was my fa-" He stops when he sees me. My jaw drops when I realised I just bumped into Chris fucking Evans. HOLY SHIT! I JUST FUCKING BUMPED INTO CHRIS FUCKING EVANS! "It's you. You're the girl from the audiance." 

I nod while still freaking out. "Yep... That's me." 

"I'm sorry about Robert. He can be a bit weird."

"Yeah, no, it's okay."

"Happy birthday."

"Thanks. How did you know." He points at my head. "Oh right, this stupid thing." God dammit Soph. 

"I kinda like it. It suits you." I start to blush. "So you live around here or..." Oh my god! Is Chris Evans actually trying to start a conversation with me?!

"Yeah, like thirty minutes from here. I come here all the time for shopping, groceries and I like to walk in the park. Stuff like that."

"Chris! Where are you!" Robert walks around the corner. "Ah there you are. And who is this? Is this her?" He wiggles his eyebrows again. I just laugh awkwardly. 

"Oh right we have to go to that meeting. I guess this is goodbye."

"Bye Chris Evans. Oh, can you perhaps tell me how I get to the toilets?" Me being stupid and awkward me put up a britisch accent.

"Walk through that door, then the third door on your left then your back in the public space. You can see the toilets from there. Oh and you can call me Chris."

"Okay thanks, Chris" I almost do a curtsy, but before I make an even more fool of myself I turn around and follow his instructions. What the fuck just happened. My phone rings and I pick up. "Hello?"

"Y/n, where are you?"

"I'm at the toilets and you're not gonna believe what just happened."

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