Chapter 4

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13 December

It's been a week. Soph and Jules are now dating. My parents think it's awesome and so do I. Jules is happier than ever. I'm so happy for them. Ding Ding. I look at my phone. An unknown number texted me:

'Hey y/n, this is Chris. How are you feeling?'

I run straight downstairs. Jules and Soph are sitting on the couch. "Guys! He texted!"

They run towards me. Soph steals my phone. "'Hey y/n, this is Chris. How are you feeling' Aww that's so cute. What am I gonna send" She walks away from me.

"No Soph come back. Give me the phone."

"Hey Chris, I would feel way better if you were inside of me."

I tackle her to the ground and grab the phone. "We are not gonna send that." I never was good with texts, but now the pressure is very high. I mean we're talking about Chris fucking Evans. "'Hey Chris, I'm fine thank you. Not just for asking, but also for helping me out.' Something like that?"

"Well it's way more polite than Soph's idea."

I press send. He immediately responded. "'Anytime. If I remember it correctly, you promised me something ;)'" I walk upstairs. I need to do this on my own. I can't risk Sophie grabbing my phone again.

'Hey y/n, this is Chris. How are you feeling?'
'Hey Chris, I'm fine thank you. Not just for asking, but also for helping me out.'
'When can you go on that date?'
'My shift ends tomorrow at 5pm.'
'Great I'll pick you up at 6pm. Your house. I know a great restaurant.'
'Sounds like a plan.'

I chuckle and walk to my door to tell Jules and Soph the news. But when I open the door I see them standing with their ears against the door. They quickly stand up straight, whistle and pretend nothing happened. I roll my eyes. "Guess what? This girl got a date." They squel so loud that my mom comes to see if everything is okay. "Yes mom sorry they are kinda weird. Oh and I'm not home for dinner tomorrow."

"Okay. Why?"

"She's going on a date!" I look angry at Jules. She mouths sorry. Like that's gonna help.

"Who is the Lucky man?"

"Chris E-" Soph puts her hand in front of Jules' mouth and walks her to Jules' room before she could mess things up.

"Chris. That's his name, Chris."

"How do you met?"

"At Comic Con. Yeah when Jules and Soph went to the toilet, I ran into him."

"Romantic." She wiggles her eyebrows. "I heard that Chris Evans had a girlfriend. He said that they met at Comic Con too. You know something about that?"

"They aren't dating." She looks at me like she knows it's me. "I think. He never said they were dating. I'm gonna shower." I walk past her.

14 December

I walk out of the shower in a towel. "What should I wear." I say to myself. I walk to Jules' room. "Hey Jules can you help me with my clothes.

She opens the door and poses. "I thought you'd never ask." After ten minutes going through my closet we decide to go with black jeans, a brown sweater and matching heels. 

The doorbell goes. "I'll go!" I yell before my mom takes it. 

Jules grabs her favourite purse on our way to the front door. "Here. You can borrow my purse."

"Thanks Jules."

"Yeah now open that door and do on that date with prince charming." I laugh and open the door.

"Hey, wow. You look... beautiful." 

"Thanks." I turn around. "Bye Jules." I close the door. We walk to his beautiful Chevy Camaro. 

"You like Greek food?"

The date went really well. It's not over yet, we're walking in the park. "Oh look Chris, The Hachi's Home Statue!" I take his hand and run towards the statue. "This is my favourite statue of all times."

"Hachi, the dog who waited for his owner. Even after his owner died, he kept going to the subway station."

"Did you watch the movie?"

"Not yet. You want to watch it with me sometime?"

"I'd like that." We look at each other for a short moment. "Oh but I'm probably gonna cry."

"That's okay. I'll comfort you." He comes closer to me. Butterflies fly through my stomach. "What is your favourite song"

"That's a diffucult question, but I really like 'Ain't no mountain high enough' by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell." He holds out his hand which I take without question. He puts his his hands on my hips and I put mine around his neck.

He starts to sing: "Listen baby, ain't no mountain high, ain't no valley low, ain't no river wide enough, baby."

"If you need, call me, no matter where you are." We sing the song together and dance under the stars near the Hachi's Home Statue. Eventually we decide to call it a night.

We get out of the car. "Thank you for going on this date with me y/n."

"Of course. I had fun. And thanks for paying."

"Yeah, don't mention it."

"Oh, how does a huge Marvel themed cake sounds? For the party."

"Amazing." He bites his lower lip. "How would you like to be my plus one?"

"I'd love to."

"Great, that's amazing. I'll text you the details."

"Sounds great." I give him a hug. "Thanks again, Chris. For everything."

He hugs me back. "Anytime. Looks like we have a fan." I let go of the hug and turn around. I see Jules watching us from behind the window. We wave at her and she quickly dissappears behind the curtains.

I walk to the door and turn around. "Bye Chris."

"Goodnight y/n." I walk through the door and tell Jules everything.

17 December

"Y/n!, you have to see this." Soph runs into my house while I'm watching tv. 

"Hey Soph, what's up."

"Someone saw you! You and Chris and took a picture." Suddenly it feels like someone turned up the heat. She shows me a picture of me and Chris dancing at the Hachi's Home Statue. Fortunately you can't see my face good enough to see it's me. "There's also a interview with him."

"So Chris. We saw some pictures of you and a lady in the Boston Park." I can see the sudden panic in his eyes. "Is she the one you talked about at the Jimmy Fallon Show?"

He laughs."She is. I found her about a week ago and I asked for her name and number. We went on a date."

"Can we have her name?" I hold my breath for second. 

He looks straight into the camera: "I don't think she's ready for that yet." And he winks. I let out the breath I've been holding.

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