Chapter 6

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18 December

"Show it to her."

"No Jules. I can't. She won't like it." Soph and Jules walk in bickering.

"What's going on?"

"This." Jules shows me a picture of Chris and some woman kissing. I felt a pain in my chest. "I'm sorry y/n/n, but you needed to see it."

"'Chris Evans and Girlfriend kissing'" I read the title out loud. I grab her phone and read the first two sentences. 'Chris Evans and a woman are spotted kissing. Is this his mysterious girlfriend?'

"Good for him." I say dry.

"That's all?!" Jules takes her phone out of my hands. "He's kissing with some random chick after he went on a date with you and you just say 'good for him'?!"

"Look Jules, he can do anything he wants. It's not like we're dating. I just guess I'm not going to that MCU party." Soph sit next to me on the couch and looks at me. "Seriously guys, I'm fine. Now if you will excuse me, I have to take a shit." With tears in my eyes I take a shit. 

I'm in my room, laying at my bed, staring at the ceiling. Ding ding. 

'Hey y/n, I think you already saw the picture. It's not what it looks like.'

I decide not to respond. "Y/n dinner!" My mother yells. I walk downstairs. I keep thinking about that picture. "Y/n, you there?"

"Mm, yeah sorry."

"You are oddly quiet today sweetie." I shrug. "Have you seen that picture of Chris Evans? I told you he had a girlfriend." I look up to see Jules signing to my mother to zip it.

"Yeah, Jules and Soph showed me. He seems in love. Can we please talk about something else?" I don't even try to not sound sad.

"Is there something I missed? Why don't you want to talk about him? Normally you can't stop talking about him." She laughs but then noticed we weren't in the mood.

"You remember I went on a date with some guy a few days ago?" She nodds. "Well that was Chris Evans." She laughs again, thinking it's a joke. But when she looks at my face she sees I'm being serious.

"How did you end up to go on a date with him?"

"We met at Comic Con. He saw me sitting in the audiance and later when Jules and Soph went to the toilet, I ran into him. We talked for a second. Then he told about me in interviews and two week after we met Matt assaulted me."

"He WHAT?!"

"Don't worry mom, everything's fine. Because of Chris; he punched Matt and took me to his house where I slept. In different beds. He took the couch and I took the bed. There was like 10ft between us." I clear my throat. "I had breakfast there and he asked me on a date. So I went on a date with him. Remember that picture of him and some girl at the Hachi's Home Statue?" She nods. "Well I was that girl. After the date he asked me to be his plus one to the MCU Christmas party, but I guess he's now going with that woman." My mom processes everything for a minute.

"Why didn't you tell me about Matt. You have to turn him in!"

"This is why I didn't tell you. And I just told you a story about me going on dates and stuff with a celebrity and you go back to that! Gosh. 

"Look honey, I'm sorry about Chris, but you have to tell me stuff like what happened with Matt. I'm your mother." She grabs my hand but I pull it away. Jules is quiet the whole time watching the show. "Did he text? Chris I mean."

"Yes, he said that it 'wasn't what is looked like'."

"Why didn't you tell me he texted you?" Jules mingled in the conversation.

I shrug. "I'm not gonna answer anyways. I don't want anything to do with him." My phone rings. "Speaking of the devil." I show them my phone with Chris' name on it. I press ignore. It's the rest of the meal quiet.

19 December 

Chris called me a few times and texted me:

'Y/n let me explain.'
'Look I don't even know that woman. She just kissed me out of nowhere.'
'Just answer my call.'
'Come to Hachi's Home Statue at 2pm. I'll be waiting'

Guess what, I didn't go. Someone knocks on the door. "Yes?"

Jules opens the door; "Someone's here for you." She opens the door and Chris walks in. Jules closes the door again.

"You're sister is nice."

"What do you want Chris." He walks towards me and stops right in front of me.

"I waited for you at the statue."

"Waste of your time then. I didn't come."

"Y/n, that picture. It's not what it looks like; I don't like that woman. I like you."

"I don't believe you."

"Then believe this." He leans forward and kisses me. "Do you believe me now?" I look straight into his eyes.

"I do." And I kiss him again. His soft lips feel warm to mine. He puts his hands on my waist as I put mine around his neck. We stop kissing when Jules squeels as she falls into the room with my mom.

"Ehm... sorry for interrupting. Please, do continue." Chris and I laugh. We walk hand in hand to my mom.

"Mom, I would like you to meet Chris Evans." 

Chris holds out his hand, but my mom pulls him into a hug. I could just hear her whisper something in Chris' ear: "If you hurt her, I will cut your balls off and feet them to your dog." 

I laugh; "Mom! Sorry about that Chris." We have dinner with the four of us. My mom interrogates Chris and thanked him over 10 times for helping me out that night with Matt.

Eventually it's time for Chris to leave. "Thanks for dinner Mrs Y/l/n."

"You're welcome and please call me Amy."

"Until next time Julie and Amy." I walk him to the door. "Do you want to go on a second date with me, but this time as my girlfriend?" I can't help but smiling. "Did I say something wrong?" I shake my head. "Do I have something on my face." I shake my head again.

"I'd love to go on a second date with you. As your girlfriend."

"Tomorrow let's say... 1pm?" I nod. "Do not lunch before then."

"I won't."

"I'll meet you at the Hachi's Home Statue. And please, do not let me stand there waiting for you again." he winks at me and I laugh.

"I'm sorry about that."

"Don't worry. All you need to do to be forgiven is give me a kiss right here." He points at his cheek and so I kiss him there.

"See you tomorrow, Chris." I say before he gets in his car. He waves at me. I did not expect my night to happen like this.

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