Chapter 8

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24 December

Chris picked me up at my house for the party. Well his chauffeur picked me up while Chris was in the back seat. He wears a black suit and he looks really hot. "You ready?"

"I think."

"Have I mentioned that you look gorgeous?" He did. He said it like five times only in the car ride.

"Only a few times."

"And I meant it every time."

"Can you walk me through everything one more time?"

"When we arrive I will get out of the car first. You follow me. We will walk together over the red carpet. Now there are gonna be lots of camera's, but you'll be fine. Halfway in the night I have to give a speech. I'm after RDJ. I'll announce you as the baker of the cake and as my girlfriend. Beside that you just need to have fun. And don't worry I'll be with you the entire time." I smile at him. We arrive and he gets out of the car. I follow soon after. He was right; as soon as I get out of the car camera's start clicking and flashing. I freeze but Chris takes my hand and whispers in my ear: "Just breath. You've got this." I walk down the red carpet hand in hand with the man I love. Wait... Did I really just think that. Chris sees my shocked face of my thouths. "You okay?"

I squeeze in his hand. "I am with you by my side." He kisses my cheek. When we walk into the builing I can't believe what I'm seeing. There's this huge ballroom with two stairs at the sides that meet each other in the middle and a huge chandelier in the middle. I can see Stan Lee (R.I.P), RDJ, Scarlett Johansson, the two other Chris', Elizabeth Olsen, Paul Bettany, Tom Holland and many more MCU people. Everyone wears a suit or a beautiful dress. I never dared to dream that this would be my life.

"Oh come on, y/n, I want you to meet some people." We walk to the group with Scarlett, RDJ and Tom Holland. I did not want to go there. I stopped walking. "You okay?"

"Do we have to go there? They are my idols, what if I screw things up. Or what if they don't like me." I look away from his face.

"They will. Hey look at me." He turns my head towards his. "They will love you. I was your idol too right?" I nod. "And I love you." I look shocked at him. He just realized what he said. "I uh..." 

I kiss him and then look into his eyes. "I love you too."

"So you are the girl Chris has been banging." RDJ had walked up to us.

"We don't, we haven't. I ehmm..." I stumble over my words. 

"Don't worry kiddo, I'm just messing with you." He winks at me.

"Hey, are you y/n?" I look next to RDJ where Scarlett is standing.

"Ehmm... Yes, yes that's uh that's me." 

"It's so nice to finally meet you." She gives me a hug. I freeze. I can't beleieve this is happening.

"It's nice to meet you too, Miss Johansson, Scarlett Johansson, ma'am."

She chuckles. "Please, call me Scar. Chris told me a lot about you."

"He did! He didn't tell me anything about you. And I met you, she didn't." He holds out his hand which I shake. "Hey kid, I'm Robert Downey Jr, but you probably know that already. You can call me Robert." I smile. He is exactly the same as Tony Stark. 

Elizabeth Olsen joined the conversation; "Oh my god, are you the girl Chris has been dating?" I nod. "I love your dress."

"Thanks. Yours is beautiful too."

"Oh where are my manners. I'm Elizabeth Olsen, but you can call me Lizzie." She gives me a hug. Everyone is so nice. 

We have a lot of fun. The speeches began; Stan Lee started and RDJ is just finishing up. "I'm glad you all like me so much. I do too." Everyone laughed. "And now my dear friend Chris Evans everyone." He walked on the stairs while everyone clapped. 

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