Chapter 5 (Chris' POV)

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This chapter is a little shorter. I hope you're enjoying the book so far <3

16 December

I think I handled that interview pretty good. "Can you tell her name? I promise I won't tell anyone. I need to know who makes you so happy." I turn around to see Scarlett.

"Fine. Her name is y/n."

"You really like her huh,?" I nod. "Can I meet her?"

"Well actually, she's gonna make a Marvel cake for the Christmas party. And she's gonna be my plus one."

"Aww Chris, that's amazing."

"Yeah I was pretty nervous to ask her." She laughs at me. "What everyone expects the man to ask the woman out, but you women don't know how nervous that makes us." I grab my phone. I want to text with her and ask her on another date, but we just went on one yesterday. Robert texted something in the Marvel cast groupchat. It's a picture:

'Is this you and your lover, Evans?!' (RDJ)
'Yes it is. Someone took a picture of us in the park yesterday.' (Evans)
'You look cute together. Did you have fun?' (Lizzie)
'Thanks Lizzie. And yes, we did have fun; she's gonna be my plus one to the MCU Christmas party.' (Evans) 
'Can't wait to meet her!' (Lizzie)

When I come home I decide to walk Dodger in the Boston park. I decide to not wear my cap, but I do put on my sunglasses and open the door. "Dodger! Come here boy!" The weather is perfect. The sun shines, but it's not hot. There is a breeze, not a cold one, but one that hugs my face.

"OMG, I can't believe it. It's you!" A young woman runs over to me. Her face is covered with make-up. She wears a short, pink dress and a leopard furr coat. She wears pink heels of at least 4 inches. TO be honest I have no fucking clue how women can walk on those. "Can I have a picture?"

"Yes ofcourse." I take of my sunglasses and put them on my head. She gives her phone to a friend of her. She grabs my head and kisses me. I did not see that coming. "Thanks, sweetie." She winks at me and runs away. After processing what just happened I put my sunglasses back on and pretend nothing happened. I knew I should have put on my cap.

18 December

I wake up by someone calling me. "Hey Scarlett, why are you calling at this time?"

"Oh right sorry. It's 1pm where I am. Look at the picture I just send you."

"What the fuck!" It's the picture of me and that young woman that kisses me.

"So that's not her? That not y/n?"

"Nope she's not. I hope she hasn't seen it."

"I seriously doubt it Chris. It's all over Tiktok, Instagram and everywhere else."

"Shit I need to text her."

"Of course. Good luck."


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