Chapter 2

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3 December

After I found Soph and Jules that day I told them everything, but also that I wanted to keep it quiet. I didn't want anyone to know. When they asked why I just said I didn't want a new relationship. And that was the truth. But he probably doesn't even like me. 

"Earth to y/n." Soph snaps her fingers in front of my face, getting me out of my trance.


"Did you listen to what I said?"

"Yess...? No. I'm sorry. I'm a bit distracted lately."

"Yeah I noticed. Everyone noticed. I said that there was a Jimmy Fallon episode with Chris Evans." I sit straight up. "Yeah I thought that would get your attention." She smirked at me as I blushed. I turned on my laptop and searched for the episode on YouTube. It starts like any normal one but then...

"So Evans, I've heard you have a little crush." Chris start laughing. "Let's see when it all started." Jimmy pointed at the screen and there I see Chris. Sitting at Comic Con. He's looking at someone in the audiance and that someone was me. I didn't noticed that day how much and long he looked at me. The video stopped.

"I was just eh..." 

"It's okay buddy. Just admit it: you're in looovveeee." Chris laughed at the singing tone Jimmy added at the end. "Do you know her?" Chris stays quiet. "Oh come on. It's just us here. Two friends sitting across each other while thousands of people are watching us. Spill the tea."

"Well..." He sits straight up. "I saw her sitting there in the audiance with this hearband that said 'Birthday Girl'." He inhales deeply. "She is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I know I don't really know her, but..." He purses his lips. "Later that day I saw her and I talked to her for a short moment, but my oh my, that moment was amazing." He clears his throat. "Unfortunately I didn't got to ask her number. Or even her name." The audiance let out an 'aww'.

I pause the video and look at Soph who's smiling from ear to ear. "Oh my god, y/n/n! He totally likes you!" I have a hard time forming words. They get stuck in my throat.

"What should I do?"

"Honey," she puts her hand on my shoulder and looks in my eyes, "I have no fucking clue."

"Ladies dinner is ready!" My mom shouts from downstairs. Soph and I walk downstairs. It's mac and cheese night.

"Smells delicious, Amy." Soph takes place at her own seat. She's at my house so much that she has her own seat at the dining table and couch and even has her own key of the house. She's like family.

"Jules, can you pick me up from the gym tomorrow? Mom wouldn't let me borrow the car for two hours." I ask.

"Yeah sure. What time?"

"10pm" It's always very busy at the gym so I go in the evening when there are just a few people.

After dinner Soph left to her own house, I went to my room to watch Chris Evans in interviews from the last two weeks. After a while there is a knock on my door. "It's Jules."

"Come in." She walks in and sits on my bed. "What's up?"

"I have to tell you something." I hear a serious tone in her voice so I sit next next to her. "I'm uh... lesbian." I smile at her.

"I knew it."

"Wait. You knew? How?"

"It wasn't that hard to figure out. I'm so proud of you. Come here." I give her a hug and whisper in her ear: "I know you like Soph." 

She lets go of the hug and looks weird at me. "Wha-, no. What makes-. Hehe. Are you angry?"

What? No ofcourse not! I actually like the idea of you two together. And I think she likes you too." I give her a wink.

"You do? She does?! What should I do?"

"Tell her what you feel for her. But don't wait too long. We don't want her to slip through your fingers."

"Thanks sis." Before she walk out the door she turns around. "I'm happy you broke up with Matt. Now we have more talks like these. And I dind't like him." I smile at her as she closes the door. 

I look at the clock. Bedtime. Even though I was tired, I couldn't sleep. That Jimmy Fallon episode kept playing in my head.

4 December

I didn't do a lot today so far. It's time to get some fresh air and take a walk in the park. I put on my coat and shoes. I knock on Jules' door. "Yes?"

"I'm going for a walk, okay? I'll be back in two hours." She nodds and I leave.

After a while walking I stop at one of my favourite places: the Hachi's Home Statue. I like that story. The movie made me cry though. I see a man with a cap on. OH SHIT. I quickly put on my hood and hide my face. That was Chris Evans. What the Hell is he doing here. As soon as he passed me I stand up and walk home. 

Jules is downstairs. "Your back soon. Why?"

"You will never believe who I saw in the parc. Chris fucking Evans!"

"What! Did you talk to him?"

"No. I basically ran away."

"Why on earth would you do that, dummy?!"

"What if he really likes me."

"I'm sorry what? I don't understand."

"What if he really likes me. Are we gonna be in a relationship? You know how my last one ended. If I date him and it doesn't end well, the whole world will know." I mean what I said. I don't want history to repeat itself.

The Hachi's Home Statue (Chris Evans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now