Chapter 7

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20 December

I look at my watch. It's exactly 1pm when I arrive at the Hachi's Home Statue. There he is, with his sunglasses and his cap. He looks to the opposite direction than me, so I decide to scare him.

"Whuaaargh!!!" (scary noise)

"Ieeieeusuuwaaa!!!" (scared noise) He turns around. "Jesus Christ, y/n. You want me to have a heart attack?" I laugh and he hugs me tight. I hug him back, taking in his smell. We walk hand in hand to his car. We sing along every song on our way to a meddow surrounded by trees. There's this picknick rug filled with nice food"I hope you didn't eat."

"Oh my god, Chris. It looks amazing!" We talk and laugh the entire time.

"Do you like whipped cream?"

"Yeah, why?" And soon enough I get an answer to my question. He grabs a hand of whipped cream and smears it on my face. "You didn't" I grab some whipped cream too end it ends in a food fight. We run through the entire meddow throwing food at each other. I trip and fall on de grass.

"Y/n! Are you okay?"

"I- I don't know." I hold out my hand and pull him down next to me while saying: "Maybe you should take a closer look." We laugh and then look each other in the eyes.

"You have something on your lips." What the fuck is he thinking. My entire mouth is covered with whipped cream.

"I do? Huh, I wonder how that happened."

"Here let me clean it for you." He kisses me. 

"Did it help?"

"No, but maybe it will if I try again."

"Why don't we find out." He kisses me again. He moves his body so I'm on top of him. He sit straight up causing me to sit on his lap. Cupping my jaw with his hands, he opens his mouth a bit, asking for permission to enter with his tongue. I obviously grant it. Butterflies flatter in my stomach as our tongues play together. I can feel his dick grow beneath me, making us both moan.

"Guys, quick! I found them!" We stop kissing as we see a man staring at us with a camera.

"Quick look the other way!" I do what Chris says. I hope I was quick enough. "Call your sister. I'll get home." I stand up and run away looking the opposite direction of the man. While running away I call Jules.

"Hey sis, how's the date going?"

"Jules you need to pick me up at the meadows we used to play as kids." I hang up before she could say something. When I turn around I see a woman with a camera. Shit, is that paparazzi?! The woman runs after me. Geez, what people do to see someone's face. I question myself why I don't let them see my face. I run towards the trees and shake the woman off. My phone rings, it's Jules. 

"Hey I'm here. Where are you? What's going on?"

"I'll tell you later. I see you." I hang up and sit down next to Jules. "Drive!" We race home.

"Will you tell me what happened? Where's Chris?"

"The paparazzi showed up. He told me to run."

"Did they see your face?"

"No, I don't think so." I take a deep breath. "Why shouldn't I show my face. It would safe us a lot of trouble."

"I don't know and I'm not the person you should talk to about this."

"Yeah I know, I know"

"Did you just quote Captain America? Who happens to be played by your boyfriend?"

"Maybe." We laugh as we get out of the car. I sit worried on the couch until I hear my phone beep.

'Hey, I'm at my apartment. You okay?'
'Yeah, I think so. I need to talk to you.'
'Okay, how about tomorrow? I'll pick you up at 3pm, we can talk and buy you a dress for the party'
'Sounds like a plan'
'I'm sorry how the date ended, y/n. That wasn't supposed to happen.'
'It's okay. It's not your fault and we're both okay. We'll just have to wait for the pictures.'

I put my phone away and take a shower to wash all the food, sweat and stress from me. 

21 December

Chris and I walk out of the Dunkin' Donuts. We bought a dress for the party. "What is it you wanted to talk about, y/n?"

"Well I was wondering why we don't go public. I really like you so I want to go public. Then we won't have to be sneeky all the time."

He smiles at me and puts his hand on my upper leg. "I really like you too." He kisses me on the cheek. "How about we make it public on the party?"

"Sounds like a plan." He laugs. "What?"

"You say that a lot 'Sounds like a plan.' And with this tone."

"Are you laughing at me, Christopher?"

"I would never. It's cute when you do it." I blush and turn my head away from him. He turns it back. "Did I just make you blush?"

I chuckle. "Oh shut up." We went to buy some stuff for the cake. It has to be a perfect one so we went to at least five different stores.

"Was that all?"

"Yes, I think so." Ding ding. 

"It's Scar. The pictures they took from us are everywhere. The media is blowing up."

"Can I see them?" He shows me the pictures. There are some pictures of me and Chris making out, me running away from that woman, Chris with food all over his face, and me standing up. Thank god for that whipped cream, because it makes it impossible to identify me. I watch over Chris' shoulder.

'Is this her or is this another random girl?'
'Hahaha, no Scar this is her.'
'Looks like you two had fun. Look at the third picture ;)'

I look at the third picture and if you look closely you can see his dick. It's not completely hard and you have to look very hard, but you can see it. I start to blush and when I look at Chris I can see him blushing too. I look away and pretend I didn't see the conversation or the third picture.

The Hachi's Home Statue (Chris Evans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now