Chapter 3

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This chapter could be triggering for some people. There will be a sexual assault.

5 December

"I'll pick you up at 11.30pm?"

"Sounds great." I walk inside the gym and start doing my own thing. When I was younger I did boxing. I stopped because Matt thought it was for boys, not for girls. We should do ballet or horse riding. He's such a dick. Speaking of the devil. Guess who just walked in? Matt.

"Hey y/n didn't know you were here."

"Oh shut it Matt. You know I come here every Saturday. What do you want?"

"To talk."

"Great we just talked now piss off." Instead of going away he holds the punching bag.

"Come on. A serious talk."

"About what?"


"Okay so about the fact that you cheated on me or that you stole my house and car."

"I didn't steal them. I had the right."

"You know it's a real dickmove to buy 51% of something, so after a breakup you can keep it."

"If anything I would call it smart." I give him a death glare. "Okay sorry. Okay look all I want is to talk to you. With a cup of tea."

"No thanks."

"Why not."

"We broke up for a reason. For example: I don't like tea and if you really cared for me you would have remembered it." He sighs. "Now go away, before I 'accidentaly' miss the punching bag and I hit your face."

"Geez." he finally walks away. After a while I look at the clock. 11.30. I grab my stuff and walk outside. Jules isn't here yet. There's a guy standing in the shadows slowly walking towards me. 

"Shit. Come on Jules." I say to myself.

"You should have said yes to the date, y/n/n."

"Matt. What the fuck do you think your doing?"

"If I were you I wouldn't talk with such a big mouth." My heart starts to beat faster. He makes a quick moves causing me to drop my bag and him holding my arms tight behind my back. Matt is very strong so I can't fight him. 

I try to wiggle out of his grip. "Let me go."

"Didn't think so. I wasted over 6 years on you. And since we broke up I didn't have sex. Not one fucking time! So you're gonna help me out.

I bite in his hand he held on my mouth. He yells of pain. "Help! Some-!" Matt kicks me in the stomach and then knees my head before I can finish my sentence. Where is Jules. 

"Shut the fuck up, whore!" Someone runs over to us. I can't see who.

"Hey, let go of her!" The person sounds like a man. A man whose voice I've heard tons of times. It was Chris fucking Evans. With a hard punch he hits Matt who then runs off. "Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine."

"It's you. I've looked everywhere for you. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes, really I'm fi-" Everything starts spinning and everything went black.

When I wake up I'm laying on a bed. But not mine. I look around. This is definitely not my appartement. I start to panick. I sit straight up. 

"Hey easy calm down. You got quite a punch." I look up and look straight into Chris' eyes.

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