Chapter 1

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"Congrats, Cal!" Anna exclaimed, throwing her arms around his neck. "That's so great. I told you they would like your demo!"

Calum laughed,"Of course, Anna. You told me they would like it. However, you didn't tell me that the record label would offer me and the boys a deal."

Anna giggled and flicked her dark brown hair out of her face. "Guess I'm not as psychic as I thought." Calum chuckled and kissed the tip of her nose. He took her hand and led her inside his house.

"ANNA!" the boys of 5 Seconds of Summer shouted as they entered. Michael, Ashton, and Luke ran towards the couple and practically crawled over Calum so as to speak with Anna.

"Anna," Michael began,"how'd you like the demo?"

"It was absolutely wonder-"

"Good! Glad you liked it because one of our songs is gonna be on the radio tomorrow!" Ashton butted in. Anna spun around to face Calum. He stood there, grinning at her like a fool. Why didn't you tell me about that part? She mouthed to him. He simply shrugged his shoulders.

Calum walked forward and put his arms around her, snuggling his face into her neck. She shrugged him away and he gave her a glare. "What song is it, Cal?" she questioned, ignoring the vicious look he had just thrown her way.

"IT'S SHE LOOKS SO PERFECT!" screamed Ashton.

"I'M SO EXCITED!" Luke screamed into his phone. Everyone's attention turned to him.

"What the hell are you doing?" Michael asked. Luke tapped the screen and showed them the keek he had just made.

"You're so stupid," Ashton said with a giggle. He pushed past the her boys to smack Luke on the back of the head.

"OW!" Luke screeched and ran at Ashton, who ran by Anna and Calum. Luke, still chasing Ashton, ran by Anna and accidentally hit her with his shoulder.

Calum's hand shot out and grabbed Luke's arm. "What the hell, mate? You just hit my girlfriend," he stated, roughly jerking Luke toward him.

"S-sorry, Anna. I didn't mean-"

"It's okay, Luke. It was an accident," Anna said. "Calum what's your problem?" She stormed out of the room, shoving Calum out of her way in the process.

Anna walked up the stairs, bubbling with rage, and when she reached the top, she slid her back down the wall. She began to cry. She didn't understand why Calum had to get so angry all the time. It was really embarrassing. All of a sudden, she heard heavy footfalls on the staircase. Anna shot up off of the ground and quickly pressed up against the furthest wall from the stairs.

"Anna," Calum said in a menacing voice. "What. The. Hell!" Anna shrank back into the wall. He advanced on her and slammed his hands into the wall on either side of her head. "Who do you think you are, shoving past me like that?" he demanded. "Embarrassed me in front of my mates you just did. What gives you the right?" He pounded his fists into the wall.

Downstairs, Anna could hear the other boys leaving. A door slammed. "I'm s-sorry, Cal. I didn't mean-" Again, his palms slammed against the wall, dangerously close to her now. "Seriously, Calum, I d-didn't want to make you m-mad," Anna sobbed.

Whap! His palm slammed into the side of Anna's face. She slid down onto the floor and stared up at him. She wasn't crying anymore, she was too shocked. "Well, Anna, I am mad. Don't you ever pull a stunt like that again. You hear?" Calum shouted. Anna looked up and nodded weakly.

"Okay, baby," Calum said softly. He reached out and cupped her face in his hands. "It's okay." He scooped her up off of the floor and carried her to his bedroom. He lied her down on his bed and left the room. She heard the shower start.

Tears filled her eyes and she sobbed quietly to herself in the dark of his room until she fell asleep alone.

(ok, I hope you guys liked this first chapter, please vote it would mean a lot)

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