Chapter 7

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Calum POV

I skipped over to Anna, a smirk plastered on my face. "Surprise, babe," I said, giving her a quick hug. She looked up at me with wide eyes and sighed rather loudly. I chuckled at her and we then returned to the ongoing conversation. Stefy was still staring at Niall so Anna flounced over to her to nudge her. I watched my beautiful girlfriend make her rounds, introducing herself to each of the boys that make up One Direction. She made her way around the room, occasionally stopping to say hello to the boys in my band as well. Soon, Anna stopped to say hello to Harry. I watched him closely, knowing that he was her favorite. They exchanged a few words before Anna burst into giggles, a bright red blush forming across her face. I frowned. They continued their conversation and after Anna giggled and touched his arm, I decided it was time to step in. I wasn't about to sit idly by and watch my girlfriend get cozy with another guy.

So, I puffed up my chest and strutted over to them. "Oh, hey, baby!" Anna said innocently. I gave Harry a fake smile and wrapped my arm tightly around Anna's shoulders. Anna wrapped her arm around my waist and gave me a reassuring squeeze. I loosened my grip and Harry excused himself, my glare following him across the room until he stopped to chat with Louis. I returned my gaze to Anna and she smiled at me. "I. Just. Met. Harry. F-ing. Styles," she whispered in awe. I watched tears form in her eyes and she excused herself, rushing over to Stefy, grabbing her, and pulling her off to the bathroom where I'm sure there would be many tears shed over One Direction. I sighed, mild frustration taking over m mind, when Michael walked over to me.

"Kinda frustrating seeing our girls freak over other guys, huh, mate?" He said, sounding every bit as exasperated as I was. I nodded and agreed with him. He then suggested we talk to Liam who was standing alone. We walked over to him and began a light conversation before Harry joined us.

"You're lucky to have Anna, Calum," he said. "She's a real nice girl." I'm sure he was just trying to be friendly but he was now my least favorite person in the world. I thanked him and changed the subject. We began discussing the new tour details instead. Just then, Anna and Stefy emerged from the bathroom, their mascara smeared slightly, but they had done a pretty good job fixing themselves up. They sauntered over to us and Stefy immediately buried her face into Michael's chest. Anna didn't do that. She simply stood behind me with her arms around my waist, peeking at the guys from beneath my arm. I glanced down at her and saw her smiling shyly at Harry. The frown from earlier returned to my face and I whirled around, giving Anna a rough kiss before pulling her behind me. She waved goodbye to the guys and followed me up the stairs.

We reached the top of the stairs and continued down the hall nail we reached our room. We went inside and I shut the door quietly behind us. "Stop flirting with Harry," I growled, my back to Anna. I was trying my best to contain my anger.  She began to deny that she ever flirted with him but I whirled around and rushed to her, planting my lips on her mouth. "Don't deny it, I know what I saw," I hissed when our lips disconnected. She began to speak again but I put my hand over her mouth, stopping her. I wasn't about to argue with her when I knew I was right. I shoved her onto our bed and crawled on top of her, my hand still covering her mouth. "I know what I saw," I spat. I wasn't in the most forgiving of moods. Her hands moved to my hair and I released her from my grip. I climbed off of her, but she stood and pushed me back onto the bed. She crawled on top of me.

"I'm sorry, Cal," she sighed. "I was just overwhelmed. I guess I didn't even realize I was flirting with him. I'm sorry, baby." I nodded and leaned up to kiss her. She kissed me back before getting up. Anna took my hand and pulled me off of the bed and she trotted back downstairs before I could stop her. I trailed behind her and we rejoined the crowd that was still gathered in our living room. Nobody questioned where we had gone.

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