Chapter 1

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(Pov Yn)

I get out of my car and walk towards the location where I need to be. There it is, the huge avengers office. I stop and take a deep breath. C'mon Yn, you can do this.' I whisper to myself. Then I enter the office.

(In the elevator in the building)

'Welcome, you just arrived at 8th floor.' A voice says. I look around me and see the voice is coming from a speaker hanging from the ceiling of the elevator. Suddenly the doors open. I quickly get out of the elevator and start searching for room nineteen. The whole floor is beautiful. Everywhere you look there are paintings and pictures of the avengers on the walls.

After a while I finally find room nineteen. I want to knock on the door, but someone opens it just before I hit the door. A beautiful red-haired woman appears in a red dress. The dress fits her perfectly. 'Welcome, I'm Wanda. You must be Yn?' she asks, smiling. 'Y- yes I- I am.' I stutter. What is wrong with me? These things never happen to me. 'Come in, I won't bite.' Wanda says laughing. I quickly shake the thoughts off and smile. Then I follow Wanda into the room.

We enter a huge room. There are four couches on the left side of the room. There is a huge TV placed on the wall. A few men and a boy who looks like my age (20) are sitting on the couches watching tv. I look to the right side where I see an air hockey table. Two girls that also look like my age are playing air hockey. The girl on the left side of the table is blond, and the girl on the right side of the table has black hair. There's a huge table placed in the middle of the room. I guess that's the dinner table or something? Next to the door I just walked through there is a huge bookcase. In front of it there are beanbags and another couch.

'Can I have everyone's attention for a moment please?' Wanda says while she looks around the room to check if everyone is actually listening to her. 'This is Yn, she will join the avengers to help us. Yn is a newborn superhero and almost as strong as me. Now come here everyone and introduce yourself to Yn.' Wanda says with a big smile on her face.

Everyone gets up and walks towards me. A nice-looking man that I've seen before is standing in front of me and shakes my hand. Next to him there is another blond-haired woman I hadn't seen before. 'Hi Yn, it's so good to see you! This is Pepper, my wife.' Tony says. Pepper also shakes my hand and smiles at me. 'Do you know each other already?' Wanda asks confused. 'Yes, yes we did. I can proudly say that Yn is my kid now.' Tony says with a smile plastered on his face. Wanda looks confused and wants to say something, but Tony stops her before she has the change. 'Yn doesn't have parents. She doesn't want to talk about it, so we respect that. We met a few times and I asked her if she wanted a real family. I asked her if she wants to live with us. Ofcourse she said yes. I hope everyone will treat her with love and respect. Let's make sure Yn finally gets the real family that she deserves.' He explains while he looks at me, still smiling.

'You can give me your stuff if you want, I'll bring you to your room after you met everyone.' Pepper says happily. 'Now Yn, I want you to know that you can call us whatever you want. You can call us Tony and Pepper if you want, but of course you can also say mom and dad. Everything is fine.' Tony says while he pulls me into a big hug. I hold him tightly and whisper 'thanks'.

In the few months that I've known Tony, he became a real dad to me, and pepper looks nice aswell. She has this smile that makes you feel like everything is okay. She looks like a real good mother figure.

'My turn!' a tall, muscled man says excited. He pushes Tony to the side and shakes my hand. 'Hi Yn, I'm Thor, god of thunder. It's nice meeting you.' He says smiling. In his other hand he is holding a really heavy looking hammer. 'Hi Thor, it's nice meeting you to!' I say smiling. I can't help it. Everyone is so nice here. I haven't felt that in a very long time. I was homeless and the only people that would 'talk' to me were people screaming not so nice stuff about me. Suddenly I get pulled into another hug. 'Hi, I'm Yelena. How are you doing?' she asks. She has this cute Russian accent. 'I'm good, how about you?' I ask her. 'I'm good. This is my girlfriend, Kate.' She answers. She pulls the girl closer to her so I can see her. 'Hi.' She says smiling. 'Hi' I say. Then a gorgeous woman walks towards me and gives me a hand. 'Hi, I'm Natasha. Yelena's sister.' She says smiling. 'Hi.' I say, smiling back.

(Half an hour later)

After I finished introducing myself to everyone, we talked for a moment before Pepper took me to my room. Now I'm standing in front of a wooden door.  Room Twenty-eight . Pepper opens the door and lets me in. 'Welcome to your room Yn.' She says while she hands me the keys. 'Thank you so much.' I say while I put my stuff on the ground and walk through my room. I can't believe what I'm seeing. There is a huge bed in the middle of the room, there is a massive tv hanging on the wall . There's a huge desk with a laptop. There's a note on the laptop that says 'For Yn'

There are two more doors inside the room.. The first door leads to the biggest bathroom I have ever seen. There are a bath with a tv placed on the wall, and a shower that's so big I wouldn't be surprised if two people could fit in there easily. Then there is a huge mirror hanging on the wall next to cabinets filled with make-up, bath stuff, shower stuff, pads and tampons, toothbrushes, toothpastes and more. There is also sink and a toilet.

The other door leads to a huge walk-in closet. The closet is filled with Hoodies, t-shirs, shorts, dresses, suits, beanies, ties, bow ties, bathrobes and so much more. There's  underwear and socks in every color. At the end of the closet is a wall that's filled with shoes. There are Jordans, Nikes, Vans, Converse and so much more. 

I run out of the closet in disbelief. I see Pepper is still in my room. I run towards her and pull her in a big hug. 'Thank you, thank you, thank you!' I say really happy. 'Of course Yn, you are my daughter now. I would do anything for you. If you ever need something, just ask me.' She says. 'I will, thank you.' I say. I give her another hug and let her leave the room after.

(Hiii it's Teun here :) First chapter, Let me know what you think :).  Please let me know if I made any mistakes so I can change it :) and pm me if you have any ideas for the story, you can always send me a message! Thanks for reading this :) Byeeee)

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