Chapter 21

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(Pov Wanda)

*A few hours later*

Everybody left and Yn fell asleep again. Amelia told us that Yn has to stay in the hospital tonight so they can keep an eye on her. We can take her home tomorrow if everything goes well tonight. So here I am, sitting in a chair next to Yn's hospital bed, holding her hand. I am so in love with this girl, I can't believe it. I've only known her for a few days but it feels like she was almost there. She is the drug I didn't know I needed. I look at the clock and see its pretty late already. Its almost 11:45 PM. I close my eyes and slowly fall asleep.


I wake up by the sound of a door closing. When I open my eyes I see Amelia walking towards Yn's bed. She turns around and looks at me. 'Oh I'm sorry Wanda, I didn't mean to wake you.' She whisper so she doesn't wake up Yn. 'No it's fine, I need to know how she is doing. I really want to take her home.' I say while I sit up. Amelia smiles. 'I'm so happy you two found each other. I see that you really love her, and I know she loves you to, with her whole heart.' Amelia says, still smiling while she checks Yn. 'Yeah, I really do love her. I hope she knows that...' I say, smiling a bit now. 'Looks like everything is fine, you can take her home in the morning if she stays stable. Oh and believe me, she knows you love her.'

(Pov Yn)

*The next day*

I wake up and find Wanda asleep in a chair next to my bed. She is holding my hand. Suddenly a feeling of guilt goes through my head. How could I do this to her? Wanda deserves so much better than me... I can't even imagine how she must have felt when she found me like that. How could I be so stupid! And poor Amelia... I hate myself so much! Why I am like this? Tears roll down my cheeks while I realize how much I must have hurt everyone. Suddenly I feel someone squeezing my hand. I turn my head to look at Wanda who slowly opens her eyes. 'Hey baby, whats wrong?' She asks. Her voice is raspy. I immediately calm down when I hear her voice, but I can't stop crying. 'I- I'm so- so s- sorry.' I stutter sobbing. Wanda doesn't say anything. She gets up, sits down next to me in the hospital bed and pulls me in her lap. I lay my head against her chest, close my eyes and listen to her heartbeat till I stop crying.

'You don't have to be sorry baby. I'm the one who has to say that to you. I should've known it would be a bad idea to leave you alone... but I just got so excited over your present that I didn't really think about it. I just wanted to make you happy, but it almost took your life instead. So I'm so, so sorry baby. I don't know how I could let this happen to you... You deserve better!' Wanda says while tears start rolling over her cheeks. 'Wanda listen to me. None of this is your fault! And are you kidding me? You are the best thing or person that's ever happened to me! You are so sweet and caring... you even helped me find my family! So don't you dare blame this on yourself! You couldn't have known that I would do this to myself! I didn't even know... I love you so much Wanda. We got so close in a few weeks... I can't even imagine my life without you anymore! I love you so, so much Wanda... I can't even describe it in words.' I tell her while I start crying again. 'I love you to Yn. And I can't imagine a world without you either, because I know there isn't one. I don't know how you did it... but in the few weeks we've known each other you became my world. Please Yn, I'm begging you... please don't hurt yourself again... I was so scared I was going to lose you...' Wanda sobs while she rubs my back. 'I'm here, and I promise, for real this time... but I don't think I can do it without professional help.' I say while I wrap my arms around her. 'I know baby, I'll find you the best therapist there is.' Wanda says. Then she gives me a kiss on my forehead.

Suddenly the door opens and Callie and Arizona enter the room.

'We have some good news Yn, you can go home.'

(Hey peopleee, its me again :D. I want to thank you all so much for all the reads and the votes... I mean, 1.4 k, HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? This means a lot to me so again, thank you so much! I know its been long since the last time I posted, but I finally got the motivation to write again! I'm going through a gender crisis right now and that kinda sucks :') but I'll figure it out one day (hopefully). But anygay, good night loves, and otherwise have a good day! Much loveeee.... BYEEE)

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