Chapter 18

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(Pov Yn)

Everybody is done eating breakfast so me and Wanda help Lexie to clean the table. 'Yn, I was thinking... maybe we could all go do something fun together, watch a movie or something?' Lexie asks while she places the last plate in the dishwasher. 'I'll ask Wanda, but I think that would be great.' I say happy. I walk towards Wanda who just finished cleaning the table. I wrap my arms around her waist from behind. 'Hi baby, Lexie asked if we want to watch a movie with them. What do you think?' I ask her, then I give her a kiss in her neck. 'I would love that.' Wanda says while she turns around smiling. 'Aunt Lexie, we would love to watch a movie with you guys!' I yell towards the kitchen. 'Yn, didn't you forget something?' Maggie asks while she walks towards me. I sigh. 'I didn't bring them with me.' I answer, hoping she would leave it for what it is. 'That's why I went to the hospital to get some for you. C'mon Yn, I know you don't like them... but it's good for you, you know that.' Maggie says while she hands me a pill and a glass of water. 'It's so hard to take them, you know it's hard for me to swallow pills, it always was.' I say grumpy now. 'Hey baby, it's okay. I'm here, nothing can go wrong okay? Just try it, if it doesn't work we'll find another way.' Wanda now says. Maggie nods. 'Wanda is right. Just try it, if it doesn't work I'll find another way.' She says. I nod. 'Fine.' I say, still a little bit irritated. I take the pill, and to my own surprise I actually did it. 'Well done baby, I'm so proud of you.' Wanda says while she hugs me again. Maybe it sounds stupid, but I'm happy she is proud of me because it really means a lot to me. 'Thank Maggie, thanks Wanda. Now, let's watch a movie.' I say now happy again.

Everybody sits down on the huge couch in the middle of the living room, except for me. I sit down on Wanda's lap and wrap my arms around her waist. 'I love you so much.' I whisper while I lay my head on her shoulder. 'I love you to.' She whispers back, smiling. 'Aw, you girls are so cute together. Let me take a picture!' Maggie says excited. I start blushing and hide my face in the crook of Wanda's neck. I hear Wanda giggle. 'I'll send it to you Yn. If you give me Wanda's number I'll send it to her to.' Maggie says. 'Okay, what kind of movie do we want to watch?' Amelia asks while she grabs the remote and opens Netflix. Everybody answers with horror, except for me. I'm scared of horror movies, but I'm with Wanda now so I think that shouldn't be a problem. 'Sure.' I say. After a while we chose a movie named Veronica.


In the middle of the movie there is a huge jump scare. I scream and hide my face on Wanda's should while I hold her. Wanda giggles. 'Everything is okay Yn, it's just a movie.' she says while she wraps her arms around me. I slowly turn my head back and look at Maggie, Lexie and Amelia who look like they didn't see me freak out over a movie... thank god. I look back at the tv and continue to watch the movie.

*After the movie*

'That was a really good movie, should we watch another one?' Amelia asks while she grabs the remote. Everybody agrees. 'I'm going to get some crisps.' Lexie says. 'I'll help!' I half scream while I jump out of Wanda's lap. Lexie giggles. 'You haven't changed at all.' She says while we walk to the kitchen together. Lexie grabs the crisps while I grab a bowl, they really haven't changed anything since I disappeared... 'She is nice, I can see how much you love her.' Lexie says while she looks at Wanda who is talking with Maggie and Amelia. 'She really is. She saved me from myself when no one else could.' I say while I look at Wanda, smiling. I hand Lexie the bowls. Lexie grabs them while she looks at my arms. 'Yn, what's that?' she asks worried. 'I uh- I...' I stutter while I stare at the scars on my arms. I take a deep breath while I try to hold back tears. 'Yn... did you do that to yourself?' Lexie asks. She doesn't sound mad or disappointed, just worried. 'I did.' I answer while I stare at the ground. 'Yn, look at me. Are you still doing it?' Lexie asks while she tries to make eye contact. 'I.. I used to do it.' I stutter while I try to avoid any kind of eye contact. 'How did you stop?' Lexie asks while she comes closer. 'W- Wanda once saw me doing it. She stopped me and reminded me I don't deserve to do that to myself. She pulled me out of the darkness I lived in for a really long time.' I explain crying now. 'Oh Yn...' Lexie says, not knowing what to say. She pulls me in a hug and gives me a kiss on my forehead. 'I'm so proud you stopped it.' she says while she holds me.

We stand there for a while till I stop crying and calmed down. 'Are you okay?' Lexie asks while she gives me one last hug. I nod. 'Let's go to the others.' I say while I walk towards the living room, but Lexie calls me back. 'Do you want Maggie and Amelia to know? I think they will find out either way, so maybe it's easier to tell them instead of them figuring it out their self. I can tell it if you rather don't.' Lexie says. I really don't get how I ever deserved a family like this. 'It would be amazing if you would tell them. But can it wait till tonight or something? I just want to have fun for now.' I say while I give Lexie another hug. 'Okay kiddo, now c'mon. let's go watch a movie!' she says while she grabs the bowl with crisps and drags me back to the couch. 'We found a movie.' Wanda says excited while she pulls me on her lap. I look at the tv and see they chose out Anne+ the movie. I'm happy because I wanted to watch the movie for a while now, but I kept forgetting to actually do it. Lexie sits down next to Maggie and Amelia while Maggie starts the movie. I cuddle up against Wanda and whisper in her ear. 'I love you.' I don't know what's going on with me. I never said that so many times in one day, and it's only 02:17! 'I love you to.' Wanda says while she plays with my hair for a few seconds. Then we both watch the movie.

(Pov Wanda)

*30 minutes later*

I look at my shoulder and see Yn fell asleep. I smile. This girl has no idea how much I love her. I start playing with her hair while I watch the movie. The movie is Dutch but we turned the subtitles on. I get why Yn wanted to see this movie, it's really good!

After a while the movie ended. Lexie turns of the tv and looks at me after. She smiles when she sees Yn asleep on my lap. I look at the clock and see it's only 3:42 PM. 'You can take her upstairs if you want.' Maggie whispers while she gets up and grabs the empty bowl. I smile and nod to let them know I agree without waking Yn. Then I slowly get up while I wrap my arms around Yn so she won't fall and hopefully doesn't wake up. I slowly go upstairs and lay Yn down on the bed of the bedroom we used. I lay the blanket on top of her and give her a kiss on her forehead. Then I go back downstairs to the others.

'Hey Wanda, I thought you would stay with Yn.' Maggie says surprised. 'Yeah, I thought I should let her sleep, and I really want to talk with you girls.' I say while I walk towards the kitchen to help Lexie clean the dishes. 'That's great, we wanted to talk to you to.' Maggie closes the dishwasher. 'Let's sit at the dinner table.' She says. We all enter the living room and sit down at the dinner table. 'So, what did you want to talk about?' Amelia asks kindly. The three sisters look at me, smiling. 'I just wanted to tell you girls how thankful I am for meeting Yn. I don't know her for long, but I didn't need to. Since the first moment I saw her I knew she is the one. She became my world and the owner of my heart. Oh, and she saved me from a darkness I have been living in for years.' I say with tears in my eyes. 'That really sounds like Yn. Do you want to talk about the cause of the darkness?' Maggie asks, nothing but empathy in her voice. I nod smiling. 'Almost two years ago my brother died in a big fight. He was my everything.' I say. Tears roll over my cheeks, but I ignore them. 'He always wanted to be a superhero. He and the avengers saved the world, but my brother got shot multiple times. He sacrificed himself for the world. I just wish I could see him one more time to say goodbye. Tell him how proud I am, and I want to punch him for doing is to me.' I say laughing through my tears. 'Does Yn know about this?' Amelia asks curious. 'She doesn't... I want to tell her, but I'm not ready yet.' I say while I wipe my tears away.

We sit there for a moment, just talking about life and some other things. It's really nice talking with Yn's aunts. They are so kind and lovely, I wish I had a family like that. 'I think it's time to wake Yn.' Maggie says while she looks at the silver watch on her wrist. 'I'll go!' I say happily while I get up and run towards the stairs. I want to enter the room when I suddenly hear mumbles and sobs. I quickly open the door and run towards Yn who is laying in her bed. 'Mom... mom wake up! Please wake up...' Yn mumbles between sobs. 'Yn, Yn wake up baby.' I whisper while I gently try to shake her awake. Yn opens her eyes. She screams when she sees me. 'Hey baby... it's okay. It's me, Wanda.' I say while I slowly move towards her. I sit next to her on the bed and look at Yn, who is now wiping the tears of her cheeks. Then she crawls in my lap and wraps her arms around my neck. 'Wanna go downstairs baby?' I ask while I wipe a strand hair out her face. Yn doesn't say anything, she just nods. 'Okay.' I say while I get up. I hold Yn. 'I won't let you go, I promise.' I whisper. Then I head downstairs.  

(Hiiii, Teun here :D, finally a new chapter! I'm so sorry it took so long, but I have no inspiration :( Anygays, I hope you liked this chapter! Please don't forget to vote if you did :). Much loveee X- Teun)

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