Chapter 20

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(Pov Wanda)

I gently place the shepherd on the ground and get out of the car after. Amelia stares at the dog with a huge smile on her face. I follow Amelia and together we enter the huge house again, but this time with a happy, barking puppy.

'Yn baby, we are back.' I say while I lift up the puppy and enter the living room together with Amelia. I look around the room but Yn is nowhere to be seen. The note is on exactly the same place as when we left. 'Let's go upstairs.' I say to Amelia. We go upstairs with the puppy. Together we enter the guestroom. 'Yn, are you here?' I ask, getting concerned now. I enter the bathroom and Amelia follows me. I almost drop the puppy when I find Yn. I fall on my knees, bawling my eyes out. I quickly place the dog on the floor and crawl towards Yn. She lays on the ground, her is blood everywhere. I hear Amelia walk in behind me. 'Oh my god Yn!' she screams. She immediately runs towards her and checks her neck for a heartbeat. 'Wanda, she is still alive! Go get the first aid kit!' Amelia screams while she turns around and looks me in my eyes. Tears roll over her cheeks. I slowly nod and turn around to grab the kit and quickly hand it to Amelia who grabs the bandage and starts wrapping Yn's arms. I lift Yn up while Amelia takes the pup. We run downstairs and hop in the car.

*At the hospital*

We run inside while Amelia and I both scream. 'Help! Please help us!' A woman runs towards us with a hospital bed. It's Callie! 'Oh my god Yn!' she screams. Tears form in her eyes. 'Wanda, wait here. I promise you will take care of her. Amelia, come with me!' she says. Amelia hands me the pup and follows Callie after.

*15 minutes later*

I try to stay strong, but I can't hold it anymore. I fall on my knees while my eyes turn into a waterfall once again. I cuddle the shepherd I've been holding the whole time. 'Wanda? Is that you?' someone asks. I turn around, still on my knees and see Maggie standing in front of me. She quickly kneels down next to me. 'Y-n – she – she cut – her-self' I say sobbing. 'Oh my god Wanda-' Maggie begins, but I think she doesn't know what to say. She pulls me in a hug. I feel her tears dripping down my back, but I don't care. Yn is all I can think about. 'How bad is it?' Maggie asks while she pulls back. 'I don't know... There was b- blood, everywhere.' I stutter. 'Oh god...' Maggie says speechless. 'I really need to go and tell everyone, but I don't want to leave you alone...' Maggie now says. 'Don't worry, I'll be fine.' I say while I try to make a smile, but I fail.

*A few hours later*

A nice lady brought some water for the puppy a few minutes ago. Or was it an hour ago? I have no idea. Yn is the only thing I can think about. Tears start to form in my eyes again. This is my fault. I shouldn't have left Yn. I should've known Yn would do this to myself. How could I be so stupid! Why am I like this! 'Wanda?' someone calls out of my thoughts. I look up and see Maggie standing in front of me with Lexie and Amelia behind her. Oh no... this can't be good... I get up and get closer to them. 'Yn...' Maggie starts. 'Oh no... she can't be dead! She can't!' I half scream while I fall onto my knees, having another breakdown. Amelia kneels down next to me and holds my hand. 'Wanda, look at me.' she says calm, but I don't listen to her. 'Look at me.' she says again. I look up and see Amelia smiling, a single tear rolls down her cheek. 'She's alive.' Amelia says. The three sisters help me up and pull me in a hug. 'She is?' I ask, not really believing what Amelia just said. 'She is!' Maggie now says. We all look into each other's eyes. Then we all start crying. We let all the emotions out that we experienced in the last few hours.

*A few moments later*

The three sisters brought me to Yn's room. I'm standing in front of the door that leads to her room, but I can't get inside. My legs won't move. So I'm standing in front of the door, staring at it. 'Wanda, everything is going to be okay. Trust me. I'll come with you so you won't have to do this alone.' Amelia says while she grabs my hand. I nod and take a deep breath, then we enter the room.

I see Yn laying in a hospital bed. She isn't awake. She is connected to a heart monitor and an IV. When I see her my eyes start to water again. I let go off Amelia's hand and sit down on the chair next to Yn's bed. I grab her hand while I stare at her face. 'Why Yn... why?' I whisper crying while I hold her hand close to my chest. 'She'll wake up in a few minutes. I'll go now so you two can have some time alone when she wakes up.' Amelia says. She lays her hand on my shoulder for a second and leaves the room after.

I just sit next to Yn's bed for a few minutes, holding her hand while I wish for her to wake up. Suddenly I feel Yn squeezing my hand. 'Oh my god Yn, are you awake?' I ask shocked while I stare at her face. I watch how Yn slowly opens her eyes and turns her head to look at me. 'I am.' She says half smiling. I want to say something, but I can't find the words. 'Yn...' I start, but Yn stops me. 'Come here.' She says while she moves a little and weakly pats the spot next to her. I get up and softly sit down next to her after I take off my shoes. 'Yn, what happened?' I ask, still sobbing. Yn looks down and stares at the blanket. 'I- I woke up and I found out I was home alone... so I started thinking... I thought you all left me because you- y'all didn't want me anymore...' Yn explains sobbing to now. 'I couldn't stop Wanda... I tried to, but I couldn't stop myself.' Tears roll down her cheeks. 'Come here.' I say sobbing while I open my arms. Yn crawls into my lap and wraps her arms around me. 'Look at me Yn. I will never stop wanting you. You are my world Yn. When I looked at you the first time, I knew you were the one. You will always be the one I love the most. Please, never do this to yourself again. I love you Yn, I love you so much!' I say sobbing while I pull her even closer then she already was. 'I promise you Wanda, I'm so sorry you had to go through all of this. I love you to, more than you will ever know.' She says while she looks into my eyes.

Suddenly we hear a knock on the door. 'Oh that's right, I had a surprise for you.' I say while I wipe a strand hear behind Yn's ear. 'Really?' Yn asks excited. 'Come in!' I yell. The door opens and Amelia, Lexie and Maggie enter the room together. Lexie is holding the puppy. She smiles while she hands him to me. I hand him over to Yn, who is still sitting on my lap. 'Surprise baby. We thought it would be a good idea to get you a service animal.' I explain. 'It was Wanda's idea.' Maggie says smiling. 'Oh my god Wanda! Thank you so much! I absolutely love him! What's his name?' Yn asks while she pets the puppy. 'He doesn't have one yet. I wanted you to choose his name.' I say smiling. Yn's smile grows even more. 'Thank you so, so much! I think I'll name him Scout.' She says with a smile so big it literally fills her face.

'I'm so thankful you are okay Yn...' Lexie says with tears in her eyes. Me, Amelia and Maggie nod in agreement.

'I am to. I'm so sorry guys. I love you all so much.' Yn says. Then Maggie pulls all of us in a hug.

(Hi peopleeeee. I am so sorry I took so long to update (again) but anygay... I hope you like the story for so far, please don't forget to vote if you do and don't forget to comment what you think. I'd love to hear your ideas! Thank you so much for reading my book, it means the world to me! I'm goinna go now.... byeeee :D) 

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