Chapter 1 - Show your backs,and you're dead

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Two childeren,one in pink and the other one in blue were in Kyoto,Japan. They were traveling from Edo to kyoto to find someone. They had little food and two swords. The blue one had a bag hanging on her schoulder with the food,medical stuff and some scrolls.

But they didn't had a very welcoming entrance on first night they arrived in Kyoto

*pants* *pants*


Third year of the Bunkyou Era,November. Kyoto

Chizuru and Y/n ran for their lives as the ronins chased them
They hid behind a wall as they tried to calm theri breathing down.

'They're some fast bastards,we can't let them get to far....find them!!!'
Y/n look a bit out and saw a guy walking to them. She pushed Chizuru down as se held Chizuru's shaking hand.
They cradled futher in the schadows as the guy came closer and closer to them..Both shut their eyes thightly as the guy was about to turn the coner to them.


Y/n and Chizuru opened their eyes as they heard the painfull scream. The guy turned around and let out a battlecry as he saw his apponent. He went to attack.

'You bastard,DIEE!!!!!!'

The guy attacked the white haired one,right on the chest but instead that the guy fell down,he smirked and laughed.

'Shit!! why won't you just keel over?!'

The white head laughed and walked closer to the guy

'H-help me!'

Y/n shifted a bit but Chizuru held her down and shook her head.The the white haired laughed and creepec closer to the girls.

He found them.He begin to lauch maniaclly.
Y/n opened her water puch but something stopped her.
A blade came through the torso of the white head,this time he dropped down to the ground.

'Huh?'.Both girls said as they looked at their hero.

Baby blue haori,purple hair.

'Man that sucks...... I was going to kill all of them myself........Saito-kun,you do your work amazing at these times.....'

Another voice siad,baby blue haori,brown hair,green eyes. the Purple haired on turned around,showing the girls his face.

'I was merely doing my job'.Saito-kun said.

Chizuru and Y/n looked at each other,scared.

The other guy looked at them and smiled creepy at them.

Y/n touched at Chizuru,signally to run but a blade stopped her before she even made a move.

Both looked up to see the owner of the blade.
A deep voice ringed in their ears.

'Listen up,don't try to run,you two will be dead if you show me your backs'

Snow fell on the bladed as the moon showed his face

Sharp structure

Sharp pale purple eyes

Y/n wad trying to find away out of their situation when Chizuru suddenly fell face first in the snow.
Y/n looked at Chizuru,who laid on the cold snow.

'Really Chizuru,your leaving me aloneT=T?!' She thought.

'My me, scared him so bad he passed out......'. The brown haired one said,squating down near Y/n.

The Vice-Commander looked down on Y/n.

'Vice-Commander,what would like me to do with the corpses?'. The purple one asked.

'Take their haori off and leave them'. V-C said. The purple haired nodded and ran away.

'Say what will we do with this guy?'.The brown haired one asked,the V-C's eyes stared right in Y/n's soul.He turned around and shealded his sword.

'We'll take them with us' V-C said.

'Really,we aren't going to kill them?'. He asked,he turned to Y/n

'They saw everything......'

'We will deal with them when we get back' V-C said,walking away.

The browned haired shrugged and walked to Y/n,he smiled sweetly at Y/n.
Before she got react to this,she got a full chop on her nape.

. . .

Y/n's POV

its warm....

very comfortable.....

I slowly opened my eyes as I took in my surroundings.I was in a normal japans room,I looked around and saw another person sleeping in a futon.


I looked at myself and saw that I was tied up.My hands tied againts my back and a piece of cloth in my mouth,they even tied up my legs?!!!! T-T

I shuffled my way to Chizuru. I sat dow,by back facing her face as I used my hands to wake her up,more like pokig her eyelids till she opened them.
She woke up and sighed in relief when she saw me.
A shadow was seen outside the silding door,revealing a silghtly older man...around his 30-40s.

'Sorry we've treat you two like this....I'm going to remove the ropes,pleade hold still'. he said.

He untied Chizuru first and then me.

'Souji's so rude,this is so thight it hurts!'.He said as he untied my legs.

'You two can remove the hag in your mouths'.He said. We did as he told.

'Thank you,uhmmm'.I said as I rubbed my wrists,what now had robeburns.

'Pardon me,I am Inoue Genzaburou'.Gen-san said.

'And where are me?'. Chizuru asked,we want answers!!

'You two are in the Shinsengumi Headquaters'.Gen-san said.

S-Shinsengumi?!'.We both said.

'There is no need to be startled,please come with me and don't worry about the guys they are such gentlmens'.Gen-san said.

'That's very reliefing......'.I said with a defeated sad face -_-

Gen-san escorted us with a rop around our wirsts,luckly Gen-san is very caring and didn't tie the rope to tight on our wrists.
He opened the door and eyes fell on us.

'You two can enter'.Gen-san said. Chizuru entered first,then I and after me Gen-san.

'Morning! Slept well last night sleepy heads?'.

I reconized the voice,the guy with brown hair......Okita,right?

I looked around the room,it was fulled with guys..........

'You in the pinkie,you slept pretty good,you have tatami'marks on your face. I thought blue died,since he didn't move'.Okita-san said.

'.-.' thats the face Y/n made.

'My legs were tied,what did you except?'.Y/n thought.

Chizuru touched her face and turned around to me. I shook my head.

'That's enough Souji,take it serious'

Thats the purpled haired guy!

''You're a party pooper,you didn't had to spoil the fun Saito-kun'.Souji said.

'Boys stop acting like four year olds!'

And of course Vice Commander is here.

'Fine'.Souji said,pouting.

'So they're the witnesses?'.A guy with a ponytail asked,he do has beautifull ocean forest coloured eyes......

(A/n: Heisuke's eyes colour is a mix of blue and green)

'Waa,they are still childeren'.He continued.

'The guy he sat next to ruffled his hair. He had a a thick headband on.

'You're not the one to talk,Heisuke!'.He said.

'Damn right,to us adults you're stil a kid too!'. Some other guy tuned in.

'Shut up! You two old mans keep out of this!'.Heisuke said.

'What was that kiddo?!'. The two next to Heisuke said both.

'Its not your place to call me ''old man' but call Shinpachi whatever you want......'

'Jerk! You're back stabbing me in the back Sano!!'.Shinpachi said,Sano shrugged at this statement.

I surpressed a grin on my face as this act.

'Thats enough,you 3!'.Vice Commander said.

The guy with glasses turned to us.

'I apologize for their bahaviour,there is no need to be afraid.Please step in and shut the door and take a seat'.He said. I nodded and closed the door. Both of us took a seat nezt to each other.

'I am Asami Kondou,here is my First Sergeant and Toshi-excuse me Hijkata Toshizou in the Vice-

'Kondou-san,why are you introducing everyone?'.The V-C asked.

Because we women like to know the facts and keep things straight Vice.

'Something wrong with that?'.Kondou-san asked.

'There's no need for introductions if we will be interogating' Shinpachi said.

'Its just that Kondou-san likes to be prime ad proper'. Heisuke said.

'Poor guy ._.' I thought.

'Lets talk about bussiness....Saito,please tell us what happend last night'.Kondou-san said.

'Last night,some failed soldiers broke out and attacked ronins.We took care of then but these kids saw everything'.Souji said.

'We didn't saw anything!'.Chizuru said,we dug our grave now.....

'Really?' V-C asked.

'We didn't!'.Chizuru said,I nodded.

'Glad to hear that'. He said,I felt the sarcasm in his voice.

'But according to Souji,you two helped those punks'.Gen-san said. Chizuru and I looked at Souji like he was crazy.

'We were running away from them,not helping them'.I stated,Chizuru continued.

'And then the Shinsengumi came,really you guys saved us!'.Chizuru said.

'SO in other words,you two saw our soldiers kill of those ronins'.Shinpachi said,that's it we're done,we lied and got caught T.T

I made a defeated face and so did Chizuru

'Your eyes and your friends face says it all,thats not a bad thing but-'.Sano got cut off.

'Lets just kill them,best way to keep one quiet'.Souji said,my eyes widen.

'You can't!!'.Chizuru said.

'Watch your mouth!'.V-C said.

'We can't go kill citenzens!'.Kondou said,glaring at Souji.

'You don't have to glare at me,I was just joking'. Souji said.

'Now is not the time to joke around'.Saito said.

'Please spare us,we won't tell a soul!'.Chizuru said. I nodded.

'I had enough,take them away'.V-C said,Saito got up and dragged us out the room.

'Please spare us!'.We both said as the room got further and further away.

. . .

Saito brought us back to the room we stayed in,He threw Chizuru on the ground.

'Chizuru!'.I said as she hit the ground but Saito did the same for me.

'I suggest you two prepare for the worst'.He said.

Saito closed the door and walked away.

I turned to Chizuru

'Chizuru,we have to get out of here!'.I said. She nodded.

'Lets see....we both lost our swords!!'.I said.

'Alright Y/n,lets escape.First lets retrieve our stuff and make a run for it!!!Hopefully the inn owners kept our stuff in our room".Chizuru said,I nodded
'We arrived there yesterday and requested 3 day stay'.I said and walked to the door.
No shadow or footsteps,I slowly slided the door open en looked around,no one

I signalled Chizuru as we walked outside.We were about to turn a corner but....

'Kya!',We both said as we got lifted off the ground.

'Idiot,do you two think you can escape,didn't I told you two if you show me your backs your dead'.V-C said.

'Unhand us!'.I said.

'I'll kill you two if you run'.V-C said.

*liquid flowing*

I touched my nape

'What's wrong?'.V-C asked,lifitng me higher up.

'Let go of us'.Chizuru said,he listened and dropped us.Chizuru went to me and had a hand on my back as I calmed my breathing down.

'You can't kill us,we have something to do!'. Chizuru said,I nodded.

'Is it something you are willing to risk your live for?'.V-C asked.

We nodded.

'Lets hear about this then'.He said.

'Huh?'.We said.

. . .

Here we are,again confession time.

'Pinkie,you first'.V-C said.

Chizuru breathed in.

'I am Yukimura Chizuru'.

Everybody widened their eyes as they heard the lastname.

'My father told me that he had to go to Kyoto for sometime. If I needed anything I should go to dr,Matsumoto or Y/n'.She said,signalling to me,I nodded and smiled.

'He promised that I he would write when he could,and he did it but after sometime the letters stopped.I couldn't wait so I went to Y/n and asked him to accompany me to Kyoto if he wanted. Being the loyal friend that he is,he tagged along so we went from Edo to Kyoto'.

I scrachted my nape as I knew what she will tell next.

'....S-somehow we got lost and those ronins chased us around Kyoto for sometime......last night they ganged up on us and that's how everything started....'.She said,finishing her story.

Kondou-no everyone looked grim

'I two came all the way from Edo to Kyoto to search for your father'.Kondou-san said.

'What about the one in blue?He needs to tell his part of the story too!'.Heisuke said.

'Yes,please do tell us your part of the story Y/n-kun'.Kondou-san said.

'I'm L/n Y/n,as you all may know I am friends with Chizuru. His father came the day before he departed that Chizuru will be alone for some days,so being the friend I am I spended as much time I could with Chizuru.When he asked me to tagged along with him to look for his father,of course I said yes. luck so far -__-'. I said.

'So that's why you two young ladies disguised yourself as boys......'.V-C said.

'Ha?'.Both of us said,they knew......well,just some boy clothes and some changes her and there and acting doesn't make you a boy.....

Kondou-san nodded but stopped

'WHAT?! There're shes's?!'.He asked.

Everyone took a closer look at us,I waved around with a smiled.

'You two are chicks?!'Shinpachi assked,we nodded.

No way!'.Heisuke said.

'I made such a blunder,I never realized you two are girls!'.Kondou-san said.

'But it's so obvious....'.Souji said.

'Maybe,but we don't have prove!'.Shinpachi said.

'Ha?'.I said,I stopped waved.

'By prove you mean.....'Chizuru said.

'We don't we have them strip?'. Sano said.

'Unacceptable,thats!!-'.Kondou-san said,flabergasted.

Sannan-san smiled at Kondou-san.

'Please calm yourself down Kondou-san'.Sannan-san said.

'Yeha but.....'Kondou-san said.

'You said your Yukimura Chizuru....are you the daughter of Yukimura Houdou?'. Sannan-san asked. Our eyes widen,I turned to Chizuru.

'Yes,thats my father'.She said.

'Just how much do you know?!'.V-C asked.

'Of what?'.Chizuru asked.

'Don't play dumb!Koudou-san I'm referring to'.V-C said.

'We only know that he went to Kyoto,nothing more'.I said.

'D-did something happen to my father?!'.Chizuru asked.

'About a month ago,there was a fire at the clinic he worked at,since then we don't knwo where he is'.Sannan-san said. I turned to Chizuru.

'A month ago the letters stopped'.I said.

'Although we aren't sure why,we haven't been able to find his corpse yet......its highly that he got caught up into someth'.He added.

'We are currently searching for him'.V-C/Hijkata-san said.

'If you two are willing to forget what happend last night,we will look after you two until we find Koudou-san'.Hijkata-san said.

Chizuru looked at me,I frowned my eyes.

'Don't worry we will fid your father'.Kondou-san said.

You see,Chizuru and I can whisper really softly with each other so we begin to whisper with each other.

'Do you think it will be okay?' I whispered to her.

'I think so,your scrolls are back in Edo,if they got stolen...'.She asked,I gasped.

'T.T I know.......Chizuru!!!!!.'I said with a sad face.

'What are they doing?'.Shinpachi asked as he looked at the two girls,who didn't made any audio but surprisingly comunicated with each other.

'They're...whispering???'.Heisuke said with a questionable tone.

'But its better to stay here Ruru-chan,your father is probably here plus we get their help with it'I said.

'You're right n/n-chan,so we stay?'She asked.

'Yes,that would be the best choice,hopefully they will trust us and we find your father,I hope they let me go back to back to Edo someday for the scrolls and return...sounds good I think'.I said,with a thinking face.

'Hai hai,hahaha'.Chizuru said with a smile

They turned back to Kondou-san,Sannan-san and Hijkata-san.

'What did you two do?'. Hijkata-san asked with a qustionable face/

They bowed.

'We appriciated it dearily,thank you for letting us stay'.I said.

'We won't be a burden,we will continue our search for my father'.Chizuru said.

Kondou-san smiled and bowed to them.

'Lets get along'.He said with a smile in his voice.

'Isn't it nice we don't have to kill you two,atleast for now'.Souji said.

'H-hai'.I said =3=

'Well,w'll have to be nicer since they're girls!!'.Shinpachi said.

'You're always nice to ladies but its to soon to welcome them with open arms'.Heisuke said.

'Whatever,everyone's gonna be exited now we have two ladies here in HQ!'.Sano said.

'We have to figure out what we will have to do with them,we can't treat them like we do with our soldiers'.Sannan-san said.

'We just need to make them someones pages,how about Kondou-san or Sannan-san?'.Hijkata-san said.

'Come on,Hijkata-san its your idea so you take responsibablity'.Souji said.

'That would be a great idea,how about I take Y/n-kun as my page,if she is okay with it and you will have Chizuru Hijkata-kun?'.Sannan-san said.

'....'.Hijkata-san didn't say anything.

'I will take your silence as a yes,Y/n-kun Chizuru-kun are you two okay with this?'.Kondou-san asked.

'I am okay with it'.I said with a smile,Chizuru nodded.

'Problem solved'. Kondou-san said.

'Y-you jerks...'Hijkata-san said.

Chizuru looked at me,I smiled at her,you can do this Ruru-chan!

. . .

Author's POV

Hijkata,Saito and Souji sat in a room.Hijkata sat behind a table writing somehting.

'What about them?'.Souji said.

'What do you mean?'.Hijkata san said.

'I find them cute,I don't dislike them'.Souji said.

'They came her to look for Koudou-san and got attack by or men,thats no coicidence'.Hijkata said.

'Do you think its a set up?'.Saito asked.

'Doubt that,I don't think they're capable of doing that'.Souji said.

The Shinsengumi allowed the two girls to stay in ther Headquaters till they found koudou Yukimura,Chizuru's father who suddenly disappeard.

That night,Y/n took off used waterbending to go and come back safetly and quietly.She got their stuff from the in and hid them in their room.


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