Chapter 7- Bottles Up

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Last time

I am happy that I am alone now,just silence and water sounds.I breathed in.The Sun was shining bright,birds were singing,wind danced through the green in the HQ.I smiled as I hang the haori's on the wooden things.

I like it here

This time

Y/n's POV

As I was doing the laundry,a voice shouted my name

'Y/n-chan!'.Chizuru shouted,running to me,I laughed but shushed her.

'Shhhhhh,don't go yell me name so hard,my cover as boy would me blowed with the 'chan'....'.I said,laughing.

'Got it,are you done?'.She asked.

'Haiiiiiiiiii-_- neh neh,what did you all talk about?How did it go yesterday?'.I asked,grabbing the wooden basket as we walked to the storage room.I placed the basket there.We walked around the headquaters.

'Yesterday went well,we captured the bad guys and we talked about what to do next,tommorow Kondou-san and the capteins except Heisuke,Souji and Sannan-san will depart to the Azui Clan,I will go too........'She said.I nodded but stopped.

'Wait,why will Sannan-san stay here?He is perfectly fine to go too'.I asked.

Chizuru looked around and begin to whisper quietly to me.

'Even though Sannan-san is healed,people still look down to him.....they think he maybe in contact with a sorcerer from the west......'.She said what completly shooked me.

'What?!'.I whisper yelled.

'Yeah.....the other men that were healed by you also think that.....'.She whispered.

' always......'.I said covering half my face with my hand.

'I...I just don't know what to say......but we can't blame them fot thinking like this...hell I would me out of my mind too'.I whispered.

Chizuru shook her head as we entered a awkward silence trance we created.

'Yo Y/n,Chizuru'

Our eyes widen as we turned around.

We turned to the left and saw Sano,Shinpachi and Heisuke.Heisuke had bandages around his head.

'Whats with the shocked faces?'.Sano asked.

'Heisuke,what happened?!'.I asked.

'Oh,thats why....'.Sano said softly

'Oh well,yesterday I found someone hella strong but don't worry I'm fine!'.Heisuke said.Shinpachi lightly hitted Heisuke's head.

'Owwwwww what was that for?!'.Heisuke asked.

'What,I was making sure you were telling the truth,I guess you weren't....'.Shinpachi said,Sano shook his head,both him and Shinpachi had their haori's on.

'Well,were off....Heisuke don't let the ladies worry about you,your a man'.Sano said,dragging Shinpachi with him.

Heisuke scoffed and held his chin up.

'Like I will...I hope it will heal as fast as the time Sano hit me during dinner......Neh Y/n,Chizuru I need to help in the kitchen,see you around!'.Heisuke said before running away.

August of the First Year in the Genji Era

I waved Chizuru goodbye and the rest and so did Heisuke,Souji and Sannan-san.

'I wished I could join them,babysitting HQ is boring!'.Heisuke said,Souji bumped him on the side of his stomach.

'Oww'.Heisuke said,in pain.

'Well I guess we should be good boys'.Souji said,walking away,Heisuke followed him.

'Neh,Sannan-san,why didn't you join them?'.I asked,he sighed.

'It wouldn't be a good move of the Shinsengumi to leave two wounded in charge of HQ....'.He said.

'....And I'm supposed to believe that?'.I thought,skeptical.

This night felt like it would last forever but luckly it the next morning came,The night felt like any other of mine before we stayed in by the Shinsengumi.Alone in you room,the monlight showing other the path in the night.
Breakfast was VERY awkward with the four of us but somehow I survived.The ones that went on the mission yesterday night came back in the middle of the day.Days begin to go back to normal.Chizuru told me about what happend,That the clan became a traitor,some guy with yellowish hair and red eyes started a fight with Hijkata-san,about her wounds that healed away.

I just listened to her as I got the feeling that this would become another problem for her.

Fall of the First Year in the Genji Era,Edo

I walked behind Sannan-san as we walked to his room. This Itou guy came in the Shinsengumi with the intension to help around,Kondou-san was very excited about his arrival so we all went allong with it.Though the guy can get on your nerves sometimes.

'I will prepare the tea'.I said behind him,he slowly turned to me with a side view and nodded. I walked to the kitchen,feeling Sannan-san eyes burning through me.
I when I turned around the corner I bolted.When I reached the kitchen,panting.
While I was stomping the leaves to crumbs I was thinking about basically quiting the healing,its waayyy to dangerous.


But wouldn't the kill count raise ahead then?

I shook my head


But getting hurt is part of it...


And what was it that look of Sannan-san?


'Ha?-Oh Souji-kun,hello'.I said.

'Why did you ignore me?! T-T I called you out three times before......'.Souji said.

'O-oh I am sorry Souji-kun,I didn't mean to ignore you'.I said,bowing.

'Neh it's know,it will be hard to filter the crumbs out now.....'.He said,pointing at the leave crumbs.

'Huh?'.I said but when I looked at the leaves-cross that out they're little,fine crumbs.

'Oh'.I said.

'I will put a piece of clean cloth in the filter....'I said.

'Haiiiii,I was on my way to collect water,so I'm near the water puth'.He,walking away.

'....but weren't you orded to rest?'.I asked to basically nobody. I turned to the leave crumbs,I proceeded to the same like I usually do.I looked at the tea with small pieces of lavander in it.I seperated the crumbs and the warm water with waterbending.I made a tea bubble flew in my mouth to taste it.

'Ohhhh sweet'.I said,brining the plate with a teapot and cups to Sannan's room.

'Excuse me,I will enter'.I said.

'Enter'.Sannan-san said.

I opened the door and closed it.Sannan-san wasn't at his usuall place with near his bed.I placed the plate on a table and poured the tea in a cup. I walked to him and gave him the tea.

'Lovely as always....Y/n-kun,can you go visit Sakai-kun,I requested for some money..please pick it up from him and bring it to me'.He said. I nodded and departed from Sannan-san room.I walked around the place and saw the sign the blue flag hanging from the latern that hang from the ceiling. I walked to the flag and peered in the room.

'Sakai-kun?'.I asked. A young-mid 18-23 guy turned to me.He had some bangs on his right side of his forhead with a warm smile painted on his face.He seems to write soemthing on a piece of paper on his desk that stood in the middle of the room.

'Oh-You must be Sannan-san's page,nice to see you in person'.He said with a smile,which I returned.

'Yes,and the pleasure to see you too,Sakai-san'.I said.

'I believe you came to collect the money Sannan-san requested'. He asked.

'Hai'.I said. Sakai nodded and got up. He walked to a desser that was againts a wall and opened the second drawer.He took a small package and gave it to me.

'Here it is'.He said.I bowed.

'Thank you Sakai-kun,I will give to Sannan-san.Have nice day'.I said,walking out the room.

'Likewise!'.He said and went back to his work.

I ran back to Sannan-san's room.

'I will enter,excuse me'.I said,sliding the door open. I walked to Sannan-san and gave him the package.

'Thank you'.He said. I begin to walk back but beofre I got take a step....

'Y/n-kun...'.He said.

'Y-yes?'.I asked,turning to him

'If your curious about something,would go follow it...even through a forest with no light?'.He asked,focussing on his desk.

'....if I really want to know,then yes...why...why do you ask Sannan-san?'.I asked.

'......We don't have any clue of where Yukimura-san is even with Chizuru here,meanwhile others are dying because of..*turns to me*....I need to know,even if it mean sacrificing myself'.He said,opening his drawer to take a little bottle with red fluid in it.

'W-what is that?'.I asked,taking a step back while he stood up.

'Without this,I will never know....'.He said before drinking it.

'What?!-Sannan-san!'.I said as Sannan-san begin to gag and bend over.

'Whats wrong?!-Kyaa!'.I yelled as a hand grabbed my neck and pinned me on the floor,he held my head above from the ground.His hair turned white as his eyes went red. I tried to peel off his hand from my neck but it won't butch. I looked around for water but nothing-wel-NO NO NOT THAT

I-I can't breath...

'HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!'.Sannan-san begin to laugh wickedly while I was grasping for air.

'What is happing-Y/N!!!'
I looked to the right and saw Chizuru,loud footsteps were followed,not from her.

I looked at the ceiling as I became weaker and weaker.

'Ch..zuru....Sannan....san'.I softly said as my hands dropped.

Sannan-san then suddely stopped,the red glow leaving his eyes as he dropped me.My head hitting the floor with a thud.Chizuru ran to me,Hijkata-san and the others came.

'Sannan-san!-what the-'.Heisuke said,but everything begin to fade a little bit.

I saw Souji and Saito apprehending Sannan-san.
Chizuru shaking me while yelling my name,the others did it too before I closed my eyes.


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