Chapter 4-We Have A Problem

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Last time

'oooww....T,T'.I said softly.

I took of the mask and hid it in my futon as I tried to sleep,scared of what will happen tommorow.

This time

The next day,morning

Y/n's POV

I didn't sleep last night.What scared me the most last night was that Sannan-san was looking around in the night,he walked past our rooms quietly with a lamp.

I clothes myself and did my hair in a ponytail. I put my sword around my waist.

'Ready?'.Chizuru asked,I nodded and (fake) smiled.
We walked out our room to the kitchen.I smiled and greeted them.

'Goodmorning Souji-kun,Saito-kun!'.I said,Souji waved as he cut the vegetabels.

'Goodmorning'.Saito-kun said.

'Yo,Chizuru,Y/n'.Heisuke said from behind.

'I don't recall giving you two permission to wander around'

We turned around.

'G-good morning Hijkata-san!/Good morning Hijkata-san'.Me and Chizuru said.

He didn't say anything and walked away.

I'm scared.....

I litterally fought with Sannan-san last night.....

hopefully food can ease me a bit U.U

I sat at the usuall place,next to Shinpachi and Chizuru.

But today was different.....

Author's POV

The morning spirit was livily as they all wanted to feed their empty stomachs.Y/n's stomach was filled with axienty what eat her hunger away.

*door slides open*

'S-sannan-san!'.Kodou-san said.

Sannan-san's glasses were a bit fogged up as he closed the door and took a seat next to Kondou-san.

'Sannan-san,why aren't you were your-'.Hijkata-san said but he got cut off.

'My arm is healed'.Sannan-san said what shooked everyone.

'H-how?!That it healed so fast can't be real!'.Heisuke said.Sannan-san's glasses foged up even more.

'Last night..someone came in my room and healed it with water,I fought the person but they escaped....'.Sannan-san said.

'Water?'.Sano said.

'I am grateful for the person for healing my hand but I can't help but wonder......who it is'.Sannan-san said.Y/n slowly hid her hand what had the bite mark of Sannan-san's teeth under her sleeve.

'So thats why you were outside last night,now that I thik about it the pound in the garden didn't had any water in it........'.Hijkata-san said.

'I will get to the bottom of this but for now let's eat'.Sannan-san said. Everybody took their chopsticks.

'Thank you for the food'.Everybody said and digged in.

Y/n ate her food,she was used to this feeling.

When she passed hurt people,she would come to there houses and heal them.

After breakfast,Y/n followed Sannan-san and did the usuall. She bumped into Sannan-san's back.

'owwww-S-sorry Sannan-san!'.She said,caressing her forhead.

'O-oh sorry,Y/n-kun I should have said I would stop walking'.He said with a smile.

Y/n looked past him and looked in his room,everything was just as last night.

Y/n's POV

'...'.I didn't know what to say as I looked what I left behind last night.

'Y/n-kun,please help me clean up,after that we will look around the Headquaters....'.Sannan-san said.

'Hai'.I said. I was brooming the floor while Sannan-san was painting the wood again because there was a waterspot,the water spot outlined Sannan-san's back,actally how he got slammed againts it last night.

'Sannan-san,I'm done'.I said.He turned around with a smile,the paint blended amazing with the rest

'Good,I finished here too,shall we head out then?'.He said,standing up.I nodded.

I walked behind Sannan-san as he walked in to the pound.

'Yesterday I found the person,they used the water of this pound to their advantage,I ran out the room but the person was already gone........'.He said.I nodded,little did he know.....

'They controlled water....that's hard to believe but looking at everything.....'.I said,croaching down near the pound.the dried ground exposed to the world.

'Lets look around the quaters,hopefully we find something'.Sannan-san said.I nodded and followed Sannan-san. We walked around the place,asked others if they saw someone last night but no luck,woohoo.

We returned to Sannan-san's room,I poured some tea in the cup.

Sannan-san smelled the aroma of the tea

'Lavander is it?Thank you Y/n-kun,take a seat,feel free to drink tea'.He said drinking his tea.I placed the teacan on its plate and took a seat,I poured for myself a cup a of tea.

'......they're someone who knew I was hurt.....I think its someone who is part of the Shinsengumi since they knew were I was at the time and how to escape without waking up someone'.He said,eyebrows frowned.

'Did you saw the face?'.I asked.

'No unfortanely,they had a facemask on and a bamboo hat,because it was dark I believe they also wore dark clothes....'He said.

'Excuse me,Sannan-san'.

'Enter'.Sannan-san said,the door opened revealing Chizuru.She bowed.

'Kondou-san summond you to his quaters'.She said.Sannan-san nodded.

'Y/n-kun,you can do your own thing now,I will summon you when I'm done'.He said,I nodded and bowed.He left the room,Chizuru bowed too as he passed her.I stood up and collected the teacups and placed it on the plate.I took a hold of the plate and walked to the door.Chizuru smiled at me,which I returned.We walked together to the kitchen.

'I will take these to the kitchen,are you doing somethin now?'.I asked her.

'No,but I could do the laundry now....'.She said.

'Let's do it together'.I said,entering the kitchen,She nodded.

'Hello Gen-san'.I said,walking in the kitchen.

'Oh,hello Y/n-kun,Chizuru-kun'.He said.

'You can give these to me,Y/n-kun'.He said,taking the plate.

'Thnak you Gen-san,if someone ask were I am,I am helping Chizuru with the laundry'.I said,pointing at Chizuru.

'Alright,thank you,both of you.You guys help alot here in the HQ,I appericate it dearily'.He said,we smiled.

'No problem Gen-san,we like to help you guys out....if you excuse us'.I said,bowing before taking our leave.

Chizuru was washing the clothes while I hang them up.

I placed the white clothing on the wooden frames.

'Oh,new faces'

'Huh?Oh hello...'.Chizuru said,I turned around and saw a guy,redish purple hair,black haori,tight facial structere.He looked alot like Hijkata-san.

'Hello,I believe we never met'.I said.He looked at us from head to toe.

'Thats two must be the pages....why don't we begin by you guys telling me how you even got to be the pages of two important figures of the Shinsengumi?'.He said.

'I belive its a better start by telling each other names,don't you think?'.I thought.

'I believe you two came from Edo,what tricks do you two have on your sleeves?'.He said with a glaring expression

'N-none'.I said

'Takeda,I think thats enough questioning'.Someone said,Sannan-san!!!

He walked to us.

'Y/n-kun,Chizuru-kun....this is Kanryusai Tadeka,He is captain of the fifth devision.He knows alot of Koshu Military Science.....believe me Takeda,they have to tricks under their sleeves'.Sannan-san said.

' think?'.I thought.

Sannan-san turned to us.

'Gen-san told me that you two would be here,He requested you to go to him in the kitchen Chizuru-kun,Y/n-kun come with me'.He said.I waved at Chizuru before departing with Sannan-san.We walked past Tadeka,who glared at me as we passed.

We walked in Sannan-san's room.I closed the door.

'Can you give me the purple book in the shelf'.He said,lightning up a lamp near his desk.I walked to the bookshelf and grabbed the purple book,I looked at the covered,a star with a pentagram.My eyes widen as I stared at the book,he is really searching for answers!!!

'Its a old book,it contains a lot of dark things in it,can I have it?'. Sannan-san said,sticking out his healed arm to me.I nodded and gave him the book.He smiled but it returned to serious as he opened the book.

'I will get some tea,please excuse me'.I said,He nodded and I opened the door and closed it as I got outside. I made my way to the kitchen but bumped into Souji on the way.Before I could hit the ground he grabbed me,I held on his arms.

'Wa-oh Y/n,you okay?'.He asked,I nodded.

'Just got distracted,sorry'.I said bowing and walked past him.I get to the kitchen.

'Hello Y/n!'.Chizuru said.

'Hello Chizuru'.I said,I grabbed a pot and poured water in it,I put it on the firepit and let it boil.

'Soooooo what do you do,did Hijkata-san finally accepted you as his page?'.I asked,grabbed some dried lavander.I placed them in a bowl and begin to stomp them to crumbs.

Chizuru sighed.

'No,I help around with the chores.....'.She said

'Don't worry,plus you get to move around the place alot more,I mostly stick in Sannan-san's room and help him around'.I said,taking the pot with water of the fire and poured a little bit in the teapot,I swirled around so the water get everywhere in the teapot...that way the pot can hold the warmth longer. I poured the lavander in the pot with warm water and stirted around.

Chizuru smelled the tea aroma before asking me something

'Neh-how is Sannan-san excatly?'.Chizuru asked.

I giggled,I took a filter and held it above the teapot,I poured the lavander tea in the filter what kept the lavander pieces in it as the water went through it in the teapot.

'Sannan-san is.....very kind,ye he looks very strict and he is but he is caring and hardworking and holds a lot of responsibilaty like the others'.I said,placing a lit on the teapot.I placed it on a plate with two cups.

'Neh,I will leave now,see you later Chizuru'.I said,walking out the kitchen with the plate.

'Excuse me,I am coming in'.I said.

'Come in'.Sannan-san said.I smiled and slided the door open,I got in and took the plate inside.I closed the door and poured the tea in a cup.I placed the plate on the ground.He looked behind him,hands open.....patiently waiting for me to give him his teacup.I got up and placed the cup on Sannan-san's table,I heard his sniff it in and giggled softly.

'Is there something?'.He asked,turning around.

'A-nothing,nothing enjoy the tea'.I bowing.

'Thank you'.He said,sipping the tea.

I saw that the book was closed and put aside.

'Did you find something?'.I asked.He sighed out.

'No,there isn't a signle page in this book that says something about water'.He said.


'Honstly,I can't believe no one noticed it happening last night....'.He said,I looked at my right palm.

'Don't worry Sannan-san,I believe you will get to the bottom soon'.I said with a smile.

'.....You're right'.He said.


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