Chapter 27: Take a Breath

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The next hour is spent in Chris' arms, his lips on mine possessively the entire time. 

He barely lets me take breaks to breathe before pulling me back to him and my sanity was lost long ago. 

When he flips us over, making him hover over me on the couch as he kisses me, placing himself between my legs, alarm bells go off in my head. 

It takes a second for my mind to start back up again.. And to be frank, being pinned to the couch by Chris Evans is not usually a situation I would ever stop. 

But my instincts are telling me that I should, which is what finally makes me put a hand on his shoulder, pushing him back gently. 

I take a deep breath when his lips leave mine, his brows furrowed in confusion as he looks down at me. 

"Chris," I say breathlessly, "We-we need to slow down.." 

Chris moves back further, giving me space to sit up and lean my back against the arm rest. 

He runs both hands through his hair, his chest moving up and down heavily as he tries to steady his breath. He sits back on his haunches, looking at me with flushed cheeks. 

He nods, "Right. You're right, yeah. We-uh.." he trails off as he looks at me, his eyes running over my face. He whispers, "We need to take it.. slow.." 

I smile shyly when I see his eyes glancing back down to my lips and it makes me tuck my bottom lip between my teeth as I nod at him. 

Chris groans in his chest, his voice low and deep as he speaks, "If you're serious about taking it slow, I'm going to need you to stop doing that. Right. Now." 

I chirp in surprise at his tone and quickly release my lip from it's spot between my teeth.

"Good girl," Chris says casually as he smirks and his words hit me straight in the gut. 

I feel a rush of excitement run through me, erupting into a tingly feeling right beneath my belly button. 

I dart my eyes down when I feel my cheeks heating up and I can hear Chris chuckling softly. 

"I'm sorry," he says, "That was.. inappropriate." 

I smile shyly and look back up at him as I shake my head, "No, no it's fine. Totally fine." 

Chris nods as he watches me, still leaning on his haunches in front of me as his eyes roam over my face. 

"So.." he says hesitantly, "We should probably talk about this.. huh?" 

"About what?" I whisper as I start fidgeting with the hem of my shirt, not meeting his gaze. 

"About whats going to happen now," he replies softly, moving a little closer to me. 

"What do you want to happen?" I ask quietly, keeping my focus on the hem of my shirt. 

I can hear Chris chuckling again before a hand lands on top of mine, bringing it away from the hem of my shirt and up towards him. 

His lips move over my knuckles as he speaks against them, "I want whatever you want. I'll take what I can get." 

I blush profusely and giggle nervously as I look up at him, "Chris, you can't say stuff like that.."

He smiles warmly, kissing my knuckles again, "Why not?" 

"Because you're making me all flustered," I whisper. 

His smile widens, "That's the point." 

I roll my eyes in amusement and mumble, "Asshole," as I watch him turn my hand around before he kisses my palm. 


I make my way back to my room once it gets dark outside. 

I spent the entire rest of the day with Chris, in his hotel room. And despite the dramatic start of the day, I actually feel really good about how it ended once I get back to my room.

We spent most of the time talking, Chris finally being able to tell me more in-depth about himself. 

I listened attentively but every so often felt my gaze wandering as I looked at him. 

My eyes would wander to his eyebrows, moving animatedly as he talked, and then they would trail down to his cheek bones. They would run over the sharp lines of his nose, the softness of his beard and then eventually they would linger on his lips. 

Those pink, pouty lips, the bottom one clearly swollen from being kissed too much. 

And it just made me want to kiss him more, it made me want to sink my teeth into it. 

Which I did, if he didn't beat me to it. 

He would interrupt me in the middle of a sentence to place a chaste kiss on my lips, making me giggle as butterflies erupted in my stomach. 

"Am I talking too much?" I ask him shyly as our lips part. He quickly shakes his head, "No, I just couldn't resist. Please continue." 

The entire time I spend undressing and getting ready for bed in my own room, I think about those moments. I think about the butterflies in my stomach, that warm feeling inside that still hasn't subsided once my head hits the pillow. 

And they're only intensified when I grab my phone and see a message. 

MysteryMan Thank you for today. It was amazing

Amelia You're welcome. I guess I had fun too

MysteryMan Cheeky

I chuckle at his response and furrow my brows. 

Amelia I guess I have to change your name now, huh?

MysteryMan Yeah, you probably should sweetheart

Amelia What should I change it to?

MysteryMan How about 'The most handsome man I've ever seen'?

I laugh loudly and quickly type out a reply

Amelia No, I don't want it getting to your head. Need to keep you grounded

MysteryMan Hahaha

MysteryMan I appreciate that, love

I blush and tuck my bottom lip between my teeth. 

Amelia Goodnight Chris. I had a wonderful time. Sweet dreams

Christopher Sweet dreams darling


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