Chapter 70: First Goodbye

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"I will see you soon, okay? You'll be back in my arms before you even know it." 

I'm looking up at Chris as he says it, the tears pricking at the back of my eyes as I scan his face. 

I can't believe I have to leave already. I don't want to. 

I don't want to go home, I don't want to leave him. I don't want this trip to turn into a memory, I want it to stay the present. I need it to. 

"I'm going to miss you so much," I whisper as I drop my gaze, doing my best to hide the tears that I know will spill over soon. 

We're standing in the parking garage, his hands in mine as he looks down at me, a sad smile playing on his lips. 

Pierre and Taylor are in the car, waiting for me to get in - Taylor is able to come say goodbye to us at the airport. 

Chris - for obvious reasons - is not, which is why I have to have this heartbreaking moment in the middle of a stuffy parking garage. 

"I'm going to miss you more," he whispers, his hand reaching up to cup my cheek before his thumb strokes it softly, "You have no idea." 

I sniffle, mainly in an effort to keep the tears at bay, but instead of holding them back, it triggers them. 

A single tear trails down my cheek as I look up at him and his thumb is quick to react, brushing it off gently. 

"It'll be okay," he whispers, scanning my face, "I will see you soon, I promise. I'll come visit as soon as they'll let me. You know that, right?" 

I nod, sniffling again as I drop my gaze to my feet to hide my vulnerable state. 

But Chris doesn't care. He just leans in, wrapping his arms around me as he plants a kiss on my forehead, mumbling against it, "I love you so much. I'll call you every day until I'm there with you."

I wrap my arms tightly around his waist, holding onto him for dear life because I'm not ready. 

I'm not ready to let go, to leave, I'm scared of what will happen, if anything will change between us. 

Chris' head drops to the crook of my neck, and he nuzzles his face into it as he whispers, "I promise, everything will be okay. I can tell you're worried but please don't be, we'll be okay, baby. I swear." 

I sniffle and nod, trying to compose myself, and he squeezes me a little tighter as he whispers, "Please don't cry bug, I can't take it when you cry.." 

I swallow thickly, trying to force back the tears that are caught in my waterline, whispering, "I'm sorry, I can't help it.." 

"I know honey," he says, pulling back to look at me again, "Don't apologize. I just hate knowing that you're upset." 

I smile sadly at him, quickly wiping a tear off my cheek with the back of my hand before resting it on his chest. 

His features are soft, his eyes glistening slightly and filled with emotion as he looks at me. 

His gaze moves over my face, like he's trying to memorize it, and then he quickly glances down before looking back up at me. 

"I-uhm," he stutters as his hands let go of mine, "I want to give you something.." 

My brows furrow slightly when his hands leave mine, and I immediately reach out for them  again, but then he reaches up to the back of his neck. 

I barely even register what's happening until I see his nimble fingers, holding the gold chain between them as he extends it to me. 

"Want you to have this," he whispers, smiling softly, "Want you to wear it while we're apart." 

My breath hitches at the realization and I quickly shake my head, "Chris, no. I can't take your necklace, it's so important to you, it's-"

"Take it," he quickly interjects, "Please. You can give it back to me when we're together again, if you want. I just want you to have a piece of me with you, always." 

My eyes flicker down to the necklace in his hand. The round gold pendant hanging from it gleams in the harsh light of the parking garage as it slowly spins in circles. 

"Are you sure?" I whisper, looking back up at him.

"Yes," he nods, "I'm sure. Wear it so I can be with you even when we're apart. Please?" 

I consider it for a moment, my heart practically bursting at the thought because I know how important that necklace is to him. It was given to him by his mother, years ago, and the pendant has St. Christopher adorning it. 

I nod quickly, "Okay, yes. Of course I'll wear it. As long as you're sure." 

"I am," he says before he walks behind me, bringing the chain around my neck as he fastens it quickly. I pull my bottom lip between my teeth as I glance down at it, the pendant hanging lower on me than it does on him. 

When I look back up, he's standing in front of me again, the smile on his face fond as he reaches a hand up to cup my cheek. I lean into his touch, my eyes drowning in his as I take him in. 

I need to remember him like this, remember this feeling. 

I have no idea when I will see him again but I'm worried that it could be months before I get to. The thought makes my heart hurt, and I have to stop the irrational thoughts running through my mind at the feeling. 

No, it's not too quick to feel like this. It's okay to be in love. It's okay to trust him, to give yourself to him. It may not work out, and that would hurt as hell, but at least you felt it. 

Even if it doesn't last, at least you'll have felt this

I take a step closer to him, his arms wrapping around me again as I lean my cheek against his chest. 

I take a deep breath, inhaling the familiar scent of him as a calm washes over me. 

My words are a quiet whisper and a hopeful prayer. 

"I'll see you soon. I love you." 


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