Chapter 121: You, me.. And Pierre

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*A/N: I have my first exam out of three today, wish me luck! 

Also I hope you enjoy this chapter full of fluff and lovin' <3 I'm at a point rn where I need some comfort lmao*


Chris and I both start getting ready for dinner around 5pm, Taylor having texted earlier to let us know that him and Pierre would come pick us up so we could all leave together at 6.

I'm in the bathroom, finishing up my makeup and hair, while Chris is getting dressed in the bedroom.

"Do you know where we're going?" I call out through the open door as I finish up my mascara.

"Not really," I hear his voice carry from the bedroom, "Taylor picked it out. But I'm assuming it'll be nice."

I chuckle as I tidy up the counter, putting my makeup back into my bag, "Yeah, probably. Taylor has pretty good taste."

"Mhmm," Chris hums in response before I hear his voice getting closer, "You almost ready? They'll be here in about ten minutes."

"Yeah, just finishing up," I reply as I touch up my hair and tug on my skirt to make it fit right. I'm wearing one of my black pencil skirts that I usually wear for work, but paired with the tight black ruffled top I'm wearing, it doesn't look nearly as professional as usual. I'm also wearing a black laced lingerie set underneath, but Chris doesn't know about that. It's supposed to be a surprise for later.

I spot him in the mirror when he walks into the bathroom, taking just a few quick steps before his hands land on my hips. His eyes meet mine in the mirror before his gaze trails down, taking me in as he hums again, "You look beautiful, sweetheart."

I smile softly, turning around in his hold before I cup his cheek, "So do you, handsome."

Chris chuckles, fingers gripping me tighter as he whispers, "Yeah? You think I'm beautiful?"

His amused tone tells me he doesn't think I'm serious, but I am. 

He is beautiful.

I keep the serious expression on my face as I nod, "Absolutely. Fucking gorgeous."

A faint shade of pink covers his cheeks, a shy smile breaking out on his lips that almost makes me crumble in his hold. The fact that I can make him blush, or shy, even if it's just for a moment, is the most adorable thing in the world.

I let my gaze trail down the length of his body, heart thudding in my chest at how handsome he looks. Even in just a black t-shirt and jeans, he still looks fucking breathtaking, and it makes me think back to when I first went to visit Taylor here, and he had to help me pick out an outfit.

It's really not fair that they look this good with literal minimum effort.

I frown teasingly, "How is it fair that I just spent an hour putting on makeup and doing my hair to look even half decent, and all you had to do was put on a t-shirt?"

He barks out a laugh, arms wrapping around me to pull me into his chest. His face nuzzles into the crook of my neck, mumbling against my skin, "That's not true, baby. You don't look half decent, you look fucking amazing. And way better than me."

I snort, but I can't help but smile at his words, my fingers lazily trailing up and down his back as he holds me close.

"I've had this discussion with Taylor before," I mumble, placing a kiss on his chest over the t-shirt he's wearing, "Being that handsome makes you look good in anything, and it's equally amazing as it is infuriating."

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