Chapter 75: The Power You Hold

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"I'll see you tomorrow, sis," Will says with a smile as he hugs me goodbye, glancing over my shoulder to wave at Chris, "Both of you." 

I smile and nod before closing the door behind him as he leaves.

When I walk back into the kitchen, the first thing I spot is Chris cleaning off the dishes before placing them in the dish washer. 

I cross my arms over my chest as I lean on the door frame, smirking at him, "No one should look that good while doing the dishes." 

Chris chuckles as he glances at me over his shoulder before he turns his attention back to the plates in the sink, "Just figured I'd help out since you made the food." 

I nod and hum, walking over to him before I wrap my arms around his waist and press myself up against his back, "Thank you, that's sweet of you." 

"You're welcome," he replies as I lean my cheek on the back of his shoulder. 

Once he finishes with the dishes, he turns around in my arms, and I quickly slide my hands up his back as I smile up at him, "Hi." 

"Hey," he says with a warm smile, his hand moving up to cup my cheek, "Missed you." 

"Missed you more," I whisper before I lean up on my tiptoes to plant a chaste kiss on his lips. 

I'm about to pull back when his arm snakes around my waist, pulling me closer to him as his hand slides back from my cheek to curl in my hair. 

He deepens the kiss, his lips moving against mine slowly but firmly as a small groan bubbles up in his chest. 

His hand travels down to the side of my neck, curling around it to hold me steady as his tongue swipes over my bottom lip. 

I part my lips for him and he doesn't skip a beat, his tongue instantly finding mine, making me moan into his mouth. 

He groans again at the sound, his hand wandering down my neck to my collarbone, and then I hear him grunt appreciatively when his fingers work their way over my clavicle. 

He pulls away slightly, his forehead resting against mine as he looks down. His fingers find the gold chain around my neck and he pulls it out from under my shirt as he whispers, "You're wearing it." 

I smile softly as I look at his face, but his eyes are locked on the gold pendant as I speak, "Of course I am." 

His fingers gently caress the chain, working their way down to the round pendant before his eyes meet mine again, "It looks good on you. Better than it does on me." 

I snort, "That's a lie. Everything looks better on you." 

He chuckles, shaking his head before he places a gentle kiss on my nose, my cheek, and then my lips, mumbling against them, "You just have no idea of the power you hold, do you?" 

My hands slide around his waist and up his chest to his shoulders, and then through his hair as I whisper, "No. Why don't you tell me?" 

His lips lift into a smirk as his eyes stay locked on mine, "I'm on my knees for you." 

I quirk a brow, matching the smirk on his face as I teasingly say, "Really? I can't tell." 

He smiles mischievously before he pulls back, and then he holds eye contact as he slowly bends down until he's on his knees in front of me. 

My hands stay in his hair, pushing it out of his face as I run my fingers through it while he looks up at me. 

"How about now?" 

I giggle and nod, "Yeah, okay, I see it now." 

"Good," he hums, his hands trailing down the sides of my body slowly. 

His touch sets me on fire, ignites a feeling that I've missed this past week. 

His fingers trail over my waist, my hips and then down my legs, his eyes following where they go. 

Then I feel his warm palms traveling back up over the sides of my legs, to my thighs, working their way under the skirt I'm wearing. 

My breath hitches when I feel his fingers hook in the waistband of my panties, and he hums as he slowly pulls them down my legs, murmuring, "I've missed you so much.." 

I can feel my heart beating in my chest as I watch his face, and when he looks back up at me his eyes are a different color than before. 

They're darker now, his pupils blown so wide that there's only a small ring of blue surrounding them. 

I keep running my fingers through his hair as I whisper, "Missed you more." 

"Not possible," he whispers, his fingers sliding my panties down my legs until they drop on the floor. Then his hands trail back up my legs as he says, "Need a taste, pretty girl. Will you let daddy taste you?" 

I whimper at his words, his hands sliding my skirt up my thighs but pausing when he reaches my hips. He waits for my answer, his tongue darting out to wet his bottom lip as he looks up at me. 

"Yes," I breathe out, nodding, "Please daddy." 

"Good girl," he hums, pushing the skirt up over my hips and ass. 

He groans when I'm exposed to him, his hand sliding down over the back of my thigh before he swiftly lifts it up, placing it over his shoulder. 

"Wet already," he whispers, lifting a hand up to swipe a finger through my folds, "Guess you really did miss your daddy." 

I can feel the excitement pulsing through me when I watch him guide his finger, wet with my arousal, up to his lips. 

He moans when he wraps his lips around it, tasting me, and when his hands slide up my thighs again to grab my ass, he whispers, "Hold on tight, baby. Daddy can't be gentle today." 

And then he pulls me forward, burying his face in my glistening heat. 


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