Chapter 134: Hiking

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I chuckle at Chris' words, "Well, I have a bit more work to do.. And we're supposed to have dinner with your mom and brother later.. So I guess that's what we're doing." 

Chris frowns, "Right, I forgot we made plans for tonight.. But we should do something else, too. How much work do you have left for today?"

I glance over my shoulder, looking over at my little work station arranged on the kitchen island, "Well, I'm actually pretty well on the way so not that much.."

But then I'm reminded of a promise I made earlier when I hear Dodger whine softly from where he's sitting next to Chris and I, looking up at us. 

"Oh!" I exclaim, looking up at Chris, "Shit, I forgot I promised Dodge to take him on a long walk after my meeting, we only went on a short one this morning." 

Chris' brows raise in surprise, "You took him out for a walk this morning?"

I snort while he puts me back down on the floor, my fingers quickly finding the hem of my skirt and pulling it down to cover my exposed behind, "Uh, yeah, of course I did. How long did you think he'd be able to hold it? He was practically vibrating from excitement when I took him outside this morning." 

Chris smiles softly, "Oh, I know how important his morning walk is, trust me. That wasn't my point." 

"Then what was?"

"I just really like the fact that you took him out while I was asleep without even thinking twice about it." 

I frown, tilting my head, "What do you mean? Of course I did, I'm not going to let him stay all cooped up in here, that would be cruel." 

Chris chuckles, his warm hands running up and down my arms soothingly, "No bug, not like that. I meant I really like it that you took him out like it was the most natural thing to do. I don't know, it feels really.. Domestic. In a good way." 

I raise my brows in surprise, "Oh.. Right, I guess you have a point. I didn't really think about it much." 

He grins, "No, I can tell you didn't, that's why I like it so much." 

We keep eye contact as he looks at me, his wide smile plastered to his face. I can feel my cheeks slowly heating up because of the way his eyes glint, and it makes me break eye contact as I chuckle nervously, "Alright, stop it, I get it. You liked it." 

I look down at Dodger, crouching down to pat his head, "You liked it too, huh buddy? Yeah, we had a nice walk but it was too short. Tell your dad we need to go on a longer one." 

Chris follows me down, sitting on the floor to talk to Dodger, and I do the same. Dodger immediately catches on, placing himself between us, tail wagging happily when we both start petting and scratching him. 

"Is there any way we could all go together?" I ask, looking at Chris, "What if we went outside the city, towards the mountains or something? And you wore a hat and sunglasses." 

Chris nods, "Yeah, we might be able to, actually. Remember that spot we went to on our date? It was pretty deserted. We could hike up there, I think that'd be okay." 

"Ooh, and then we could have lunch afterwards!" I add excitedly. 

"Okay, yes we can do that," Chris chuckles at me, "But then you need to finish your work first."

"On it!" I immediately exclaim as I get up, making Chris laugh when I scramble over to my computer to get to work. 


Once I finish my work, Chris and I take Dodger and drive up to the mountains, the same route we went on back when we went on our date. 

We hike in the mountains for a while; the sun is high in the sky, making us walk in the blistering heat, and it doesn't take me long to realize that it's not exactly easy to keep up with Mr. Captain America himself. 

Dodger is having the time of his life, running around excitedly. I chuckle breathlessly - being out of breath because hiking is hard - when he trots back with a huge stick stuck between his teeth, tail moving languidly from side to side. 

"Wow, look at that," Chris praises, taking a sip from his water bottle, "That's a great stick, bud." 

"Good job," I giggle, leaning down to scratch the top of his head when he runs over to me, "Such a good boy. You think dad is gonna let you bring that stick back to the hotel, hm?" 

"Don't even think about it," Chris chuckles, shaking his head as he starts walking forward. 

I pout down at Dodger, who just looks up at me happily, stick still firmly held between his teeth, "Ugh, he's the worst, huh? Such a grumpy daddy.

"Amelia," Chris warns, looking at me over his shoulder from where he stands ahead of me, "You don't want to test me right now, it's hot and I'm hungry." 

I laugh loudly as I walk over to him, Dodger following behind me, and I place a quick kiss on Chris' cheek, "Sorry baby. Let's find some lunch, I'm hungry too." 

He smiles and takes my hand in his, "You sure you're ready to go back?" 

I snort, "Yes, please. I'm practically sticky from sweating so much, and I've been pretending to be in good enough shape to do this, but clearly I'm going to need to start following the Captain America workout going forward." 

Chris barks out a loud laugh as he shakes his head, "Oh god, no, you really don't want to do that. I only do it when I have to. You're perfect just as you are, bug; who cares about hiking anyway, right? Back home we mainly just take long walks or go to the dog park." 

I chuckle, "Okay, if you say so. I had fun though, despite doubting my physical abilities. The view is amazing." 

"Absolutely, it's fucking magnificent." 



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