Chapter 160: Divide

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*N/A: Hi guys. Quick PSA. I will not be writing a Thanksgiving chapter. I contemplated it, and I realized I'm just not comfortable writing about his family in that way, even if it's made up here. I wrote that interaction with Lisa in a long time ago, but where I'm at now with everything going on in the fandom and his personal life, I felt writing it was bordering on too personal, somehow? Especially since his close family isn't in the spotlight so I would be making up personalities for them (even more so than I do Chris, but a lot of his is based off his public persona) so I just felt weird about it. I'm not sure if that makes sense. Instead I decided to just write a little bit about what it was like for Amelia. So we will be skipping over it, but don't worry, there's a lot coming still. I hope that's okay!*


Chris went back to Boston a few days after the premiere. He could have stayed longer, if he wanted to, but Dodger was left with his friend at home and considering I was working during the week, he quickly started missing his best buddy. 

I told him that was dumb of him - leaving Dodger behind, that is. And that I expected him to bring the pup along for next time. 

Thanksgiving crept up on us at a rapid pace, and I finally got the courage to inform my parents that I would be spending it with Chris' family. 

My mom understood, albeit hesitantly, but I managed to sweeten the deal by promising that we would spend Christmas with her and dad, which cheered her right up.

I reluctantly let Chris be in charge of booking the flights for me - he insisted, very very adamantly, and excused it with the fact that, since I was going to be visiting his family, it would only be fair if he paid for it. 

I spent the holiday with his family and it was nice and comfortable. I met his two sisters and his nieces and nephews, and I loved getting to see him in action with the kids. He is just a natural at entertaining and tuning into their needs, and it was clear just how much they loved their uncle. 

I got to get to know his immediate family a lot closer than I thought, the entire event was kept low-key and intimate. I got to hear stories about Chris as a kid, not just from his siblings but also from Lisa, who even brought out the old photo album to show off his embarrassing childhood pictures. 

I didn't get to spend that long in Boston, though. I had to go back home the next day to prepare for work. I spent one night in the place he considers home, and although it was nice to finally see his house and the place where he's from, it felt rushed because I couldn't stick around. 

Chris didn't like that either. It felt harder, saying goodbye and having to go back to New York without him, knowing that he's off work and has all the time in the world to be with me right now. 

But I didn't have a choice, time flying by means that work has been, too. The court case got closer and closer until it finally came time for preliminary hearings, which resulted in the case being bound over to the court. 

Part of me felt ecstatic about going to court - the opportunity of being second chair is something I couldn't pass up, but I also knew it meant even more work than I was already doing. 

In fact, it meant a lot more work than I even initially thought - right at the same time as Chris had finally finished working. Our schedules did not match, at all. 


"So, I won't even get to see you until Christmas?"

I can hear the hint of irritation in his voice as we talk on the phone, my headphones in because I'm still at the office despite it being past 8pm. 

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