Chapter 175: And.. We're Back

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Everything that happens next feels like a blur. 

Once the words leave her lips I barely get to process them before she launches herself at me and her lips meet mine. 

It feels like my brain is short-circuiting. I have dreamt of this, wished for this, for so long now that I can't quite process it. 

My arms wrap around Amelia instinctively, pulling her closer as her lips move feverishly against my own in what feels like a bewildered war. Not for control, but for something else. 

Emotion. Passion. Feeling

It's a fight for our lives, both of us grabbing at the other to get closer despite being flush up against each other. The kiss is beyond anything I've experienced; kissing her has felt incredible each and every time, but this is something else. 

It feels like she's dying and my lips are her only life line. Like she's desperate, pleading, running out of air and the only way to survive is to cling to me. 

It makes my heart soar. 

She scrambles closer, and I go with the motions, doing everything I can to follow her frantic movements to ensure her lips never leave mine. I never want to be without them again. I want them glued to me for eternity. 

She ends up in my lap by the grace of god, and it feels like I've truly been blessed for the first time in my life. Like every hardship I've lived through has led me to this exact moment, to allow myself to feel her again. 

I was split in half the day I left her apartment and I haven't felt whole until this very moment. I could die here, willingly, wantonly, passionately, without a regret in the world. I would choose this to be my eternal resting place, over and over again. To die with her body against mine, feeling the softness of her lips and the beating of her heart, would truly be beyond my wildest dreams. 

Nothing compares to this. Feeling her, smelling her, just being near her has always affected me.

But this is altering my brain chemistry, it's altering the cells in my body, my entire being. How I ever survived an entire month without her, or even just an hour, I'll never know. 

This is how it's meant to be. I can feel it. The universe is telling me so. 

My fingers dig into her skin possessively while my tongue pushes into her mouth, tangling with her own. 

If this isn't heaven then I don't want to go. If this is limbo, let me stay here. 

But then my mind explodes. Her hands are on me, dragging over my skin, pulling me closer; and that's when I know heaven could never compare. 

We are back. We are so fucking back. Did we ever even leave? 

Fucking hell, I need more, I need everything.

I need to be molded to her forever, like a piece of stone in a building. I want to be part of her, I want to claim her, I want to be inside of her, in every which way that is possible. 

"Fuck, I've missed you so much." 

The words that leave my lips come out in a mix of a groan and a grunt, mumbled and disoriented since I refuse to stop kissing her for long enough to speak a proper sentence. 

The whimper I earn in return is like music to my ears. I've missed the sounds she makes when I touch her, the sounds she lets out when she feels me. It's like I have them memorized and yet they're so far away, I crave hearing every little noise she can possibly make. 

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