Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven: Alice's p.o.v

The sun was beginning to rise, painting the room with a soft orange glow. I felt a sharp pain shoot through my shoulder as I began getting up. My body felt limp and weak, rendering me useless to my own weight. My first attempt to get up failed- I caved in on myself, my legs not strong enough for my weight. I steady myself with the desk and slugged out the room. The clock above the door read 9:30. I've already missed my first period calculus class. I splashed some cold water on my face to wake me up and stared in the mirror. My face was scattered with the discoloration of bruises; luckily, it was easily covered up with some makeup. I slid on a sweat shirt and some jeans then headed for school. As soon as I stepped outside, my phone buzzed with a text from Willow.

Where are you? You never came out when we came to pick you up.

I threw my phone into my messenger bag, not bothering to text back, and headed out.

Last night was terrible. I should have stayed with Noah. Hell, I would havebeen better off staying with Dalton Young. I hated that I couldn't tell Noah- I don't want to keep anything from him. When I'm with Noah, everything seems better. The world becomes a more bearable place. His arms feel so safe and welcoming; being with him feels like home. I'd never thought I'd end up being so in love with someone like Noah- a popular jock doesn't usually suit a socially awkward girl so well. But it feels so right. It feels like we're two peices in this massive puzzle of life that fit together so perfectly and are completely meant to be.

As I was walking into the school, the second period bell rang. I found Willow by my locker and explained to her that my alarm never went off this morning, and I was sorry for making her and Logan wait for me when I never came. Noah passed me in the hall and didn’t acknowledge me. Not a wave or a smile- not even a glance. Absolutely nothing. I kept my head down as I picked through my locker for my Biology textbook and dashed off to class. The late bell rang as I was walking into the room. Noah sat in his usual desk, right across from me. His eyes were intently staring at the blank sheet of paper in front of him, avoiding eye contact with me. He seemed upset with me. Was it something I did? I slumped back into my desk and listend to Ms. Snipes lecture about animal behavior.

As soon as the bell rang, Noah was surrounded by a herd of sweaty football-playing oafs. Desperate to talk to Noah, I pushed my small, fragile frame through the sea of massive, meaty men to him. He glanced at me then quickly looked away.

I gave him a small smile. “Hey, Noah." He kept his eyes away from mine- looking everywhere at everything to avoid eye contact. The crowd around him dissipated as the first bell rang, and we moved into the hall, avoiding the flood of stundents rushing to class.

Finally, he speakes. “Hi," he mumbled, keeping his voice low. He sounded like a completely different person.

“Whats wrong? Why are you avoiding me?”

He finally looked at me. His eyes were sad, but his expression was cold. “You left me last night. For Dalton Young, Dalton. Young. Of all people. Why?”

My stomach somersaulted. "I'm confused. Noah, what're you talking about?"

"Alice, don't lie. You know what I'm talking about. He's been telling everyone how much 'fun' you two had last night. Is it true?"

“Noah, no! Nothing happened!" I could see his expression soften at that. "My dad had called me and told me to come home, but on my way home, Dalton stopped me and asked if I wanted to grab a bite. I only agreed so I wouldn't have to be at home. I'm sorry, Noah, nothing happened! I'm so-"

“It’s okay, I believe you.” He cut me off. He opened his arms up and welcomed me in his strong embrace. I breathed in his scent and relaxed. It was calming. It felt right.

"Where is he? I want to slit his throat and ki-"

“I don’t know, but it’s fine! Don't be so rash, darling.”

I broke out of his embrace to find Dalton. My face was hot with anger. Nothing happened last night; therefore, my name should remain out of his vocabulary. When I spotted him lean up against the lockers with some of his friends, I stormed over and pushed through, coming face to face with him.

“What the hell, Dalton. Why are you telling rumors about our 'fun' last night?”

“Rumors? Oh, sweet checks, they're not rumors.”

He had this smug look on his face that made me want to break his nose right here, right now. I exhaled sharply. “You hit on me, basically harassed me, and tried to take me out to eat. Luckily, I immediately realized what an ass you are. So stop trying to pretend like anything happened.”

I turned on my heel and bolted down the hall. Running felt good. It was a temporary escape. I ignored the burning sensation in my legs and ran until the long hall ended and spilled into the gym. I looked around for Willow and Logan or Noah. I spoted Noah on the bleachers with the rest of the team. His eyes met mine, and he rushed down to meet me. I almost wanted to avoid him. All of my emotions rushed over me in one big wave. Last night with Noah. The run in with Dalton. My father. I felt completely stripped and weak from the hurt Sleep was tugging at my eyelids, making it more difficult to keep them open. Tears clouded my vision. I turned and left the gym, Noah right on my heels.

“Alice, wait up.”

I couldn't let him see me. Not like this. I picked up my pace and jogged. My legs felt like they could give out at anytime, but I kept going until I reached the restroom. I wiped any trace of a tear away and splashed cold water on my face. Through the makeup, you could seem some slight discoloration from the bruises on my forehead and jaw. I backed away from the mirror and slumped again the wall, letting myself cave in.

The door swung open. Noah was on the other side. He peeked his head in, ensuring there was no one else in here, then entered. He crouched down beside me, “Alice, what happened?" He gently brushed my hair out of my face and noticed some bruises. "Who did this to you?"

I couldn't tell him. I wanted to so much; I needed to so much. But I couldn't. Tears completely blurred my vision and slowly streamed down my cheek. He quickly brushed them away and kissed my cheek. "It's okay, dear. Was it him?" I shook my head and he brushed away another stray tear. "I'm right here."

I couldn’t tell him about the him that did do it, and that broke my heart. I felt more tears but choked them back. Then, I realized something. Noah was now sitting next to me; I turned to face him. For a few moments, we just looked at each other and let the comfortable silence wrap around us. I looked in his eyes, and I knew he cared out me. I could feel it. He truely cared about me. I wraped my arms around his neck, holding his embrace for as long as I could. He is here. He's here and he cares and he wants me to be okay and I know he can help me. And I realize. I love him. I really do.


New Years resolution: finish this piece of work.

Love you, babes. <3



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