Bruised and Broken: Chapter Twelve

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  • Dedicated to You(:

Recap: [Cecily's p.o.v.]

                "Cecily," he grabbed my hand and looked me straight in the eye, "Who. Did. This?"

                "I did. I ran into the corner of a table and fell. I'm fine," intimidated, I looked away, avoiding further eye contact.

                "Cecily, tell me!" He sounded frustrated.

                "No, Jaylon." I looked down at my hands, "No, just leave.


~*Chapter Twelve*~

~*Jaylon's p.o.v*~

                Why wouldn't she tell me? I thought she could tell me anything. Following her command, I left the room and went down to the cafeteria to find Trey and Carlos. Of course, they were in the cafeteria; Trey staring at his phone, Carlos scarfing down the piles of food in front of him. I pulled up a chair and sat down with a sigh.

                "Is she okay?" Trey looked up from his phone.

                "5 cracked ribs, sprained left ankle, and a punctured lung. She needs surgery for the lung, but she won’t let me pay for it," I rested my chin on my fist, "She also won't tell me how it happened."

                "Why won't she tell you?" Carlos asked with a mouthful of hospital food.

                "I don't know," I slammed my fists down on the table. "I thought she would tell me everything..."

                "Oooooohhhh," Carlos swallowed and slapped my shoulder," You like her. You want to hold her. You want to date her, you want to ki-"

                "Shut up!" I cut him off before he went too far. I mean… maybe it was true. Maybe I did like her. Well, you and I both know… it’s obvious. Yes. I love Cecily Kingston. You know how much? Enough to pay for her surgery. I just want her to be okay. Well, and I want to know who did this to her. Whoever it was, they deserve to have worse. Who would do that to anyone?! After a while, I realized I was just staring blankly and my hands.

                “Uh… Jay? You okay, man?” Trey put his hand on my shoulder.

                “I’m fine,” I pushed away from the table and stood up with a groan. “I’ve gotta go, if the doctors say anything call me.”  Speed-walking, I pulled my keys out of my jacket pocket.


               I used the time it took to get home to clear my mind. There was just too much going on. I was exactly paying attention so, I almost missed my house. I made a very sharp turn into my driveway. My mom was in the kitchen cooking when I walked in the door.

               “Hey, honey. How is she?” she said sweetly, as I took a seat at the table. Yes, I tell my mom everything. She’s pretty much my best friend. Who said you can’t be best friends with your mom?

               “She needs surgery.”

               “Oh no. What for?”

               A lump grew in throat just thinking about Cecily having to have surgery. “Collapsed lung.” 

               “Aw, honey,” She walked over and put her hand my shoulder, “I’m so sorry.”

               “Eh,” I rested my chin in my hands. “The only thing is, she can’t afford surgery.”

               “Oh, how much?”

               “5 thousand…” I waited for the gasps and yells, but she simply sighed.

               “So, let me guess. You offered to pay and she said ‘no’?”

               “Ah, you know me so well.”

                “Don’t I?”

                “So… what do I do?” Oh gosh… I just asked my mom for advice. No, being best friends with your mom isn’t bad. Yes, it is bad to ask your mom for advice. 

                “I don’t know, honey. You’re gonna have to take this one on your own.”  YAY. ON MY OWN. My phone buzzed in my pocket, causing me to jump.  It was Trey.  I answered it the second I read the name.

                “Hello? Is she okay? Did the doctors say anything? Did she say ‘no’ to the surgery? Is-“

                “Slow down,” Trey cut me off,” She’s fine, no they didn’t say anything, and no she didn’t say ‘no’ just yet.”

                “Just yet?”

                “She told the doctor she’s have an answer by 1.” It’s 12:30… I have 30 minutes to get the money… GREAT.

                “Okay, on my way,”  I wrote a quick note to explain to my mom where I was going (more importantly, what I was doing with my personal money) and ran out the door.  I don’t care what she says, she’s having the surgery, I’m paying for it, and she will

be okay.


Well? I uploaded! I'm sorry it's short... again :/ but I have a bad writer's block. I hope you like it! I tried something a little different (Jaylon's p.o.v) I AM NOT A MALE so if there are any "wrong" details for the male's p.o.v, I tried my best. (:


Peace babes ^.^






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