Chapter 9

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Syble (Magnolia)

The way the alphas look at me makes me think they expected a fight.

"I'll brief the trackers. Varian, show her to the training center." Ro says.

"If you don't need me, Rohanor, I think I'll accompany Syble and Varian." Says Incandis.

Ro nods in agreement and the three of us leave him in his office heading off for the training center.

Turns out I was right last night, the warehouse building down the path from the manor is where all the training equipment and classes are held. The building is deceptively small. Inside there are two floors, the bottom is filled with all kinds of equipment; free weights, medicine balls, treadmills, ellipticals, ropes, bikes, and an assortment of other weight lifting equipment. From the first floor you can look up into the second floor. There's a large oval opening where people can run around an indoor track. Varian explains that there are rooms upstairs along the wall for various classes.

On the far side there's a set of double doors that lead into a tunnel which opens up into a much larger domed area. I can smell the pool before I can see it, the chlorine making the air thick. Here there are also locker rooms fitted with spa amenities like jacuzzi tubs, saunas, and steam rooms. It's an impressive set up which is why I'm unsure of why they need my help.

"This is all very impressive." I say to Varian sincerely. "It looks like you have more than enough training equipment here, why do you need me?"

Varian lowers his voice, "my father didn't believe in allowing women to train, he never allowed it. When we took over we began encouraging everyone, men and women, to train in combat skills. It's been met with mixed reception. Not many of our warriors have the patience to train the women's classes so Ro and I have been pulling double shifts for months. Perhaps they'd feel more comfortable learning from another woman, and not their alpha."

"That's awfully considerate of you." My tone is sharp, perhaps sharper than I intended. I stalk off a little ways away to warm up, still within earshot of Varian and Incandis.

Incandis sighs, "don't mind her. Back home, things are different than here. Women rule in our colony, led by our matriarch. They're strong, fearless,...revered. We'd go to any lengths to defend her — er, them. Defend them."

I don't hear Varian's response. But I'm sure it's something condescending. I don't get the sense that he's all-in on the women training front, that he's doing it to appease them. Pity training. Well, when I get done with these women they'll be able to put anyone on their knees.

The thought of sparring against the alphas rushes through me. I'm sure, besides Incandis, that those two are the only ones that pose any real challenge for me. I wonder, given their feelings towards women, if they'd even entertain a fight. I make a mental note to ask about that later.

As I'm warming up, women start trickling in for training. Some disregard my presence completely while others are visibly wary. The trickle of people halts and I count twenty five women. They look on the younger side, young adults perhaps.

Varian and Incandis come up next to me so they're standing on either side of me. I smile appreciatively at Incandis, sometimes it seems like he treats me more as his queen than his sister, but perhaps when things settle down he'll stop being so formal. I sense Varian's eyes on me and I peek up at him, the hint of a smile still on my lips quickly vanishes at the sight of him frowning down at me.

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