Chapter 36

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Happy Friday my friends!

Enjoy the newest chapter, it's the longest one yet.

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The only thing more breathtaking than Magnolia's fiery eyes is the way my brothers look at her, seeing her properly for the first time. It's like I no longer exist, they are in their own world, staring intently at one another.

Well, this got uncomfortable real quick. I can sense my brothers' wolves clawing for control to complete the mating, not to mention the room is at least 10 degrees warmer than it was moments ago.

I stand up from the couch and try to take my leave before they jump each other, "yeah, I think I'm just gonna go find the kitchen. You three have fun."

When I get back downstairs I realize how completely lost I am, this palace is huge. The hallways are 12 feet wide and ceilings are 20 feet tall so the dragons can fly through the place quickly. Rather than get even more lost, I decide to follow Magnolia's scent back to her office.

I'm relieved when I approach her door that I can smell Incandis nearby. I enter her office with a soft knock as I open the door slowly. Incandis is sitting with another male on the balcony outside.

"Hey Kat, back so soon?" Incandis gestures for me to sit with them.

I shrug noncommittally, "yeah, I just went to see if she was okay."

"The Alphas leave too?"

I blush furiously because they're nowhere near leaving, I'd be surprised if they ever let her out of their sight again. "Nope, no, they're uh... they're still there, talking."

"She's supposed to be on bed rest." The guy sitting next to Incandis mutters to himself.

Oh she's in bed alright.

He stands up abruptly, golden wings spread wide, "I'm going to go see her, make sure she's resting."

"No!" I shout in panic. If he were to interrupt two alphas mating with their Luna, he'd never live to tell the tale. My brothers would kill him in an instant. "Sorry, what I mean is she just asked me to leave. She said she needed to talk to them... alone."

"Xan, she'll be alright. I'm sure they'll let her rest, let's leave her be for now. We can bring her up some dinner later." Incandis offers by way of placating his friend.

Xan mutters his disapproval and takes off for the skies.

He exhales a frustrated sigh and covers his face with his hands before running them up through his hair. "I just lied to my best friend, didn't I?"

He refuses to meet my eye but I can sense his guilt. I scoot closer to him hoping my proximity is enough to comfort him even a little bit.

"No, I mean, bed rest...couch rest...what's the difference really?"

He shoots me a doubtful look. I want to put his mind at ease but it's not my place to tell him about them being mates. The truth is, she'll heal faster by their side than she would alone on bed rest. Their bond will give her body the energy it needs to repair itself.

If I can't tell him the truth then at least I can distract him.

"What's his problem anyway?" I ask, unable to censor my curiosity.

Incandis sighs again but leans back against the bench, relaxing into the cushion. "The colony is anxious. They've felt her absence this past week, and coming home injured like she was didn't do anything to settle their nerves." He shrugs and gives me a tight smile. "He misses her."

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