Chapter 41

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Happy Monday!

No it's not deja vu - it's two updates in the same day!

So if you haven't read Chapter 40, go do that now! 

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Magnolia (Syble)

"You've got a little something on your neck there, Mags." Incandis gestures to his own neck pointing out where it's located on me.

I swipe at my neck lazily, stretching out my arm to get a look at what Incandis is referring to. A scarlet streak of blood stains my fingertips causing a smirk to tug at my lips.

My possessive Alphas.

"Are those bite marks?"

My grin widens and a warm glow radiates through my chest. "Yeah, they've got their tails in a twist over Xander. They're very territorial."

"How did Xander take the news?"

"He was sweet about it, he's happy for me." A laugh escapes my mouth. "But his new mission in life is to rile them up."

"I can't imagine that's hard to do." He says with a hint of sarcasm.

"No, not at all. Hence the biting — marking what's theirs." My voice trails off at the memory of their canines sinking into me and how surprisingly good it feels.

"Alright, that's about all I can stand to hear about my baby sister and her boyfriends. Let me bring in Elder Rimori."

It's not long before Incandis escorts in a weathered looking woman. She's tall and slender, black hair pulled back in a braid with several rogue strands framing her hollowed cheeks. I shake her hand, quickly masking my shock at her frigid skin. Like the fire within her is dying out.

"I appreciate you coming out again on short notice. We had an unfortunate run in with some other dragons yesterday, and I'm hoping you've brought me the answers you promised."

"Yes, my child, I am sorry for departing the way I did when last I saw you. When your father called on the Elders, he reported that he was contacted by the king of Drow Hollow. This was extremely alarming as the Drow have long since been considered...eradicated." Her face remains neutral as she speaks.

"What do you mean eradicated?"

"Over two millennia ago the Drow were rapidly rising in power. They lived in underground strongholds containing a labyrinth of caverns, perpetually shrouded in darkness. Souls born to darkness became corrupted by it, soon they began waging war on other colonies. They were skilled fighters, using shadows to conceal their movements in battle. They also had a high resistance to poison and magic making them nearly impossible to kill."

"Then how were they eradicated?"

She locks eyes with me, unblinking, like she wanted to stare straight through to my soul.

"The Drow weren't the only dragons thought to be extinct. There was one other — The Fey. Each existed to balance the other. At our last meeting, I saw in your eyes something I haven't seen since the first wars. It shows in your eyes even now..." Her words are but a whisper towards the end, conspiratorial.

"The only thing the Drow couldn't escape were the Flames of the Fey. When the Drow died out, so too did the Fey gene. I left you last week because I needed to confirm my initial suspicions. I pored through the ancestry archives..."

An odd expression flashes across her face, like guilt, remorse.

"You're the last of the Fey, the last Fey female. It's why your eyes harbor those green flames — Fey Fire."

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