Chapter 42

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Happy Wednesday :)

This was originally going to be the final chapter but don't worry there's one more.

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Magnolia (Syble)

More than a week has gone by, ten days of planning and researching and little action. Elder Rimori's words haunt my dreams. Everyday I become a little more tired, everyday a little angrier. Not even the twins' touch has been able to soothe this feeling for long.

"That's it, we're rescheduling." Ro throws his hands up in exasperation.

I don't meet his eyes, rather I continue using my fork to push my breakfast around on my plate like I've done for almost every meal the past few days.

"Why would we do that?" Exhaustion hugs every syllable I speak.

"Because you're wilting away in front of me, Mags." His words bite at me like the lash of a whip.

"What Ro is trying to say, Love, is that maybe we should wait to announce our mating to the pack. Incandis and Xander worry that it may be overwhelming."

Still staring at my plate my only reaction is the slow lifting of a single eyebrow. "And what do you think? You think I'll be overwhelmed by a simple meet and greet?"

"We'll be announcing you as Luna of the pack, people will be excited to speak to you. They'll expect a mating ceremony shortly after the announcement." Ro replies.

The twins have been traveling back and forth between the grove and Shadowmoon all week with help from Incandis and Xander. They have a pack to run, and I have a colony to manage. I've evaded conversations about how to merge our lives because it's nearly impossible for me to think about the future when my family still isn't whole.

"No, we should do it. They've waited long enough." I give them a weak smile, the best I can manage.

Ro sighs at me, wrapping his arms around me and lifting me off the chair. "I hate seeing you this way, spitfire. I promise we'll bring them home." I wrap my arms around him and nod against his neck.

He sets me back down on my barstool and steps into the space between my legs. With his hands on either side of my face he presses his lips to mine, softly, lovingly, trying his best to absorb the lingering ache in my heart and bear the burden himself.

He releases me and steps back to make way for his brother. Varian steps into the space Ro previously occupied and spins my chair so my back is to the counter. I'm trapped between his arms which rest on the counter on either side of me. His kiss is rougher, filled with longing — longing for me to be whole again, for our lives together to move forward without all this turmoil.

Before he turns away he kisses my forehead. "We're going to head down to Shadowmoon now, we have a few quick meetings and then we're going to start setting up for the pack dinner tonight. You'll have Incandis drop you off by 5?"

I nod my head and watch them disappear down the hall. I give up on my food, any appetite I might have had has vanished into thin air. I can't stomach anything right now. Instead I make my way over to my office to continue my research of the archives.

I fly down to my office and swoop in through the balcony. The lovely scent of flowers wafts through the air and I find its source sitting on my desk. A large vase sits in the center of my desk containing white roses and magnolia flowers. For a second my anxiety melts away and I forget everything except how ridiculously supportive Ro and Varian are, and the lengths they will go to see me happy.

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