Chapter 16

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Syble (Magnolia)

"Sorry to keep you waiting Alphas, Syble. What brings you in today?" Dr. Logan is younger than I expected. She's shorter than us, but not by much, and her smile is warm and sincere.

"Syble here broke several bones during training today, primarily her ribs."

"Not to worry, let's take a look." She smiles at me before giving an expectant look towards Varian and Ro. "Excuse me Alphas, did you wish to wait outside?..." She probes them.

Ro's face heats with embarrassment, it's the first time I've ever seen him caught off guard. I don't think he had any intention of leaving me alone with Dr. Logan.

He clears his throat, regaining his equilibrium, but before he can say anything I am inexplicably compelled to interject. "It's fine, I don't mind. They can stay."

Varian releases a tense breath and Ro visibly relaxes. Man, and I thought Incandis was overprotective. Incandis I get though, I understand his motives and reasons for doing things – well, for the most part anyways. The twins, however, are more difficult to figure out. But then again I haven't really spent much time with them and what little time we have spent together has consisted of training.

I hop onto the exam table and strip off my shirt, leaving me in my sports bra, so Dr. Logan can see my ribs better. She runs her fingers along my torso, palpating each rib for cracks, breaks, and bruises but I know she won't find any. I have incredibly fast healing and regeneration, I could tell my ribs were healed before we even left the training center. Dr. Logan's face is serious as she examines me, carefully concentrating on what she's doing. She goes over my ribs twice after finding nothing the first time around. I smile to myself wondering what the Alphas' reactions will be when she tells them they were overreacting and nothing is wrong with me.

"Alright my dear you can put your shirt back on. I didn't feel any cracks or breaks, in fact I didn't see a single bruise. Perhaps the impact sounded worse than it was." She smiles kindly at me before turning to address Ro and Varian. "She's in perfect condition, Alphas. Is there anything else I can do for you before I release her?"

Ro and Varian look bewildered, frantically looking between Dr. Logan and me, trying to process what she said. Varian finally thanks and dismisses her.

"I told you I was fine."

"How?" Ro's voice barely above a whisper. "I heard every break, every snap. Any wolf would have taken at least a day to heal from that kind of damage."

I shrug, unsure of how much I want to tell them. "How do you explain how quickly wolves can heal? It's just something that is. Sometimes it feels like I'm leaching energy from enemies, draining them of their stamina, but who really knows."

They nod thoughtfully, mulling over my explanation. "So, you dragged me over here, and I'm perfectly fine, now you owe me a duel." I say cheerfully, hopping down from the exam table and slipping my shirt back on.

"Not so fast, little spitfire, we have all day for that. We realized we've never given you a proper tour of the grounds. Why don't we show you around since the center is being used for training and then we can go back later when the crowds disperse?" Varian asks me.

The thought of going back to the training center slowly inflames me. I'd have to face Incandis and his need to reconcile. I begin to realize that the more time that passes since leaving with Ro and Varian, the less restless and angry I feel. Maybe they're right, maybe I just needed a break. Either way, I think Incandis can wait a few hours.

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